
每一個歷史發展的階段都是我們國家成長的足跡,銀元也正是這歷史銀河中組成的重要部分。就其特定的歷史時期,也使它在錢幣史上佔據著重要的地位。 銀元起源於15世紀,始鑄於歐洲,俗稱“洋錢”、“花邊錢”或“大洋”,是銀鑄幣的通稱。銀元是舶來品,它初入中國,大約是在明朝,但大量流入,則在清乾隆年間(18世紀中期)以後。官鑄銀元是從清光緒十五年(公元1889年)開始,次年流通於市場。民國時期建立銀本位貨幣制度以後,也以銀元作為主要流通幣。

Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and the silver dollar is also an important part of the historical galaxy. In terms of its specific historical period, it also occupies an important position in the history of coins. Silver coins originated in the 15th century and were first minted in Europe. They are commonly known as "foreign money", "lace money" or "ocean". They are the general name of silver coins. Silver yuan is an import. It first entered China in the Ming Dynasty, but a large inflow occurred after the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (mid-18th century). Official silver coins began in the fifteenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1889 AD) and circulated in the market the following year. After the establishment of the silver standard monetary system in the Republic of China, silver dollar was also used as the main currency in circulation.


Yuan Datou, a silver coin with the left side of his uniform, was coined for Yuan Shikai after he became the "Great President", which is a common name for the silver coin with the side of Yuan Shikai in the early years of the Republic of China. Because it was first cast in the three years of the Republic of China, also known as the "three people", this kind of nickname has a long history.



Yuan shikai became President in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coinage and paper money at that time, the currency of China and foreign countries in circulation was more than 100 kinds, with different specifications, chaotic circulation, cumbersome translation, and the resentment of the public. At the same time, the government also wanted to solve the problem of military expenditure by means of currency reform, so it decided to issue national currency. Yuan shikai in order to improve their dominance, his head cast in the currency, "yuan big head" from this.

袁大頭樣幣上面(正面)為袁世凱左側五分像,上鑄“中華民國三年”中文繁體,然而袁大頭銀幣制作的寓意也較為豐富,“民主、共和、憲 政及君主立憲“之思想希冀。下面(背面)為嘉禾之圖案,古稱生長奇異的禾,古人以之為吉祥的徵兆。亦泛指生長茁壯的禾稻,典出《書·微子之命》:“ 唐叔 得禾,異畝同穎,獻諸天子。鑄在錢幣之上寓意國家重視農桑、以民生為本;其另一思想取其家和之諧音,寓意”家和萬事興“之意;鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之願景,民間收藏,寓意"家和萬事興"之吉祥之寶,故有非常高的收藏與研究價值。

On the top (front) of yuan's sample coin is yuan shikai's five-minute portrait on the left, casting the traditional Chinese characters of "ten years of the republic of China". Below (the reverse side) for the pattern of jiahe, the ancient growth of strange grass, the ancients to the auspicious signs. Also refers to the growth of strong and healthy rice, Canon "book · weizi life" : "tang shude wo, different mu with the same ying, dedicated to the son of heaven. Cast on the coin implies that the country attaches importance to agriculture and mulberry, people's livelihood; Another of his thoughts is to take the homophony of his home, which means "home and all things"; Those who are in power on coinage have the vision of national security and good fortune. Folk collection means the auspicious treasure of "prosperity of family and everything", so it has very high collection and research value.

“袁大頭”在貨幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶,它是中國近千種近代銀幣中流傳較廣、影響較大的銀元品種,也是近代中國幣制變革中的一個重要角色。此枚“中華民國三年袁大頭”為樣板幣,存數量極其稀 少。

"Yuan big head" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. It is one of the most popular and influential silver dollar varieties among nearly a thousand kinds of modern Chinese silver COINS, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. This piece of "five yuan big head made in ten years of the republic of China" is a sample coin.

“袁大頭”代表了中國近代的貨幣文化,反映了我國近代歷史、經濟、金融的興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值,具有一 定的保值和升值功能。尤其是近年來隨著收藏投資熱的不斷升溫,再加上受到國際金銀位的漲跌的刺激,使“民國三年袁大頭”日漸走俏,價格一路上揚,絕大多數業內人士認為“三年袁大頭”是銀元收藏中的一匹“黑馬”,具有較高的升值潛力。

"Yuan big head" represents the modern monetary culture of China, and reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history, economy and finance. Especially in recent years, with the growing investment, coupled with the rise and fall of the stimulation by international gold and silver, make big head "" ten years of the republic of China yuan popular with each passing day, the price rise, the vast majority of the personage inside course of study thinks" ten years to build big yuan "is a horse of silver collection" dark horse ", has the high appreciation potential.


錢幣的發展伴隨了中國歷史的成長,小小的硬幣體現了中國古人的智慧,具有研究的歷史價值和人文價值,有巨大的經濟價值。中華民國貨幣代表了中國近代的貨幣文化,反映了我國近代歷史、經濟、金融的歷史興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。民國三年的 “袁大頭”存世不多,價格不菲,“袁大頭”是我國近千種近代銀幣中,流傳最廣、影響最大的銀元品種,隨著收藏投資熱的不斷升溫,中國造銀元日漸走俏。銀元的市場價格就不斷飆升。而其中最令人稱道的,就是袁大頭。

The development of coins is accompanied by the growth of Chinese history. Small coins reflect the wisdom of ancient Chinese. They have the historical value and humanistic value of research and great economic value. The currency of the Republic of China represents the currency culture of modern China, and reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance in China. It has a high value of art appreciation and cultural relics, as well as a certain function of preservation and appreciation. In the three years of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai's "signature version" was particularly precious, including the English version of the Italian plate maker, which was tried to be cast by Tianjin mint, and the signature version of the left side of Yuan Shikai's neck. Yuan Dadou is the most popular and influential silver coin among nearly one thousand kinds of modern silver coins in China. With the increasing investment in collection, the silver made in China is becoming more and more popular. The market price of silver dollar is soaring. And the most praiseworthy one is yuan Datou.


In the past, "yuan Dadou" was a very popular hard currency in circulation. Up to now, "yuan Dadou" still has a good mass base among the people, and the people are very cognizant of such real gold and silver. The reason is very simple, "yuan Datou" silver dollar has a certain artistic value and cultural value, but also has a certain value preservation and appreciation function. Especially in recent years, with the increasing investment in collection, "yuan Dadou" is becoming more and more popular. In recent years, the price has been rising all the way, and it is very stable, almost becoming the vane of the price trend in the money market. Yuan Datou's silver coins have always been popular in the market, especially the ones with good appearance are more scarce, so they are very popular with collectors. Because the coins themselves are beautifully made, the characters are beautiful, the silver light is bright, and their appearance is attractive. In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Datou has a historical influence, is a revolutionary cultural relic of high value, and has a profound historical significance. In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Datou recorded the great history of the revolution of 1911, especially the rare products with good quality, strong ability of preserving value, large space for appreciation and high collection value.



Recommended by experts: this silver coin of yuan Dadou in the third year of the Republic of China is exquisitely carved with neat teeth and delicate outline. The obverse of the coin is the profile of Yuan Shikai, with six characters of "three years of the Republic of China" listed above. In the coin, Yuan Shikai's eyes are bright, and his eyes are bright on the front and the top. The pattern on the back is Jiahe pattern composed of two rice ears, with the word "one circle" in the center. This coin is finely forged, on which the ruler has the vision of national security and good luck. After years of deposition, the coins are still in good condition with clear lines and teeth. In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Datou was influenced by history and had a profound historical significance!

