

Lesson 14


1. gang匪幫/gangster歹徒;強盜

2. protect v.保護/protection n.保護

3. promptly及時地=in time

4. destroy v.毀壞/ruin v.毀壞 n.廢墟/damage v. n.損壞;損害

5. hire v.租用;僱用/fire v.解僱

6. prince王子;諸侯/princess公主;王妃

7. funeral葬禮/wedding婚禮

8. memory n.記憶;內存/memorize v.記住

9. valiant英勇的/brave勇敢的


1. There was a time when...有一個......的時期

2. large sums of money大筆的錢

3. in return for來換取

4. out of business倒閉;破產

5. the fourteenth century十四世紀

6. make a discovery取得發現

7. would rather...than...寧願......也不......

8. a band of...一群;一幫

9. make a name for oneself出名了

10. be known as被稱為

11. at war with...與......交戰

12. be willing to do sth.甘願

13. in times of peace在和平時期

14. march into走進

15. city state城邦國家

16. offer to do sth.主動提出要做某事

17. protection money保護費

18. in spite of儘管

19. regard...as...把......看作......

20. a sort of一種

21. at the age of在......歲的時候

22. state funeral國葬

