
13 Inspiring Traits of Exceptional Leaders

1. They trust you to do the job you've been hired to do.

2. They seek your advice and input.

3. They find opportunities to let you shine.

4. They recognize your contributions.

5. They have your back during tough times.

6. They are master storytellers.

7. They challenge you to do bigger and better things.

8. They express appreciation.

9. They are responsive.

10. They know when to apologize.

11. They give credit where credit is due.

12. They treat others with dignity and respect.

13. They care.

Glenn Leibowitz


1. 他們相信你能完成被僱傭的工作。

2. 他們徵求你的建議和意見。


4. 他們認可你的貢獻。

5. 在困難時期他們會支持你。

6. 他們是講故事的大師。

7. 他們激勵你做更大更好的事情。

8. 他們表達的感謝。

9. 他們是響應。

10. 他們知道什麼時候該道歉。

11. 他們在該表揚的地方表揚。

12. 他們以尊嚴和尊重對待他人。

13. 他們照顧。


