Jamie Bush新作

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

洛杉磯設計師Jamie Bush在曼哈頓一號廣場推出了他的第一個東海岸住宅項目,這是這個紐約下東城區80層大廈的樣板房。Jamie Bush除了用復古和現代作品進行裝飾外,還設計了一些定製作品,並突出了公寓的壯麗景色。

At One Manhattan Square, designer Jamie Bush debuts his first East Coast residential project—a model unit for the 80-story tower on New York's Lower East Side. In addition to decorating with a mix of vintage and contemporary pieces, Bush designed several custom works to juxtapose solid volumes and linework, and highlight the apartment's stunning views.

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範


On the 60th floor of the tower, the residence spans 2,347 square feet (218 square metres) with expansive views of the city's East River,and is one of the 815 residences at One Manhattan Square. The apartment has three bedrooms, a living room, dining area and a kitchen.

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

開發商在紐約的室內裝飾中尋找一種加利福尼亞現代風格。為這個紐約高層住宅的設計帶來了特別的挑戰,Jamie Bush通過仔細的空間規劃來應對這一難題。裝飾的特色是顏色和傢俱的混合,從客廳中淺藍色和粉紅色的彎曲軟墊座椅到更和具幾何形式,罕見的發現。

The developer looked for a California modern take on an interior in New York,。The sky-high unit presented a particularly New York–geared design challenge, which Bush approached through careful space planning. A feature of the decor is the mixture of colours and furniture, from curvy upholstered seating in light blue and pink colours in the living room to more geometric, rare finds.

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush用Abigail Edwards的波浪圖案牆紙裝飾孩子們的臥室,用Black Crow Studios的海霧色牆紙包裹客人的臥室。他說:“為了獲得更寬廣和豪華的感覺,我們想增加層次感和顏色。它為我們提供了一個玩耍的機會-不僅帶來了有趣的傢俱,而且為人們提供了一個生活和與其對話的空間。”

Jamie Bush wrapped the kids' bedroom in a wave-patterned wallpaper by Abigail Edwards and the guest bedroom in a sea mist–colored wallpaper by Black Crow Studios. "To achieve a more expansive and luxurious feel, we wanted to add layers of texture and color," he says. "It gave us an opportunity to play—not only bringing in interesting furnishings, but also creating an envelope for residents to live in and be in dialogue with."

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範


One Manhattan Square

One Manhattan Square是紐約一座樓高243米的現代化玻璃公寓大廈,坐落於下東區的紐約港之畔。坐擁動人心魄的河景和天際線,典雅的公寓為蔥鬱繁茂的私人花園所環繞,配備佔地9000平方米以上的室內外配套設施。

One Manhattan Square is an 800-foot-tall modern glass residential tower located on the edge of the New York Harbor on the Lower East Side. With epic river and skyline views, these beautiful homes are wrapped by lush private gardens and over 100,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor amenities.

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

由Extell公司設計,並攜手擁有世界級人才的隊伍進行共同打造,而該隊伍憑著為Extell打造高質量,多選擇和卓越性樓房而聞名於世。One Manhattan Square將為您帶來豪華尊貴的都市生活。

Extell design, in collaboration with a team of world-class talent, has created an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties. One Manhattan Square will redefine downtown luxury living.

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

住宅設計出自屢獲殊榮的設計事務所Meyer Davis之手,足以媲美五星級度假勝地,他們曾操刀設計世界一流的酒店、精英私人府邸及Oscar de la Renta旗艦零售精品店。極致奢華的室內裝修集風格、品質與功能於一體,打造曼哈頓住所終極典範。

Meyer Davis, the award-winning studio behind world-class hotels, elite private homes and Oscar de la Renta’s flagship retail boutiques, has designed residences that rival five-star resorts. The luxurious interiors combine style, quality, and function to create the ultimate Downtown Manhattan residence.

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

Jamie Bush新作 | 曼哈頓住宅終極典範

