福建中考英語總複習八年級上冊Unit 5 練習

福建中考總複習八年級上冊Unit 5 練習

1. How are you doing?你們好嗎?=How are you ________ today?今天你感覺怎麼樣?

2. You look ________. 你看起來很興奮。

excited 感到興奮 exciting 令人興奮的

-ed 形容詞是用來說明人的感受,表達“感到--------”的意思,常用在系動詞+-ed+介詞中

I am excited about the news. 我對這條新聞感動很興奮。

He is interested ________the news. 他對這條新聞感興趣。


This is an exciting news.這是一條令人興奮的新聞。

He is an ________man.他是一個很有趣的人。


excited 感到興奮 interested 感興趣 bored 感到無聊 tired感到疲勞

exciting 令人興奮的 interesting 有趣的 boring 無聊的 tiring 令人疲勞的

moved 受感動 surprised 感動驚訝-----------
moving 令人感動的 surprising 令人驚訝的-------------
例句: I’m tired ________living here. 我已經厭倦了這裡。

3. They want to invite your parents to go to the movies. 他們想邀請你們的父母一起去看電影。

invite sb to+地點 邀請某人去某地 He ________me to his home. 他邀請我去他家。

invite sb to do sth 邀請某人去做某事He invites me to play soccer. 他邀請我去踢足球.
invite的名詞形式為invitation, 意為“邀請;請柬”,

4. What ________are they going to see? 他們要去看什麼電影

5. Please ________thanks to your mom for us. 請代我們向你媽媽表示感謝。

6. He was not able to buy a ________to the movie. 他不能買到那部電影的票。

a ticket to ---一張---的票 the key to the door門的鑰匙 the answer to the question問題的答案

be able to do sth =can do sth能夠做某事

He is ________to swim. =He can swim他會游泳。(一現)

He will be able to swim. 他將會游泳。(一將)

He was able to swim across the river.=He ________swim他得以游泳過河。(一過)

He has been able to swim. 他已經會游泳了。(現完)

7. It's so ________and interesting. 我認為它很有趣。


The joke is so funny that I can’t stop laughing!這個笑話太好笑了,我都笑得停不下來了

fun(名詞)的意思是:有趣的人或事物 make fun of sb 取笑某人

what ________= How funny. 太有趣了!

8. She doesn't go to work because of her ________. because of是介詞短語,後接名詞,代詞,動詞的ing形式

= She doesn't go to work ________she is ill. 她沒來上班,因為她生病了.because是連詞,後接從句,

The ________music makes me crazy. 那麼嘈雜的音樂簡直讓我瘋了。

noise(不可數名詞)的意思是:環境噪音;響聲;雜聲 makenoise製造噪音

There was too ________noise in the room.屋子裡太吵鬧


Turn down the TV,it’s too noisy. 把電視關小聲點,太吵了。

sound (名詞)聲音,是自然界各種聲音的總稱(系動詞)聽起來怎麼樣+形容詞

He heard a strange ________.他聽到了奇怪的聲音。

noise專指“噪音”或“不悅耳的聲音” Stop making so much noise. 別製造這麼多噪音。


He told me the news in a low ________.他小聲告訴我這個消息。

9. Beijing Opera is ________of famous stories. 京劇裡有許多著名的故事,
be full of= be filled with填滿了某物 fill 是動詞 fill ----with ----- 用什麼裝滿了----

The bottle is full of water= the bottle is ________with water= We fill the bottle with water.

full是形容詞飽的,滿的 Aftering having the bread, I am ________now. 吃完麵包後,我覺得飽了。

10. Everyone is usually happy ________the end.最後通常每個人都會變得高興。

in the end = at last,表示“終於、最後”,通常用於敘述過去發生的事情的結果。

They didn’t give up so they won the game in the end/at last. 他們沒有放棄最後贏了比賽。

at the end of...…:既可以表示時間也可以表示地點,譯為“在…末;在…盡頭”。

At the ________of this year, they will move to the new house. 今年年底,他們家將搬到新房。

You can find the bank at the end of this road. 你能在這條路盡頭找到那銀行。

11. In China it used to be ________with old people在中國它曾深受老年人的喜愛。

used to do sth. 過去常常做某事

The street used to be dirty a few years ago. 幾年前這條街是很髒亂的。

be used to do sth.(be used for doing sth.)被用來做某事

The knife is used to ________things.=The knife is used

________cutting things.

be/get usedto (doing) sth.習慣於(做)某事

The foreigner is(gets) used to ________the chopsticks. 這個外國人已經習慣用筷子了。

12. You look worried. 你看上去很焦急.
worried 放在系動詞後面做形容詞;感到著急
look worried 看上去很焦急 be/feel Worried 感到焦慮 be worried about---擔心什麼

He is ________about his English. 他很擔心他的英語

I'm really worried about her.我真的很擔心她。

worry 做謂語是動詞:擔心跟about 搭配 worried 也可以是過去時

He worries ________his English. 他很擔心他的英語

You needn't worry too much about me. 你們不必過於為我擔心。

don’t worry= no need to worry 不必擔心

13. She is crying in the bathroom because she did ________in the English exam.

14. She is very ________with herself. 她對自己要求很嚴格。

be strict with sb 對某人嚴格 be strict in sth 對某事嚴格

Smith is strict with us and he is also strict in his job.

15. She feels very ________because she has no friends to talk with.

16. I think I should have a talk with her.我覺得我應該和她談談。

17. I'm feeling really sad because I failed the English ________.我真的很難過,因為我英語考試不及格。

fail to do sth. (失敗)未能做某事 fail (in doing)sth.在……方面失敗

He failed to catch the first train. 他沒能趕上第一班火車

She ________in doing his homework.意思是她的作業沒做完

18. I don't know how to talk with others about it.我不知道怎樣和其他同學談這件事。

動詞+how to+do+it(事情)英語中表示“怎樣做這件事,如何做這件事”用how to do it,其中how是副詞作狀語,it指代前面提過的某件事,do是及物動詞,沒有it作賓語表達就不完整。

Do you know ________to learn English? 你知道該如何學英語嗎?

動詞+what+to+do英語中表示“做什麼”用what to do,其中what就是do的賓語,所以do後面不能再加it作賓語了。

how to do it詢問的是方法,是完成某事應該怎麼做;

what to do詢問的是所做的事情,到底應該做什麼。

where to go 去哪裡 when to go 什麼時候走 which to choose 選哪個

19. Who do you want to make ________with?你想和誰交朋友呢?

20. She always tells me ________and makes me laugh.


21. ________time flies! 光陰似箭!

22. I couldn't sleep as well as ________. 我不能像平常一樣睡好覺。

23. The food was not as ________as ours, either. 食物也沒有我們的美味可口。

24. I'm not afraid to talk with ________now. 現在我不害怕和其他人談話了。

be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of (doing)sth 害怕(做)某事

25. Please give my best ________to your parents.請代我向你父母問好。

26. I don't know how to ________with these problems=I don't know ________to do with these problems

27. He refused to play soccer with friends. 他拒絕和朋友一起去踢足球

refuse to do sth 拒絕做某事 accept(doing)sth 接受(做)某事
receive sth from sb =get sth from sb從某人那邊收到某物

He receives a ________from his friend. 他收到了他朋友的來信。

28. He no longer stays in his room by himself.


29. Is there anything ________?有什麼事嗎?

30. I always get nervous before a ________.考試之前我總是很緊張。

31. we must be confident ________ourselves.我們對自己要有信心。

32. When we are in a bad ________all the time, we could become sick.

33. We are ________of him. =We take ________in him.我們為他感到驕傲

34. Let's give Michael a ________! 讓我們給邁克爾一個驚喜吧!

35. We can put on a short play我們可以演一部短劇

put on +衣服穿上衣服 You must put on the coat. 你必須穿上你的大衣。

put on+節目 表演---節目 They will put on a funny show. 他們將表演滑稽的節目。

36. Let's get ________for it!咱們去準備吧!

37. I think the moon can ________my moods我覺得月亮能影響我的情緒。

38. I feel nervous and I have trouble ________at night. 我感到很緊張,晚上很難入睡。

trouble 麻煩、困難 have trouble (in) doing sth 做某事有困難

in trouble 在麻煩中

39. When it ________, I always feel sad. 下雨天時,我總是心情不好。

40. We must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in a good mood.

41. Think it ________before making an important decision. 做出重要決定之前先仔細考慮。

42. Get back to your everyday activities. It will give you a ________of happiness.

everyday 日常的(形容詞)+名詞
Teaching English is my
________job. 教英語是我的日常工作。

every day 每一天(名詞)(放句末)

I do exercise ________.我每天都鍛鍊。

