


1. My sister sometimes has only apple for dinner because she wants to be thin.

A. an; 不填 B. a; a C. the; 不填 D. an; the

2. Betty runs very fast. I believe that she will be the of the race.

A. volunteer B. listener C. pioneer D. winner

3. —How nice your dress is! Where did you get ? I'd like to buy , too.

—In the shop in the city center.

A. it; it B. one; one C. it; one D. one; it

4. His grandparents live in an old apartment with floors and they are on the floor.

9. Your plan about our holiday next Monday.

A. discusses B. is discussed C. discussed D. will be discussed

10. — Must I do the project on my own?

— No, you . You can work with your classmates.

A. needn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. mustn't

11. —I've tried hard at my schoolwork but still .

—Don't be upset. Sometimes losing is only a sign that you really tried.

A. succeeded B. worried C. improved D. failed

12. — Do you still play basketball?

— Oh, no. I it for the past two years.

A. haven't played B. didn't play C. won't play D. hadn't played

13. —What a mess! The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.

—Let's collect and put them in the right place they can be used conveniently.

A. unless B. so that C. because D. so long as

14. —Do you know ?

—On July 15 .th

A. when did the 2018 Football World Cup end

B. when the 2018 Football World Cup ended

C. when did the 2018 Football World Cup be held

D. where the 2018 Football World Cup was held

15. —

— That's a good idea.

A. I've got the first prize in the English speech contest.

B. I'd like to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow.

C. Shall we go to the farm to pick peaches this weekend?

D. Would you mind opening the window a bit more?


16. I have five children, so our house is always noisy 1 . I love gardening and my garden helps me relax.

For a long time, I guarded the garden of peace and quiet. When the children followed me into the garden, I would expect 2 to be out of sight. And I would hand out tasks.

"Here: you 3 the onions. you dig the holes, and… " Soon they would be 4 or their arms would be sore(痠痛的), and they would leave me to myself.

But during a recent spring, 5 I was working in the garden, my 13﹣year﹣old son, Josiah noticed me. He 6 a tool and began helping. Working as a team, we finished the job in no time at all. I thanked Josiah, realizing that I'd enjoyed working with him.

The same thing happened-one or two of the 7 would appear and join in the gardening from time to time. Each time, I would feel 8 that the work was lighter because of their help.

One day, when I was picking the peas(豌豆) and having a taste alone , Abby saw me and ran over. I put several peas into her mouth. She just loved how tasty they were.

"Mama, i want the others to try them too."

Suddenly, I realized I had been wrong for long. I'd tried to keep the 9 of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldn't wait to 10 with others. "Sure, honey, let's pick some. Well make a wonderful supper."

Now I enjoy all of the gardens beauties with the children. We bring the fruits back home, preparing and cooking the produce together, because we know that everything is better when shared.

1. A. Finally B. Quickly C. Luckily D. Immediately

2. A. it B. him C. he D. them

3. A. water B. eat C. sell D. cook

4. A. hot B. shy C. sorry D. nervous

5. A. so B. if C. while D. unless

6. A. waited for B. picked up C. pointed at D. looked after

7. A. friend B. children C. visitors D. neighbors

8. A. bored B. silly C. afraid D. surprised

9. A. tradition B. standard C. happiness D. background

10.A. share B. agree C. work D. live


17. Alice was not hurt, so she jumped to her feet in a moment. She looked up, and found the White Rabbit was still in sight. She was close behind it when she turned the comer, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen. She found herself in a long, low hall.

There were doors all around the hall, but they were all locked.

Alice walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again. Suddenly, she came upon a little three-legged table. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alice's first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall.

But, alas! Either the locks were too large, or the key was too small. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little


She tried the little golden key in the lock, and she was pleased to find it fitted!

( 1 )The hall where Alice stayed is .





( 5 )Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Alice had never seen the White Rabbit before she got to the hall.

B. Some of the doors around the hall were locked.

C. Alice noticed the little door as soon as she entered the hall.

D. The passage is from Alice in Wonderland.

18. Last week I was at my desk in the classroom as usual. I was very tired, and couldn't concentrate (集中注意力) on the lesson. I looked around and noticed a door behind me. "I'm sure it wasn't there before!" I said to myself. Very quickly I got up, opened the door, and saw a long hallway. Soon I found myself in an underground room. There were a lot of strange machines, and people moved around in white coats.Suddenly I heard a scream (尖叫) from another room, and I began to feel afraid. Just then a tall man with white hair came towards me.

"I am a professor(教授), " he told me. "How nice to see you! Did you come to help with our little experiment (實驗)? " I didn't like the professor, and I didn't want to stay. I tried to run away, but my legs couldn't move. He came closer. "Don't worry, " he said, smiling. "We're just doing a few tests.."

Just then I woke up. I was back in the classroom, and someone was shaking my arm. I listened to the teacher. " Tests this week and next week, " she said, " That's better, " I thought.

( 1 )The writer fell asleep when he was .

A. taking a test B. having a class

C. doing his homework D. doing an experiment in the lab

( 2 )In his dream, the writer began to feel afraid after he .

A. heard a scream B. met a strange professor

C. saw some strange machines D. entered an underground room

( 3 )What did the writer say about the professor in his dream?

A. He hardly smiled. B. he had white hair.

C. He looked like his teacher. D. He invented some machines.

( 4 )The professor asked the writer to .

A. come again the next week B. stay with him and help

C. go back home at once D. do a few tests alone

( 5 )How did the writer feel at the end of the passage?

A. surprised. B. Excited. C. Relaxed. D. Worried.

19. On school nights, lots of kids have to do their reading before they are allowed to watch TV. Pretty soon they might be able to do both at the same time, in true Harry Potter style.

Several companies are racing to produce electronic paper and ink, complete with colors and moving images(圖像)One idea would be create a newspaper like The Daily Project in the Harry Potter books. Its pages would hold wide clips of baseball games instead of just black-and -white photos.

Electronic paper is not a new idea. A company in Massachusetts called E Ink, for example. has been working for yeas on such a technology. Little electrical signals determine (決定) whether each microsphere (微球體) looks black or white at any given time. Together, microspheres make up words and images, The techniques seem promising for creating still(靜止的) images that can be changed , but the process (過程) is too slow for high-quality videos.

Scientists in Holland now report a new e-paper technology – by using layers(層) of oil. They can make images change fast enough to meet standard video requirements. They can also display brilliant colors, so far, however, each image is smaller than the human fingernail.

For now, reading and watching TV have to be separate activities. Keep your eyes open, though-in the future, watching TV and reading might be part of the same work.

( 1 )According to the passage, soon Schoolchildren can .

A. be allowed to watch TV B. watch TV while reading C. watch Harry Potter on TV D. be allowed to red newspapers

( 2 )What determines the black or white color of each microsphere?

A. Images B. Electricity C. Oil and ink D. Fingernails

( 3 )Scientists in have reported a new e-paper technology that uses oil.

A. the U.S.A. B. the U.K. C. England D. Holland

( 4 )Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Electronic paper is not a new idea.

B. Microspheres make up words and images.

C. Watching TV and reading are now part of the same work.

D. Scientists use layers of oil in a new e-paper technology.

( 5 )From the last paragraph, we know that .

A. scientists are still working on the new e-paper technology

B. kids love to read while watching TV

C. parents may be against this new idea

D. teachers don't need to teach students in the future


20. A: Hi. Li Min! I didn't see you for a few days. Where did you go?

B: I went to Chengdu on holiday.

A: 1

B: Sure! Chengdu is really a good city for holiday. A: That's great! 2

B: Yes, very much. Things are quite different here.

A: Really? Do you go to school every day?

B: 3 But on Friday afternoon we don't have any classes.

A: 4

B: Six. They are English, maths, history, science, art and PE.

A: Which is your favourite one?

B: I like English best. 5 A: Nice work!

A. Yes, we do.

B. Did you enjoy yourself there?

C. How many subjects do you have?

D. What's the weather like in Chengdu?

E. No, I go to school by bus every day F. My English teacher says I am doing well.

G. By the way, do you like your new school?


21. 禁止入內! !

22. 名單將公佈在學校佈告欄裡。

The names will be on the college notice board.

23. 儘管他有時可能很煩人,但我還是喜歡他。

I like him, he can be annoying at times.

24. 在昨天的晚會上威爾金森和我熱烈地握手。

Wilson with me warmly at yesterday's party.

25. 多保重!再見。

. Bye!


26. Some years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. We decided to drive across the country to Brisbane to visit a friend after the meeting ended.

On the first day, we were excited and laughed at each other jokes, By the third day of driving in the endless desert, we had begun to get bored. we had been quiet for a few hours when suddenly Chris saw some kangaroos. We were both excited and decided to get a closer look. Chris accelerated to catch up with the kangaroos. We got closer and closer and Chris was driving at 110 kilometers per hour. We were very close to the kangaroos—too close—when we heard a loud BANG!

Chris stopped the car and we got out. Behind the car there was a large kangaroo lying still on the ground.

Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball cap on its head. He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo before he did the same with his jacket. Then he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together. I was still in shock, but I took out my camera.

While I was taking the photo, I saw the kangaroo move. It suddenly woke up, looked at Chris and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.

I stared laughing, but Chris looked very serious. He said his purse and passport(護照) were in the jacket. I started laughing even harder. I stopped laughing, however, when he said our car keys were also in the jacket.

( 1 )The writer and Chris went to Brisbane because .

( 2 )What does the underlined word "accelerated" (in the second paragraph) probably mean?

It means Chris drove .

( 3 )Did their car hit the kangaroo?

( 4 )There were his purse, Passport and in Chris's jacket.

( 5 )What can we most probably conclude(推斷)from the last sentence of the passage?

The writer and Chris had to .


27. Most great inventors met with much trouble in their work. Before they achieved success, they had to overcome(克服) thousands of difficulties. The following is one of such e 1 .

George Stephenson(1781-1748), a famous English inventor, made the first train in 1825, using a steam engine. When he was experimenting with the engine on the train, he met with troubles from the government, the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the n 2 and the smoke would kill cows, horses and sheep and that the engine would burst(爆裂) and the h 3 coals from it would set fire to their houses.

Stephenson told these people that the train could go on small rails, could pull carriages full of goods(貨品)and p 4 and that was no great d 5 to people. It was very difficult for him to convince(使信服)them. H 6 , after some time, the first train that was d 7 by Stephenson himself proved him right. On the train, there was a new steam engine. It was invented by him. It turned out to be a complete success.

The first day when the train ran on the rails, people along the way heard the noise of the Train in the distance and saw it r 8 quickly to them. They thought it was a genie( 妖怪).They were so full of frightened that they ran quickly back home and closed their doors tightly. They did not dare to come out until it had passed. A week later, an old woman s 9 said that her hen had been so frightened that it hadn't l 10 any eggs for three days!


28. 積極鍛鍊是非常重要的,為此,某英文報開展了一次關於初中生鍛鍊情況的調查活動。請你

根據下列圖表和相關文字提示,以 "Exercising is important!" 為題,用英語寫一篇短文。


(2) 詞數90左右,短文開頭已給出,不計入總詞數;

(3) 短文中不得提及考生所在學校及自己的姓名等信息。

(4) 參考詞彙:敏銳的sharp

Exercising is important!



Recently, we have done a survey about students' exercising. According to the surve



1. A

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. A

11. D

12. A

13. B

14. B 15. C




17. ( 1 )A

( 2 )C

( 3 )B ( 4 )C

( 5 )D

18. ( 1 )B ( 2 )A

( 3 )B

( 4 )B

( 5 )B

19. ( 1 )B

( 2 )B

( 3 )D

( 4 )C ( 5 )A 四、補全對話(本大題共5小題,每小題1分,共5分)



21. No ; entering

22. put ; up

23. even ; though

24. shake ; hands

25. Take ; care


26.( 1 )to visit a friend

( 2 )faster

( 3 )Yes, it did.

( 4 )car keys

( 5 )walk in the endless desert


27. example ; noise ; hot ; passengers ; damage ; However ; driven ; running ; still ; laid


28. One possible version:

Exercising is important!

Recently, we have done a survey about students' exercising. According to the survey, 32% of the students spend over one hour every day doing exercise, while 68% of them spend less than one hour. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, 46% of them have too much homework, so they have no time to do exercise. Secondly, 29% of them are not good at exercise. Thirdly, 25% of them are not interested in it.

As we all know,exercising is good for our health,which keeps our minds sharp and makes us confident and happy.

In my opinion,we should keep a balance between our study and exercising. Besides,we should develop a good habit of doing exercise.

