

There is a saying in mathematics that if the process is wrong, it is wrong.


暗戀是一種禮貌 , 暗地裡蓋一座城堡, 然後再當你的警衛和小貓。

Secret love is a kind of politeness. Build a castle in secret and then be your guard and kitten.



Perhaps the most difficult thing in the relationship is that you and I are all good people. I have never done anything that hurts the nature or hurts the reason. You have never crossed the gap to do something that is sorry for me, but fate can not complete you and me.



There is a hole in my heart, so all my thoughts are echoed.



When I finally failed in my expectation, I was relieved. There was only one sentence in my heart: sure enough, you will leave me sooner or later, without exception.




Mr. Bu chased Miss stone for many years. At last, Miss stone decided to marry Mr. scissors. "Let me do something for you at last." Mr. Bu said to miss stone in his heart. Then he found Mr. scissors

It is said that the wedding dress that Miss stone wore on her wedding day was very beautiful.


愛情就是:明明深潭裡有鱷魚,也有人警示過我了,但是我非要趟過去。明明院子裡有惡犬,都已經警示過我了, 可我偏要衝進去。

因為我的公主在塔上, 因為我的王子在水底。

​​​​Love is: there are crocodiles in the deep pool, and some people have warned me, but I have to go there. There are vicious dogs in the yard. I have been warned by some people, but I just want to rush in.

Because my princess is on the tower, because my prince is under the water.


電影《One Day》裡,有一句話說: " 我還愛你,我只是不喜歡你了。 " 我之前反覆看了好幾遍,也沒能搞明白,既然愛,又怎麼會不喜歡?


In the movie "one day", there is a saying: "I still love you, I just don't like you anymore. "I've read it several times before, but I can't understand it.

Later, I learned that love and love are two different emotions after soaking in the emotional water. Some people say like, just like, some people say like, but in fact is loving.


說白了,還是自己不夠強大,否則有些事也不用順其自然了。 ​​​​

To put it bluntly, I'm still not strong enough, otherwise I don't have to let it go. ​​​​


