


Why is China helping Italy?

Why is China so heartfelt(發自內心的) about Italy?

It turns out that(原來)there are a series of heartwarming(窩心的)stories between China and Italy involving(涉及到)exciting history.




At the beginning of the founding of the PRC, all kinds of hostilities (敵對)were present, including armed conflict(武裝衝突). At that time, Sino-US relations had not thawed(解凍), and Western countries had not recognized China as yet.

No heavyweight(重量級) country was on its side.



In these uncertain & sensitive times, Italy announced the establishment of ambassadorial diplomatic relations(大使級外交關係)with China, helping the Chinese platform. This was Italy “sending charcoal(炭) in the snow”.

Italy did a lot for China. Even In 1988, China was mired(陷入)in poverty. For a long time after the founding of the PRC, its medical services were poor & villages were still dominated by barefoot (赤腳)doctors.

Many doctors had little education, many cities were short of(短缺)medicine.





No one cared. At this point, only Italy stood out. "It's okay, if you have any requirements(需求), we will help you." Italy went on to help China build several emergency centers, including the famous Chongqing Emergency Center.

沒有人關心。在這一點上,只有意大利站出來了。“沒關係,如果您有任何需求,我們將為您提供幫助。” 意大利繼續幫助中國建立了多個應急中心,包括著名的重慶應急中心。


In the spring of 1988, the Italian Prime Minister visited China, participating(參加)in the inauguration(剪綵揭幕) ceremony of the Chongqing Emergency Center. He brought much-needed medical equipment, including 19 advanced ambulances(救護車). (At that time there were not many cars in China)

Italy also donated(捐獻)a full set of ICU ward equipment not seen before inside China.

The Chongqing Emergency Center is still operational(運作中).





Many Sichuan compatriots'(同胞)lives were saved. Italy said: "This is for you free of charge." They were helpful when China was poor, desperately(極度) poor.

Even after China instituted(實施) reforms and opened up(改革開放), they continued to help. In 2003, during the SARS epidemic, Italy did not alienate(疏遠)China but instead strengthened(加強)cooperation with the country.

許多四川同胞的生命得以挽救。意大利說:“這是免費的。” 當中國貧窮,極度貧窮時,他們幫了很大的忙。



A high-level military conference was held four times a year, & cooperation in other areas increased. Berlusconi, then Prime Minister of Italy, resisted(抵禦)external pressure to visit China. He encouraged Italian companies to invest in China, & helped to develop better missiles(導彈)and helicopters.


Then, there was the Wenchuan earthquake. Let's take a look at a series of operations in Italy: One million euros, supplies worth 1.5 million euros, 240 huge tents. Tens of thousands of Chinese victims became homeless. Italy sent medical experts, helped establish mobile hospitals on the spot, provided defibrillators(除顫機), ventilators(呼吸機), blood test equipment, autoclave(高壓滅菌器), anesthesia(麻醉劑).



Frontline(前線) officers and soldiers rescued the wounded(傷患), built a hospital with their own hands, ate and lived with the Chinese, saving more than 900 victims



After the admission of a female patient, aftershocks(餘震) struck, & an Italian orthopedist(骨科醫生) actually used his body to shield(遮擋) the patient. It's Children’s Day, & an Italian doctor in surgical gown(手術袍) stands on a temporary stage, hugging the local children, singing that European and American nursery rhymes. Another surgeon(外科醫生) prepares two Children's Day gifts, alpine sweets(阿爾卑斯糖)from Italy, & pizza made by the doctors.

These details are not known at all, not publicized(公開). These Italian doctors were not only great, but also cute and funny. When they left, outside the bus, they bid farewell(告別)with tears in their eyes.




Last year, the United States took the lead (率先)in blocking Huawei. No one dared (敢)to cooperate with Huawei. Britain, France and Germany took the lead in expressing their unwillingness

(不願意)to cooperate with Huawei. Neighbors like Japan and South Korea retreated(撤退), refusing to cooperate with Huawei on the grounds of security risks.


Italy came through for China once again:

"You don't need, right? I use it!" Huawei took the lead in building 5G base stations in Italy. The Minister of Economic Development of Italy attended the 5G base station launching ceremony, pressing the first button of a 5G base station, followed by the Italian Deputy Prime Minister.

Italy gave Huawei a chance to show Europe that it is safe and reliable, & dared to risk offending(冒犯)the White House, It is Italy that spatred no effort(不遺餘力) to help Huawei. Other EU countries have only begun to slowly change their attitudes.


“你不需要,對嗎?我用它!” 華為率先在意大利建設5G基站。意大利經濟發展部長出席了5G基站的啟動儀式,按下5G基站的第一個按鈕,隨後是意大利副總理。



The word "unforgettable"(難以忘懷) is used to describe Italy’s gesture. No exaggeration(誇張) at all.


The virus outbreak in Italy is really serious.

There are more than 20,000 confirmed cases(確診病例), with 368 patients’ deaths in a single day. The highest number in China is 252.

The outbreak is really difficult to control.

Italy approached(接近) the EU for help, but it is exactly the same as what happened in China. All the EU countries took a side view. Not even a single test kit.





Foreign Minister Wang Yi immediately telephoned Italy. His first sentence at the beginning was: "We will not forget the kindness of Italy."

Immediately afterwards, China sent 100,000 masks, 20,000 sets of protective clothing, 50,000 test boxes, all rushed by air transport. At that time there was nothing in Italy. As soon as these supplies arrived, they were overjoyed(喜出望外).




Following that, the first nine medical experts were rushed(快速送往) to Italy. Note, it’s the first batch(批次). Further assistance will follow.

Of these nine experts, as many as 5 are from Sichuan, from Sichuan West China Hospital, one of the "Big Four” Chinese hospitals. The people of Sichuan sent its best experts to Italy. Shen Jian, director of the health committee, said, "We in Sichuan have never forgotten the kindness of Italy. We are going to repay this time."


在這9名專家中,有多達5名來自四川,是中國“四大”醫院之一的四川華西醫院,四川人民派出了最好的專家前往意大利。衛生委員會主任沉健說。 :“我們四川人從未忘記過意大利的好意。我們這次要還錢。”

These experts include:

Professor Liang Zong'an, the national authority on respiratory diseases;

Ms. Tang Menglin, ICU intensive care specialist;

Professor Wenbin Tong, authority on microbial testing.

Shanghai Ruijin Hospital donated a full set of ICU equipment, changing the manual and operation interface(界面) into English.

Ruijin Hospital was so careful that even the electrical plugs have been changed to Italian specification.







An Italian netizen said emotionally(情緒激動地): "When the epidemic is over, I want to embrace every Chinese.” In Naples, an 18-year-old girl called Aurora, drew a picture of herself and said: "This painting is dedicated(獻給) to nurses, doctors. And those who came to help us from China. I hope they can see the battle on the front line."

一位意大利網友情緒激動地說:“疫情結束後,我想擁抱每個中國人。” 在那不勒斯,18歲的女孩叫奧羅拉(Aurora),畫了一張自己的照片,說:“這幅畫獻給護士,醫生。還有那些從中國來幫助我們的人。我希望他們能看到前線的戰鬥。”


This scene, at such a dark moment, really warms people's hearts! Although the peoples of the two countries are thousands of miles apart, their hearts are deeply connected.


Ma Yun's message to Italy came from the Italian opera "Turandot": "It disappears into the night! At dawn we will win!" Xiaomi posted the ancient Roman poet Seneca's verse: "We are waves of the same sea, leaves on the same tree, flowers in the same garden.”

馬雲給意大利的信息來自意大利歌劇《圖蘭朵》:“它消失在夜裡!黎明時分,我們將獲勝!” 小米發表了古羅馬詩人塞內卡(Seneca)的詩句:“我們是同一波海浪,同一棵樹上的葉子,同一花園裡的花。”

Yes, the virus is relentless(無情). It doesn't matter what race you are, what regime(政權), which camp(陣型). When it appears, its the enemy of all humanity(人類).



