英語小說閱讀0402《暮光之城 暮色》第五章09 附單詞註釋

  "The Red Cross is having a blood drive in Port Angeles next weekend, so I thought you should all know your blood type." He sounded proud of himself. "Those of you who aren't eighteen yet will need a parent's permission — I have slips at my desk." He continued through the room with his water drops. I put my cheek against the cool black tabletop and tried to hold on to my consciousness.

  All around me I could hear squeals, complaints, and giggles as my classmates skewered

their fingers. I breathed slowly in and out through my mouth.

  "Bella, are you all right?" Mr. Banner asked. His voice was close to my head, and it sounded alarmed.

  "I already know my blood type, Mr. Banner," I said in a weak voice. I was afraid to raise my head.

  "Are you feeling faint?" "Yes, sir," I muttered, internally kicking myself for not ditching when I had the chance.

  "Can someone take Bella to the nurse, please?" he called.

  I didn't have to look up to know that it would be Mike who volunteered.

  "Can you walk?" Mr. Banner asked.

  "Yes," I whispered. Just let me get out of here, I thought. I'll crawl.

  Mike seemed eager as he put his arm around my waist and pulled my arm over his shoulder. I leaned against him heavily on the way out of the classroom.

  Mike towed me slowly across campus. When we were around the edge of the cafeteria, out of sight of building four in case Mr. Banner was watching, I stopped.

  "Just let me sit for a minute, please?" I begged.

  He helped me sit on the edge of the walk.

  "And whatever you do, keep your hand in your pocket," I warned. I was still so dizzy. I slumped over on my side, putting my cheek against the freezing, damp cement of the sidewalk, closing my eyes. That seemed to help a little.

  "Wow, you're green, Bella," Mike said nervously.

  "Bella?" a different voice called from the distance.

  No! Please let me be imagining that horribly familiar voice.

Skewer 刺穿

英語小說閱讀0402《暮光之城 暮色》第五章09 附單詞註釋

















“貝拉?”另一個完全不同的聲音從遠處傳來。 不!這個熟悉得可怕的聲音可千萬得是我的幻覺。

