


  • 溫莎公爵夫婦
  • The Duke and Duchess of Windsor

1894 愛德華出生在英國的里士滿。

1894 Edward is born in Richmond, England.

1896 沃利斯出生在美國巴爾的摩。

1896 Wallis is born in Baltimore,USA.

1911 愛德華稱為威爾士親王。

1911 Edward becomes Prince of Wales.

1912 愛德華進入牛津大學。

1912 Edward enters Oxford University.

1914 第一次世界大戰爆發,愛德華在比利時前線督戰。

1914 The First World War begins.Edward sees fighing on the front line in Belgium.

1916 沃利斯與溫菲爾德-斯潘塞結婚。

1916 Wallis marries Winfield Spencer.

1920 愛德華開始了為期5年的環球旅行。他訪問了45個國家,行程達24萬公里。

1920 Edward begins a five-year journey round the world. He visits 45 countries and travels 240 000 kilometres.

1927 沃利斯與溫菲爾德-斯潘塞離婚。

1927 Wallis divorces Winfield Spencer.

1928 沃利斯與歐內斯特-辛普森結婚。

1928 Wallis marries Ernest Simpson.

1930 愛德華在一個週末家庭招待會上與沃利斯相識。

1930 Edward meets Wallis at a weekend house party.

1936 1月:國王喬治五世逝世。愛德華登基。

1936 January king George V dies. Edward is now king.


June Edward tells his mother that he wants to marry Wallis.


December Edward gives the crown to his brother and leaves England.

1937 愛德華和沃利斯在法國結婚。他們被封為溫莎公爵和夫人。皇族中沒一人去參加他們 的婚禮。在以後的30年裡,公爵和夫人一直在英國以外的國家居住。

1937 Edward and Wallis marry in France. They take the name Duke and Duchess of Windsor. None of the Royal Family come to wedding. For the next thirty years the Duke and Duchess live out-side England.

1966 女王伊麗莎白二世在倫敦的一個小型聚會上與溫莎公爵和夫人相遇。她說:‘現在是忘記過去的時候了。’

1966 Queen Elizabeth 2 meets the Duke and Duchess at a small party in London.' It's time to forger the past, 'she says.

1972 愛德華在巴黎逝世。他的遺體埋葬在英國的溫莎城堡。

1972 Edward dies in Paris, His body is buried in England at Windsor Castle.

1986 沃利斯在巴黎去世,葬在溫莎城堡愛德華的墓旁。

1986 Wallis dies in Paris and is buried next to Edward at Windsor .


IN APRIL 1987, THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE CAME TO A SMALL room in Geneva, Switzerland, There were Presidents and kings ,film stars and millionaires. They came from the four corners of the world , east and west , north and south, and they spoke many languages.


But they all wanted one thing-to buy some jewellery .It was the jewellery that a man called Edward gave a women called Wallis.


One women,Mrs Namiki from Japan, paid $105 000 for a gold ring.

“你為什麼花那麼錢?”一位朋友問。“在東京, 有這一半的錢就能買一枚金戒。”

"Why did you pay all that money?" a friend asked. "You can buy a gold ring in Tokyo for half that money ."


"Because Wallis and Edward were special to me , "Mrs Namiki replied. them but I'II keep that ring all my life."


In the next few hours, in that small room in Geneva, the jew-ellery was sold for $50000000. But who was Wallis? And who was Edward ? And why was their love story so special?

讓我們從頭說起 .........

Let's begin at the beginning.......



