
中國古代銅鏡發展的歷史有四千多年,先後經歷了五個時期:早期(以齊家文化、商周銅鏡為代表),流行期(以春秋戰國銅鏡為代表),鼎盛期(以漢代銅鏡為代表),中衰期(以三國、晉、魏、南北朝銅鏡為代表),繁榮期(以隋唐銅鏡為代表),衰落期(以五代、十國、宋、金、元銅鏡為代表)。唐代是我國銅鏡發展史上最最輝煌的時期,是一個創新的時代。它擺脫了漢式鏡的拘謹板滯,側重於自由寫實,其圖紋從漢代銅鏡的繁雜、拘謹、呆板,變得簡練、流暢和清新,製作工藝也極為精細。既有藝術的魅力,又有與現實生活的和諧統一。飛禽走獸、植物花卉紋飾是這個時期銅鏡裝飾的主要題材。海獸葡萄鏡是唐代銅鏡最引人注目的鏡類,它的紋飾圖案充滿了神秘色彩,被許多專家學者稱之為“多謎之鏡” 。

The development of ancient Chinese bronze mirrors has a history of more than 4000 years. It has experienced five periods: the early period (represented by Qijia culture, bronze mirrors of Shang and Zhou dynasties), the popular period (represented by bronze mirrors of spring and Autumn period and Warring States period), the heyday period (represented by bronze mirrors of Han Dynasty), the middle decline period (represented by bronze mirrors of Three Kingdoms, Jin, Wei and southern and Northern Dynasties), the prosperity period (represented by bronze mirrors of Sui and Tang Dynasties), and the decline period (represented by bronze mirrors of Sui and Tang Dynasties) Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms, Song Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. Tang Dynasty is the most brilliant period in the history of bronze mirror development in China, and it is an innovative era. It gets rid of the rigidity of the Han mirror and focuses on free realism. The pattern of the bronze mirror in the Han Dynasty is simple, smooth and fresh, and the production process is extremely fine. It has not only the charm of art, but also the harmony with real life. Birds, animals, plants and flowers are the main themes of bronze mirror decoration in this period. Sea animal grape mirror is the most eye-catching mirror of Tang Dynasty bronze mirror. Its pattern is full of mystery, which is called "the mirror of many riddles" by many experts and scholars.



The sea animal grape mirror is also called seahorse grape mirror in Xuanhe Bogu of Song Dynasty, and the animal grape mirror in yanku Tibetan mirror. Some people call it auspicious animal grape mirror, with various names. More people still call it the sea animal grape mirror. The common character of these appellations is that "grape" is behind. The shape of a typical marine animal's grape mirror is divided into two areas: the inner and outer. The inner area is the main decoration area. The large Fu animal buttons are molded by high relief technology. The sea animals (lion dragon) with different numbers are arranged around the animal buttons, either creeping, lying down, jumping, or playing. The ground sheets are decorated with vine patterns. The outer area is mostly designed with birds and auspicious animals wearing vines and flowers. With the increasingly rich unearthed materials of bronze mirrors, various patterns of marine animal grape mirrors have been found one after another, which are colorful, greatly enriching the cultural connotation of the Tang Dynasty marine animal grape mirrors.


Tang Dynasty is a new historical period in the development of bronze mirrors in China. The bronze mirror of Sui and Tang Dynasties has a new development. In the copper alloy, the tin component is increased, and the copper mirror is silvery, beautiful and applicable. In terms of the shape of the bronze mirror, in addition to continuing to use the previous generation of round and square, it also created the rhombic pattern and thicker bird and animal grape pattern mirror. Moreover, the pictures reflecting people's life and people's pursuit of ideals, auspiciousness and happiness are applied to the mirror, such as the Moon Palace, immortal, landscape, etc. In addition, there are gold and silver flat mirror and mother of Pearl mirror with novel themes, gorgeous patterns and exquisite workmanship. This is the product of high artistic level in the Tang Dynasty, which fully shows the characteristics of bronze mirrors in the Tang Dynasty.



The development of bronze mirrors in Sui and Tang Dynasties experienced three stages. In Sui Dynasty and early Tang Dynasty, the main theme of bronze mirror was auspicious beast, which was very popular. Auspicious beast mirror was an important type in the development of Sui and Tang Dynasty. It not only inherits the tradition of ancient Chinese bronze mirror, but also has new innovation. Auspicious animal grape mirror is a kind of eye-catching mirror in Tang Dynasty, which has opened the prologue of Tang Dynasty mirror theme decoration. During the period from Gaozong to Dezong, the new forms, themes and styles of bronze mirror decoration made the bronze mirror enter a colorful era.



From Dezong of Tang Dynasty to the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, bird mirror, Ruihua mirror and Panlong mirror were mainly popular. One of the biggest characteristics of Tang Dynasty mirror is the diversification of artistic style or technique. Bronze mirror art also presents a strong "prosperous Tang Dynasty atmosphere".


This kind of bronze mirror is called "seahorse grape mirror" in the "Bogu atlas" of Song Dynasty. However, in the Qing Dynasty, the ancient mirror of the Western Qing Dynasty is called "the sea animal grape mirror". In addition, there are also known as animal grape mirror, Tianma grape mirror, auspicious animal grape mirror and other names. However, the names of "seahorse" and "sea animal" are still widely used. The original nomenclature of "seahorse" and "sea animal" has not been explained. There is no consistent statement about what kind of animal it is. In the early years, a German scholar thought that "seahorse" was a kind of sacrifice related plant haoma in Ancient Iran, which was later transformed into "seahorse". Others think that seahorse is a horse from overseas.



The sea animal grape mirror is mainly popular in the period of Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu. Its shape is mainly round, a small number of square, water chestnut shape. The pattern on the back of the mirror is a high relief sculpture. The theme pattern is composed of grapes and sea animals. The layout of the main pattern has two forms: one is that several sea animals chase and play with each other in the inner area, among which are the leaves and fruits of vines, while the outer area is the fruits of birds, vines, and leaves; the other is called "bridge type sea animal grape mirror" by Dajia. Although the picture is divided into the inner and outer areas, the inner area is Portuguese Grape branches and vines extend into the outer area along the middle division circle. Although the outer area is dominated by grape branches, there are also birds and animals, small bees and butterflies, and some edges are decorated. The size of the sea animal grape mirror ranges from a few centimeters to more than 30 centimeters. According to the auction records, the size of high price bronze mirrors is generally about 17 cm.



The Tang dynasty sea animal grape mirror is a bright pearl on the crown of Chinese bronze mirror art. It is one of the most representative mirror species in the history of Chinese bronze mirror development for more than 4000 years. It is the object pursued by numerous bronze mirror collectors and collectors, and has a wide social impact.


The sea animal grape mirror is an article of Tang Dynasty. The grape mirror of sea animal is the last peak of ancient Chinese bronze mirror making. There is no better bronze mirror in the future. Generally, the smallest ones are a few centimeters, the largest ones are about thirty centimeters, but the ones over fifteen centimeters, even if they are less, are more high-end. It is made of very fine workmanship and very good materials. It is usually cast with high tin and bronze. Its appearance feels very good. Its rust color is also very good, and its casting is also very fine.



Bronze mirror is a practical product of combing and cosmetic surgery in the daily life of ancient people in China. It has a long history of more than 4000 years and has been made in every dynasty and every generation. After the mercury mirror came out, it gradually stopped making.



Experts recommend: the bronze mirror is round and thick, with high relief grape pattern as the theme, decorated with sea animals, grapes, birds, bees and butterflies, flowers and plants and other patterns, gorgeous and complicated. The casting is extremely exquisite, the pattern is colorful, meticulous and vivid, and the product appearance is perfect. The outer edge of the mirror is a high and straight narrow line edge, with animal buttons and high circle of string pattern. The pattern of the mirror back is divided into two areas: the inner and outer. The shape of auspicious animal grape is a very popular bronze mirror pattern in the middle of Tang Dynasty. This kind of decorative style with rich red tape and colorful flowers fully embodies the prosperity of Tang Dynasty and the mutual blend of multi-ethnic cultures. This bronze mirror is extremely exquisite, well preserved and regular in shape. The patterns are colorful, detailed and vivid, and the products are perfect. What's particularly valuable is that all these exquisite patterns are placed in the area, which is of great collection value!

