Unit1Book 3 Festivals around the world詞彙填空(3)

Unit1Book 3 Festivals around the world詞彙填空(3)


Unit1 Book 3 Festivals around the world詞彙填空(3)



31. April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play t____ on others.

32. Yong children like games in which they d____ ____ as heroes.

33. Mrs. Williams, I’d be g____ if you could just tell me a bit about yourself.

34. The festival the children had been l_____ _____ ____ came at last.

35. Chinese and Japanese p____ write poems and songs about bamboo, and artists paint it in pictures.

36. Set high goals and have f____ getting there. The serious student doesn’t forget how to smile.

37. With all the p____ of eating instantly and constantly and with the abundance of food in America, is it any wonder that Americans tend to be overweight.

38. The two countries came to an a_____ about import taxes on bedroom furniture.


In an effort to undo what she had done, she went to an older, wiser woman in the village, explained her situation, and asked for a____.

40. He hasn’t t____ ____ for work this morning-----I hope he isn’t ill.

Unit1Book 3 Festivals around the world詞彙填空(3)



31. tricks常識理解和固定搭配。

32. dress up 固定詞組dress up意為“裝扮成”

33. grateful。be grateful to sb. for sth意為“因……而感激……”

34. looking forward to。固定詞組look forward to意為“盼望……”

35. poets。上下文理解。Write poems的當然是poets了。

36. fun。上下文理解。後面說“嚴肅的學生也不會忘記微型”,所以此處指的是“首先預定目標的過程中要享受快樂”

37. possibilities。常識理解和構詞法知識。

38. agreement。常識理解和固定搭配。come to an agreement意為“達成協議”。

39. advice。常識理解。Ask for advice徵求建議。

40. turned up。常識理解和短語動詞。此處指的是“缺席;沒到場”。

