

Blue Breath


2018 葡萄牙/芬兰/法国 78分钟 葡萄牙语

导演: Rodrigo Areias


The Azorean fishermen were challenge to control their fish exploitation. The decrease in 90% of the European Union fishing quotas took all fishermen by surprise. There is one inevitable confront between the poor fishing communities, political strategies, international relation and, at the end, the attempts of saving the seas biodiversity.

一句话简介 :


Film Synopsis

Blue Breath is a documentary film impregnated with fiction. Part of the documental book adaptation about the life of the Portuguese fishermen covering all the coastline from North to South, finding parallelism between the actuality and the life written by Raúl Brandão 100 years ago. The objective is to bring real life and real characters to the film, building from the book structure and trying to fictional parts of the book that find common ground with the life our characters live today. It will be a film with two layers, the first about the life and stories of modern day fishermen, seen at the light of another, the stories written in “The Fishermen”, which will be interpreted by our real characters according to their life stories.


《蓝色呼吸》是一部浸染了虚构情节的纪录片。其中一部分来自于纪实文学的改编,这部纪实文学是关于葡萄牙从北到南的所有海岸线上的渔民的生活,找到了100年前Raúl Brandão所描写的生活和现实之间的相似性。


RaulGermanoBrandão (1867年3月12日,位于波尔图的 Foz do Douro ,1930年12月5日, 里斯本 )是葡萄牙作家 , 记者和军官,以其文学描写的真实性和他的语言的抒情性而闻名。 Brandão出生在波尔图的一个教区Foz do Douro,在那里度过了他大部分时光。出生在一个水手家庭中,海洋和水手是他作品中反复出现的主题。(维基百科)

This way we intend to emphasize the non evolution of life of this so important Portuguese community against all the evolution that surrounds us. It intends to be a poetic film that reflects the beauty of Raul Brandão’s words in images and sounds. But above all a film about the people.

我们要强调的方向是,那种生命的非进化论是如此重要,葡萄牙人的社群抵制我们周围充斥的所有进化论。开始就是想做一部诗意的电影,用画面和声音来表现Raul Brandão的文字之美,但最重要的是,这是一部关于人的电影。


Inspired by two Raul Brandão's works (Os Pescadores, 1923; and As Ilhas desconhecidas, 1926), Rodrigo Areias take us to the fishing community of Ribeira Quente, at S. Miguel Island, Azores archipelago, to compose a patchwork of wandering narratives that intersect people, characters and ghosts that coexist in this singular and complex territory. Halfway between the anthropological and the poetical, Hálito Azul depicts this specific space and the people who live there (who live and die at the sea) and that have been moulding it, during centuries, according to their necessities. But it's also interested in the inverse process, for the fascination fuelled by the man about local superstitions and mysticism. (Paulo Cunha)

受到劳尔·布兰多两部文学作品的启发(《渔民》1923年、《未知群岛》1926年),罗德里戈·阿里亚斯(Rodrigo Areias)带我们到达亚速尔群岛上的米格尔岛那里的里贝拉·昆特渔村,建构了一个漫游叙事的混杂物,由共存于这个非凡和复杂的领地上的人群,主要人物和幽灵们交织而成。



(采访:郑琼-ZQ 回答:Rodrigo Areias—RA)

ZQ: When did the idea of the film Blue Breath start? How did it come up to your mind?


RA: It started by me wanting to make a film on Raul Brandão, the Portuguese writer from the beginning of the 20th century. Despite knowing his work quite well, after I went through his archives, I felt like that it was too much to make one film. So I decided to focus on The Fishermen a documentary book that was released on 1923. Where he described in very meticulous detail the life and craft of the Portuguese fishermen and at the same time gave extremely poetic descriptions of the ocean, the fish, the birds or landscape. So I tried to convey the same spirit of the book into the film. In a very personal way.


ZQ: Before starting shooting, did you have a clear mind about the film structure? Is the current structure same to your original thought?


RA: I had no idea of what film I was going to do when I started. I knew that I wanted to use the writer’s words somehow, that I wanted to show the reality of the fishermen and that I wanted to do it in the most remote fishing community of Portugal, in the Azores Islands. But the film was in constant mutation until the end. The version that was screen in Locarno was not the final version…


ZQ: Did you feel confused in the beginning for too many characters in a film? How did you select who would be your main characters? Or you just quit the idea with taking a regular approach which allows you keep 2-3 characters in a film?


RA:I didn’t feel confused. I felt sorry that several characters that I have been shooting had to be lost in the editing. But that is normal on a documentary… My idea was never to have characters on the film, was that the community would be a character. It’s the place that is the main character, then some of the inhabitants came out naturally.



ZQ: It is a very smart to plant the girl who is an observer in the film into the whole structure, how did you get this idea? As well as the man in the lighthouse who used to be a singer? How did this idea come up? How long did you work out the current structure for this film?


RA:The idea of the girl as an observer came out to me after the first week we spent shooting the fishermen. They all mentioned the importance of the observers on their community. That is due to the prohibition of the dolphin and whale fishing back in the 80’s. So they have regular observers that come with them on the sea. Since there was no observer expected while we were shooting, I decided to create one. For them was the same thing, since it’s always some one strange to them that stays for a couple of months and then leaves. I just understood that being a woman was always harder on them, and so I decided to take an observer with us.


ZQ: How did you make decision to shoot some fishing scenes, or not to shoot? How did you do your research on this point?


RA:I started the shooting by being with the fishermen preparing for fishing, which takes for several days, and then on the unloading. My research included their perspective, the information available on traditional fishing and the participation of the fishing authorities. But mainly spending time with the fishermen was my research.


ZQ: Which part is fictional in the film? Which part is non-fictional?


RA:I don’t know for sure. If you exclude the mermaid and the lighthouse keeper, everything is real. The teacher is really a teacher, the fishermen are really fishermen, they sing, they drink, they have their religious festivities… I never know who’s acting… It’s like Nanook of the north, we know he is always acting, but we consider that a documentary.




《北方的纳努克》(英语:Nanook of the North)是1922年罗伯·佛莱厄提执导的无声纪录片。此片中主要记载北极圈的原住民-爱斯基摩人的日常生活,例如与白人的毛皮交易、冰天雪地中捕鱼、猎海象等等南奴克家族艰苦奋斗的一天,记录了许多不为外人所知的画面。1989年,《北方的纳努克》因其在“文化、历史和审美方面的显著成就”,成为第一批被美国国会图书馆列入国家电影登记部下属的国家电影保存委员会保护电影名单的25部电影之一。(维基百科)

本片是享有“纪录片之父”声誉的美国纪录片导演罗伯特•弗拉哈迪的第一部纪录片电影,记录了加拿大魁北克省北极圈内哈德逊湾的伊努朱亚克附近因纽特人首领纳努克一家人从1920年8月到1921年8月期间的日常生活,包括与白人交易、捉鱼、捕猎海象海豹、灶火烹饪,以及建筑冰屋的场景,开创了人类学社会影像记录的起点。弗拉哈迪在本片中的摆拍和场景重现曾引起广泛争议,比如隐瞒纳努克平时用猎枪狩猎的事实,刻意表现因纽特人的传统鱼叉狩猎法;又比如为了拍摄冰屋内纳努克一家清早起身的场景,去掉一半冰屋采光等。 本片是历史上第一部纪录长片,于1989年被美国国会图书馆选入“国家电影记录册”。

ZQ: Are fish men in the village still working in the sea? How is their life now?


RA:Their life has always been hard, but now they are facing new problems. Now they are facing fish scarcity. The end of fish in the sea will ultimately make them disappear as fishermen community. But right now they are surviving. There are less boats, but they have to go much more times to fish to catch the same amount of fish they used to, now they go 20 times more to catch the same amount of fish. Which means polluting 20 times more, wasting 20 times more bate, and working 20 times more.


ZQ: How long did it take to finish the whole shooting? Could you describe how your regular shooting days look like?


RA:I went for 6 times to Ribeira Quentewith the whole crew. Myself many more, but with the rest of the crew 6 times that was around 7 to 8 weeks of shooting. The days were not long. We depended a lot on their schedules, because after a while we would just wait for something to happen, it was impossible to plan things. We had a great time, and we were very well received by the community, so we spent a lot of time eating and drinking with them. A lot of time in that tiny bar shooting. Until they didn’t notice us anymore.


(Ribeira Quente是亚速尔群岛葡萄牙群岛Povoação市的一个民用教区。2011年的人口为767,面积为9.04平方公里。它是市政府中最小,最低和最南端的教区。)

ZQ: How much budget for the film? Production and post-production? How did you get the funding to accomplish it?


RA:budget wise, it is divided by 3 different companies: Bando à Parte - Portugal, October Oy - Finland and Gladys Glover - France. Development and Production was done with the Portuguese budget, and that was around €150.000. Post-production was divided between France and Finland and was approximate €75.000 each. So in the end the total budget was around €300.000. We got several national and international financial supports, starting with the Portuguese Film Institute (ICA) from where we got development and production support around €100.000, then we got MEDIA Development and Portuguese TV (RTP), then we got also funds from CNC on the French-Portuguese protocol, money from Finnish TV (YLE) and Finnish Film Foundation, which gave us the opportunity to apply for Eurimages, which we also got.

在拍摄经费方面,由三个不同的公司组成:葡萄牙的Bando à Parte,芬兰的October Oy -和法国Gladys Glover。前期调研和制作经费由葡萄牙财务经费完成,约15万欧元,后期制作费用由法国和芬兰承担,每个国家约75000欧元。最终的费用总计约30万欧元。我们最早从葡萄牙电影学院(ica)得到了项目开发和前期拍摄的经费,大概10万欧元左右,然后我们又拿到了到媒体开发(MEDIA Development)和葡萄牙电视台(RTP)的钱,接着又拿到了基于法葡协议的CNC的钱、还有芬兰电视台(YLE)和芬兰电影资金会的钱,后面的钱又给了我们机会跟Eurimages欧影申请钱,我们最后也拿到了Eurimages的钱。

ZQ: How many film festival has the film traveled by now? how is the feedback from the audiences?


RA:The film has been selected to 15 Festivals, but it is only on the beggining of it’s career. The reaction has been quite good.


以上文章源自:iDOCS国际纪录片展 作者:郑琼

