

  1. People Face Trade-offs - 人們面臨均衡取捨
  2. The Cost of Something Is What You Give up to Get it - 有舍才有得
  3. Rational People Think at the Margin - 理性決策者思考邊際效應
  4. People Respond to Incentives - 人會對激勵做出反應
  5. Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off - 人人都能從貿易中獲益
  6. Markets Are Usually a Good Way to Organize Economic Activity - 市場通常是一種組織經濟活動的好方式
  7. Government Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes - 政府有時候可以改善市場結果(潛臺詞就是政府也可以阻礙市場發展)
  8. A Country‘s Standard of Living Depends on its Ability to Produce Goods and Services - 一個國的生活水平取決於它生產商品與提供服務的能力
  9. Prices Rise When the Government Prints Too Much Money - 政府貨幣超發導致價格上漲
  10. Society Faces a short-Run trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment - 社會面臨著通膨與失業的短期抉擇。

Greg Mankiw

