

Name: da guan tong bao

北宋大观年间(1107-1110)铸大观通宝为年号钱。大观通宝钱是徽宗大观年间铸造的,相传当时有人夜观星象时忽然发现彗星闪过,叹为观止,徽宗认为是吉祥之兆,故而改元,再而铸钱。其中“大”字的捺特别长,成为一枚“特殊钱”,又被称为“国号钱”,宋徽宗亲笔御书了钱文“崇宁通宝”、“大观通宝”和“宣和通宝”,素有“铁划银钩”之称。The northern song dynasty daguan years (1107-1110) cast daguan tongbao for the year money.Daguan tongbao money was minted during the daguan period of huizong. It is said that at that time, some people suddenly found that the comet flashed by when they were observing the stars at night. It was so amazing that huizong thought it was an auspicious sign.The "big" character of the special long, became a "special money", also known as the "national title money", song huizong wrote a letter of money "chongning tong bao", "da guan tong bao" and "xuanhe tong bao", known as "iron silver hook".



北宋大观年间(1107-1110)铸大观通宝为年号钱。大观通宝钱是徽宗大观年间铸造的,相传当时有人夜观星象时忽然发现彗星闪过,叹为观止,徽宗认为是吉祥之兆,故而改元,再而铸钱。其中“大”字的捺特别长,成为一枚“特殊钱”,又被称为“国号钱”,宋徽宗亲笔御书了钱文“崇宁通宝”、“大观通宝”和“宣和通宝”,素有“铁划银钩”之称。The northern song dynasty daguan years (1107-1110) cast daguan tongbao for the year money.Daguan tongbao money was minted during the daguan period of huizong. It is said that at that time, some people suddenly found that the comet flashed by when they were observing the stars at night. It was so amazing that huizong thought it was an auspicious sign.The "big" character of the special long, became a "special money", also known as the "national title money", song huizong wrote a letter of money "chongning tong bao", "da guan tong bao" and "xuanhe tong bao", known as "iron silver hook".



此枚大观通宝属稀罕珍品。钱币正面中央铸刻“大观通宝”四字,钱文“大观通宝”是宋徽宗御书的瘦金体,形体劲挺,笔法生动。特别是“大”字第三笔一笔长捺拉下,直至“通”字上方接近钱币外廓处。书法超常夸张,但是在方寸之地却显得挥洒自如,凭添了一种钱文书法整体布局的美感,今日观之,也不由的令人赞叹不已。四个瘦金体钱文,铁画银钩,光辉闪烁,格外表现出瘦金书之美This grand treasure is a rarity.On the front of the coin, the four characters "daguan tongbao" were engraved in the center.In particular, the "big" word the third long stroke down, until the "through" word above close to the coin outline.Calligraphy is extraordinary and exaggerated, but in the square inch of the land appears to be free, with a kind of qian wen calligraphy overall layout of the aesthetic feeling, today's view of it, not by the people's praise.Four thin gold body qian wen, iron painting silver hook, shining, especially show the beauty of thin gold books



