
2020年3月9日 21點34分,投資者見證美股歷史上第二次熔斷!








許仲翔(Jason Hsu)教授,作為以諾教育《財富學堂》極受學員愛戴的明星導師,我們也在第一時間取得了他的授權,以饗各位。








然而,在成功募集大筆資金之後,這些投資經理可能會轉而提供令投資人大失所望的回報。例如,約翰·保爾森(John Paulson)在成功預測了全球金融危機後募集到140億美元,但此後五年內其投資虧損高達65%。







宏觀經濟學中有個廣為流傳的說法:經濟學家們已經11次預測了最近去7次的衰退。知名的諾貝爾獎得主鮑勃·席勒(Bob Shiller)成功預測過近期歷史上每一次市場危機,但往往提前了三年;他也預測了一些尚未發生的事。席勒博士認為1997年崩盤以來的股票市場是非理性的;認為房地產泡沫將在2005年破裂;過去三年中,席勒博士也在評論美國的高科技泡沫。






1. 沒有證據表明投資經理(或投資顧問)可以持續、準確地擇時。預判之前戰役的洞察力不足以幫助任何人贏取下一場戰役的勝利。對於常在媒體上極力宣傳個人對市場走向預測的的聲音需要保持警惕。

2. 如果投資人不能忍受偶爾的市場崩盤,幻想可以僱傭到一位“神一般存在”的投資經理來避免未來市場下跌,那麼投資人可能需要考慮降低投資組合中權益類資產的風險敞口。

3. 用於預期市場方向的模型通常會太早、且太頻繁的預測市場崩盤。這些模型及預期結果可以有效幫助投資者規避投資損失,但也同時會導致投資者錯失參與市場反彈的機會。一般而言,簡單買入並持有的投資者會承擔更多風險,但最終獲得更高的回報;頻繁擇時的投資者承擔的風險可能更少,但回報也可能更低。

4. 投資經理(或投資顧問)無法創造奇蹟,這些專業人士能做的是輔助投資者做出更為明智的決定。他們會時常提示投資者承受短期痛苦的風險以獲得長期的回報,而並非像大多數吹噓者那樣,一面承諾無風險的高收益,一面提供無收益的高風險和高費用產品。

5. 風險在大到能讓投資人親身感受到之前,就已經以概率的形式存在了。通常在遭受負面的、實質性的衝擊之前,大多數人的風險意識是比較淡薄的。我們會非理性地樂觀並低估災難發生的概率;一旦災難發生,我們又會非理性地悲觀並高估更多災難接踵而至的可能。大多數成功的投資者認為,在市場非理性悲觀而非樂觀的時候買入股票是更為明智的選擇。


Dear Crew Members of the Rayliant Fleet,

Major stock markets recently cratered by 15% to 20%, with much of the decline coming from the last two trading sessions. This is the third major stock market crisis in my 20-year career (preceded by the '01 Tech Crash and the '08 GFC) and fifth in my life (the '87 Black Monday and '97 Asian Currency Crisis).

I've learned things from past crises, and those learnings provide valuable lessons for clients.


Your greatest risk in a crisis is believing a "Star Manager" can eliminate portfolio risk.

After each crisis, there are always a few investment managers who called it right. They print positive returns even as the global equity market declines 25%. They appear on TV and radio with every financial media outlet. They get famous, write books, and win awards. On the heels of their good fortune, they raise billions in new assets.

And afterwards, they go on to deliver terrible returns. For example, John Paulson raised $14B after predicting the GFC, only to return negative 65% over the next five years.

The truth is that there is no persistence in the ability to predict a crisis. The guy who timed the Tech Crash isn’t the guy who called the GFC who isn’t the guy now celebrating his COVID-19 crash prediction. Until a person forecasts multiple crises with accuracy, I am skeptical about their skill and ability.

To be fair, Paulson’s bet against sub-prime mortgages before the credit crisis suggests deep research and insight. But that same kind of insight was unlikely to help him predict the next market disaster. In fact, the insights and understandings that led to their correct predictions could lead to future mistakes. For example, the investment managers who helped clients avoid the '01 Tech Crash also kept their clients out of Amazon, Google, Apple, Netflix, Tesla, Alibaba and Tencent over the following two decades.

So, this is what I've learned: our global economy and financial system are complex. Shocks are hard to predict in their magnitude, frequency and duration. Most managers are considered exceptional just to get one right, and they use this good fortune to become famous and wealthy. However, few if any have ever gotten two predictions right. Which brings me to the lesson for clients: don't chase heroes from the last war, because the new war is always different.

In the midst of the current crisis, investors are at great risk of blindly following whichever managers happened to predict the market downturn. This false sense of security will lead them to take more risk than they can afford. In the future, when that risk materializes and their "star manager" is unmasked, their anger, disappointment and fear will cause them to make knee-jerk decisions at the worst possible time.

Being right but too early is sometimes worse than being wrong.

There is a popular joke in macroeconomics that economists have identified 11 of the last 7 recessions. Indeed, the poster boy for forecasting market crises is the lovable Nobel Laureate Bob Shiller, who has predicted every single market crisis in the recent history ... but often by 3 years too early. He also predicted a few others that never materialized. Dr. Shiller thought that the stock market was irrational and due to crash in 1997. He thought there was a real estate bubble that would soon burst in 2005. He has been commenting about the frothy U.S. tech led rally for the last 3 years. Indeed, if you followed the advice of the famous CAPE Ratio (or the Shiller PE Ratio), you would have avoided most crises but also stayed out of the equity market most of the time. As it turned out, you would have been better off ignoring the CAPE Ratio and just weathering any storms.

The Shiller PE Ratio essentially looks at the price level today versus smoothed past earnings for the market in aggregate. If Shiller PE is high, it could mean that prices are too high and thus more likely to decline. However, it could also mean future earnings will grow faster. As it turns out, in the last 30 years, more often than not, when Shiller PE looks uncomfortably high to economists, the subsequent growth was higher than expected, which propelled even more price appreciation. The pundits who have used the Shiller PE to make bearish bets on the market have had underperformed massively.

However, it isn’t that the Shiller PE Ratio isn’t useful; it is just rarely used correctly. It isn’t supposed to help you time the market to make big bets against potential market declines. It is meant to help people who are very concerned about large unpredictable market declines to stay out of the market most of the time. In doing so, they can reduce their risk -- in exchange for giving up meaningful upside participation.

Of course, there are many other timing models—focused on credit spread, yield curve shape, VIX, commodities price—which have been developed after each market crisis. When calibrated to the last crisis, these models predict the past perfectly, but generally miss the next crisis badly and along the way, identify too many false impending collapses.


There is no evidence that investment (wealth) managers can time market well consistently. Insights from the last war don’t help you win the next. Best to ignore that guru on TV right now bragging about his recent big market call.

If you cannot stomach the occasional market crash and need to fantasize about hiring a god-like manager to avoid future market declines —you probably need to take much lower equity risk in your portfolio.

Models for predicting market declines generally forecast collapses too early and too frequently. They are useful for keeping you out of harms way but also away from participating in market rallies. Net-net, you will likely take on more risk but also enjoy more returns as a naïve buy-and-hold investor; as an active timer, you will likely endure less risk and earn lower return.

Investment (wealth) managers are not miracle workers. They simply help you do sensible things, which you would not, if left to your own devices. They remind you regularly that you earn long-term return from stomaching short-term painful risk. They save you from the charlatans, who promise high return without risk only to deliver the risk and high fee without the return.

Risk is always present as a probability before it materializes to smack you in the face. It is generally the case that before negative shocks materialize, our awareness of risk is low. That is, we underestimate the probability for disasters; we are irrationally optimistic. Once disasters hit, we then overestimate the probability for more disasters; we become irrationally pessimistic. Most successful investors agree that it is better to buy stocks when the market is irrationally pessimistic than optimistic.

