

意大利封國後,法國也在3月17日全境封鎖。意大利作家 Francesca Melandri 站在過來人角度給法國人寫了一封信,刊登在法國《解放報》。





Dear friends:




I am writing from my home in Wuhan. COVID-19 is spreading worldwide, and we are all in the same boat.


It saddens me to see what happened in Wuhan two months ago being repeated now in Italy.


In Rome, the 138 steps known for the movie "Roman Holiday" are now empty. Audrey Hepburn once sat on the steps while eating gelato, and I remember it was a lively place with lots of tourists.


In the news, the numbers of diagnosed cases and deaths are increasing everyday, and Italy's death toll has eclipsed China. Hospitals in northern Italy are overwhelmed, running out of face masks, gowns and other protective equipments.


Some people lost their own lives while some others lost their families and friends.


A writer in Wuhan named Fang Fang wrote, "an ash of our times, when fallen onto an ordinary individual, becomes as heavy as a mountain."


Wuhan feels the pain of Italy.


My home city, Wuhan, went into lockdown on January 23rd. All buses, subways and ferries were shut down, schools were suspended, and businesses and shops were closed. Up till now, people in Wuhan have remained indoors at home for 60 days.



I see on the Internet that an Italian mayor urged everyone not to go out and wondered why people suddenly "fell in love with running". This reminds me of the early outbreak in China, when some local village officers used loudspeakers to dissuade villagers from mahjong gathering. All of this seems like deja vu.


In early January, people had not learned that this novel coronavirus could be transmitted between humans. Few people on the streets of Wuhan wore masks. The subway was crowded with exposed faces.


But now, going out without a mask would feel like wearing no pants under everyone's watch.

意大利人和武漢人一樣宅在家。新聞上說,在意大利羅馬,有人走上陽臺,和鄰居一起彈琴唱歌,還有人自發播放中國國歌,高喊:Grazie Cina(感謝中國)!

People in Italy stay at home now, just like us in Wuhan. I see on the internet that residents in Rome would go out on the balcony to play the violin or sing along with their neighbors. Some of you played the Chinese national anthem and applauded "Grazie Cina!" (Thank you, China)

武漢人也這麼幹過。我們打開窗戶對著鄰居大喊 “有冇得人啊,出來吵個架”。不過,醫生建議大家不要這麼做。

We did the same things in February — people in Wuhan opened their windows and shouted across their blocks "is anyone out there? let's have a quarrel!" — but doctors advised against it.


I am mostly concerned that some of you still think that this is not much worse than the flu. Some people still go out to walk their dogs, or "fake dogs". Some people even insist that wearing a mask is not necessary, and that only people who are sick need to wear masks.


站在你們的“未來”,我知道,當被要求足不出戶,你們會感到不理解、恐慌、焦慮,想到 “自由” 這個詞。但是,我真誠的勸大家,忍耐一段時間,嚴格的隔離,能讓所有人儘快恢復自由。

Being forbidden to go out, you may feel puzzled, panic and anxious, pondering on the word "freedom". Standing in "your future", I know the feeling. However, I sincerely advise you to have more patience in this critical time. Only strict self isolation now can bring real freedom to us all in the near future.


People in Wuhan love hanging out with friends, just like Italians. Before the lockdown in Wuhan, I too was dining out and drinking whiskey with several groups of friends in Han Street (a busy commercial district in Wuhan).


However, you will soon find that this is a battle that involves everyone. Fighting this battle depends on not just the inffected ones and the medical professionals, but also the people who can block further spread of the virus by staying at home.




Here is my experience from home-staying.


First of all, EAT! During these days, people who barely cooked at home would become “Chung Hua Master” (which means cooking as good as a Michelin star chef). For example, I learned how to make hot-dry noodles at home, a special Wuhan delicacy. Perhaps you can discover 100 recipes of homemade pasta.

你們會比平時更加關注新聞,瞭解疫情進展,刷 Twitter 的時間成倍增長。需要留意的是,鋪天蓋地的消息裡,可能夾雜著一些聳人聽聞的謠言。

You may also find yourselves spending more time watching news than usual and browsing Twitter all the time to keep up with the evolving situations in the pandemic. Please do note that the flooding information can be mixed with some horrible rumors.

家長要24小時看孩子,或是配合學校監督他們上網課。我們這邊有小學生因為不堪網課負擔,紛紛跑去給網課 app 打一星差評。

Parents need to watch their children 24 hours, making sure that they are taking their online classes. You may be entertained to learn that some gradeschoolers in Wuhan who didn't want to "go to" classes rushed to App Store to give online course apps one-star reviews.


Some people shifted to working from home, while some others lost their jobs.


People prohibitted from returning to their home city are homesick. Travelers stuck inside the locked-down city may have no shelter, but what can they do?


The indifference at first will gradually turn into anxiety. A mere sneeze or a cough is enough to startled you for the fear of infection.


You can't help crying for the doctors and nurses, because of their tired eyes, their foggy goggles, and their faces with marks from wearing a mask all day long.

《貝加莫報》上的訃告版面從 1 頁增加到 10 頁,你會為逝者和他們的家人傷懷。

The obituary of the newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo expands from 1 to 10 pages during the pandemic. You mourn for the deceased and their families.


When I see in the news the empty Duomo of Milan, I think of the tourists that were there not long ago, and thoughts of doomsday flash in my mind. I ask myself, "When will all this misery come to an end?"


It takes Wuhan two months in the darkness of the lockdown to finally see a bleak of the dawn: zero new diagnosed case were reported for 5 consecutive days; subways and Hankou Railway Station have been carefully disinfected, preparing to run again; 42,000 medical staff who came to Wuhan from all over China to provide medical support have now returned home.


But I know this is far from the end of this battle. We are all neighbors residing on the same planet, and no one can stand aside while others are still suffering.


Protect yourself. Learn a few new dishes at home. Follow online videos to exercise at home. Don't go to parties. Don't go out running on the streets. Life is precious and don't lose it to arrogance.


One day you will realize that if all you need to do is to stay at home and wait for the dawn to come, you are already the lucky ones.


This is the letter I write to you from "future" in Wuhan.


Winter will eventually pass, and spring will come for sure.


I believe little by little you can climb up from the pit of anxiety and fear and get your life back, just like I did.





a girl from "future" in Wuhan

March 22, 2020

