聽故事磨耳朵練聽力My Poor Bf Presented Me The Latest Iphone

My Poor Bf Presented Me The Latest Iphone. He Stole It From A Child!
參考閱讀:Hey! I’m Liz and I’m 18. Do you know that feeling when your parents think that your significant other is not good enough for you? For some strange reason, in these cases you'll most likely ignore them and try to be happy with the person you love. And that's what I did, but as it often turns out, mommy and daddy know best.
Everything began last year. My parents, as usual, took me to a restaurant to celebrate the ending of another school year, and all of the sudden the waiter brought me a Shirley temple. I tried to explain that I didn’t order that, but he just smiled at me and said it was a complimentary drink from the bartender. I looked at the bar and saw a nice-looking guy, who winked at me. I saw my dad frown, since he clearly didn’t like the attention i was getting, but all evening I stealthily glanced toward the bar.

