

469th article469期原創雙語推文

"Good friends feel close to each other even when they are thousands of miles away". As the World Health Organization has said, this is not just a threat for individual people, or individual countries. We're all in this together, and we can only save lives together.


Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Zhengzhou and other cities across the country have been working together in their determination to win the battle against the epidemic. While placing the life and health of its citizens at the top priority, Zhengzhou has also provided relevant prevention and control measures and effective help to overseas visitors.


Meanwhile, Zhengzhou has also received help from all over the world. Listen, this is the chorus of "a community with a shared future for mankind".


Greetings from the international community


On March 6, on behalf of Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Thong Rathasak, Director General of Tourism Development & International Cooperation, sent video greetings.


On February 21, Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia, sent a letter of sympathy to Zhengzhou. On March 4, 10,000 surgical masks from Cambodia arrived at Zhengzhou Qiboshan Hospital. These masks were delivered to Hu Heping, Vice President of Zhengzhou Qiboshan Hospital by Yang Xiaofeng, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Commerce of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, entrusted by Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia.



Pic source: 鄭州航空港實驗區

On January 20 this year, Dr. Thong Khon and his delegation visited Henan and reached a broad consensus on deepening cooperation between Henan and Cambodia. According to Yang Xiaofeng, after returning home from the visit, Minister Thong Khon paid close attention to the development of the epidemic and expressed his concern for many times: "the Cambodian people stands firmly with the Chinese people to deal with the difficulties together, just as any 'true friend' would do."


On March 5, a donation from Cheju, South Korea was sent to Zhengzhou Qiboshan Hospital through the Henan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office to support the hospital's epidemic prevention and control. The 10 million won donation was jointly raised by Cheju South Korea - China Exchange Association, Cheju 21st Century South Korea-China International Exchange Association, Cheju Seobok Culture International Exchange Association, Cheju South Korea – China Calligraphy International Exchange Association, South Korea-China Culture Association (Cheju), and South Korea - China Academic Culture Exchange Association (Cheju), with the strong support of Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Cheju.



Pic source: 河南外事

Coincidently, Zhengzhou's sister cities and international friends have also written and called to express sympathy to Zhengzhou, and also look forward to further exchanges and cooperation.


Mayor of Jinju, South Korea, Mayor of Tiberias, Israel and Deputy Mayor of Amiens, France sent letters of sympathy; authorities in Saitama of Japan, Innsbruck of Austria, Colombo of Sri Lanka, and Athens of Greece, wrote or called to express greetings; Secretary General of Metropolis, UCLG and Secretary General of APAC expressed their sympathy and support to Zhengzhou; the Hays of USA, and Cheongsong-gun of South Korea sent greetings in videos and letters to Xinzheng and Guancheng Hui District, Zhengzhou respectively.


Sympathy and care in the merciless epidemic


On February 15, Moni Maatuk, Mayor of Tiberias – Sea of Galilee, Israel, said in the letter: "as the new mayor of Tiberias - Sea of Galilee, your sister city in Israel, I send you my honest wishes for quickly overcoming this crisis and moving forward as Zhengzhou has done so impressively in the past. Tiberias, your sister city in Israel, and its people, are sending you our support and keeping you all in our prayers.”


On February 24, Cho Kyu-il, Mayor of Jinju, South Korea said in a letter:"Jinju, your sister city, sincerely hopes to work with Zhengzhou to overcome difficulties to restore a stable and healthy life as soon as possible."


On February 25, Pascal FRADCOURT, Deputy Mayor of Amiens, said in the letter: "We applaud and appreciate the decisions and effective measures taken by our Chinese counterpart in the field of public health protection, and admire your government for its persistence and transparency in the face of difficult tasks. We are confident that with the support of China's policies, capabilities and the entire international community, China will overcome these difficulties and we will make new strides."


On March 2, Mohammed BENLAHSEN, President of University of Amiens, and Pascal FRADCOURT, Deputy Mayor of Amiens, expressed their determination to tide over the difficulties with us in a video. Mohammed BENLAHSEN in the video, expressed solidarity, saying: "you are suffering from this disease, and we feel the same way, because we share the same world and we are friends. Come on! Bless you all with all my heart!" "China, especially Zhengzhou, has been on our minds since the outbreak started in December last year," said Pascal FRADCOURT. "Now there are outbreaks in France. Just a few minutes ago, I was at a conference on the outbreak at Amiens Hospital. On March 12, we will hold a charity concert for disaster relief with two world-famous musicians: Anthony Leroy, a cellist, and Sandra Moubarak, a pianist. We are very concerned about Zhengzhou and China. So the concert will be broadcast in various channels and everyone will be able to enjoy the concert together. I believe we will meet again soon."

3月2日,法國亞眠市大學校長穆罕默德 ·本拉森和亞眠市副市長帕斯卡爾·弗萊德里克透過祝福視頻,表達了與我們共度難關的決心。鏡頭裡的穆罕默德 ·本拉森向我們表達了團結之意,他說:“疫情讓你們受疾病之苦,我們也感同身受,因為我們共有一個世界,是心靈相通的友人。加油!全心全意祝福大家!”帕斯卡爾·弗萊德里克則說:“自從去年12月,疫情出現以來,我們就一直惦念著中國,尤其是鄭州市。如今,在法國也出現了疫情,就在幾分鐘之前,我還在亞眠醫院參加了關於疫情的會議。3月12日,我們將與兩名舉世聞名的音樂家——大提琴演奏家安東尼·勒華和鋼琴演奏家桑德拉·穆巴拉克夫人,舉行一場賑災義演音樂會。我們非常惦念鄭州和中國,因此這場音樂會將會以各種渠道進行轉播,大家將能一起欣賞這場音樂會。相信我們很快會再相見。”

In the era of globalization, only by working together can we overcome one challenge after another and realize the vision of peace, security, win-win development and common prosperity of the human society. At present, China is in the most critical stage of the epidemic war, and many countries are increasingly faced with the threat of the epidemic. This is a common challenge facing all mankind and requires the concerted efforts of the international community.


It is believed that with the full support of the rest of the world, and with the help of international organizations and friendly people, Zhengzhou will make unremitting efforts to win the final victory against the epidemic.



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Chief Planner: Shi Dadong

Managing Editor: Xiong Vivi

Reporter: Xiong Vivi, Wang Yipin

Video / Picture Editor: Vivi

