SIIB天天練10(劃重點: 改錯技巧和行文邏輯)

SIIB天天練10(劃重點: 改錯技巧和行文邏輯)


英語學習貴在循序漸進、不斷積累、始終堅持。一天一個問題,Practice every day! Hold on and you’ll make it。

SIIB天天練10(劃重點: 改錯技巧和行文邏輯)



1. With politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution.

2. He failed to finish the plan.So they place great pressure on him to resigning.

3. Abraham Lincoln has abolished slavery in the United States.

4. Art and literature were his constant companion.

5. Our science and engineering are not adequately to meet that challenge.

6. Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing their access to modern technology.

7. There are usually many taxis waiting at the exit to the theater.

SIIB天天練10(劃重點: 改錯技巧和行文邏輯)


One day a letter from my father arrived at the school. It asked for a teacher for me. 8 . That is how Annie came to be with us.

Annie was among the first to realize that a blind person never knows his hidden strength until he is treated like a normal human being. 9 . She never praised me unless what I did was as good as that of the best of a normal person. And she encouraged me when I made up my mind to go to college.

During my years in school, Annie sat beside me in every class. 10 .

A. She never pitied me

B. She spelled out for me the things that the teachers taught

C. Annie considered the challenge just as the one she wanted

SIIB天天練10(劃重點: 改錯技巧和行文邏輯)


題型一:單句改錯 (7’)

1. With改成In。考查固定詞組。在政治方面用介詞in。

2. resigning改成resign。考查非謂語動詞的用法。place great pressure on him to resign意為“對某人施加壓力讓其辭職”。

3. 去has。根據常識, Abraham Lincoln廢除奴隸制是過去的事。

4. companion改成companions。主語是兩種不同的東西,謂語動詞是複數were,所以表語名詞也應該是複數。

5. adequately改成adequate。形容詞與副詞的區別。作表語的當然是形容詞。

6. their改成them。考查人稱代詞的用法。句型allow sb. sth.“允許……得到……”

7. to改成of。注意:“……的入口”是“the entrance to...”而“……的出口”是“the exit of...”。


8--10 CAB



第10題:後面只能介紹老師sat beside me的目的和做法。

