
以下信息来自于 巴夏,摘录分享共勉之。


我们的物质头脑具有强大的能力,可以观想,可以想象,可以在头脑中看到画面,可以想象出情节。无论你的物理头脑能在观想和想象中创造出什么画面来代表你希望的理想生活,理想境况和理想状况,他们对于你都仅仅是一种观点,一种代表。你们执着于一种观点,认为你意念化的愿景和画面必须准确无异的显化在现实中。这是错误的。其实是这样的。情景和物理现实仅仅是虚幻的影像,他们不具有实质性。“是存在状态”---即真正的实相,真正的经验,只有存在状态才是真正重要的,要紧的,只有存在状态,才是真正重要的!它显化了物质现实和物理经验,它以某种方式显化为具体的情景和状况。且并不只有一种显化途径。你们的物理头脑虽然具有观想的能力,但它不完全能够知晓事情将以怎样的最佳方式发生,它不是被设计用来知晓事情将会如何发生的,物质头脑只是被设计用来知道你正在经验到发生了什么,也许你会说:“可是我能设想事情将如何发生,我能运用自己的想象力去设想出那些尚未发生的事情将要发生的画面。” 实际上不是这样的。


高级头脑的功能是设想(the higher mind conceives),

物质大脑brain的功能是接收(the physical brain receives),

物质头脑mind的功能是觉知(the physical mind perceives) ,

物质头脑从来不会产生一个想法,从来不会,那不是想法产生的地方(the physical mind has never had an idea, never, it is not the place where ideas are born) ,

想法,概念,想象都来自于高级头脑 (Ideas,concepts,imaginings come from the higher-mind) ,

但是你要知道,物质头脑和高级头脑必须一起协同运作并平衡,这样才能使你被看作一个完整的人(the physical mind and the higher-mind must work together in concert in a balanced way for you to actually be considered a whole person),

当你以为物质头脑在做所有的工作,思考所有的事情时,你其实只有半个头脑在工作 (when you just think that the physical mind is supposed to do all the work and think of everything, your actually only functioning as half a mind) ,

因此,如果你想成为整全功能的人(the idea of thus then is that you want to be whole valid),

那么你必须要允许你与高级头脑之间的交流,平衡,分享,这样才能成为一个功能整全的人(and so you must allow for conmunication to occur, balance to occur and sharing to occur with the higher mind in order to be functional as a whole person) ,

我们现在讨论这个联系,关于你如何观想一个理想的现实(when we are taking this exercise about the idea of you visualizing an ideal reality) ,

要明白:在观想时所发生的是, 高级头脑在构想,并把它传给大脑(understand: what's happening is the higher mind is conceiving that sending it to the physical brain),

然后物质大脑允许物质头脑“感知”到影像,而不是“构想”出影像,它只是“感知到”影像(which is then allowing the physical mind to perceive an image but it isn't conceiving of the image, it's only perceiving an image)

更重要的是:头脑只能感知到他能理解和转译的那部分有关影像(ang more importantly, it's only perceiving an image that the physical mind is capable of interpriting as relevant),

在物质头脑中感知到的影像中,可能包含着更多来自于高级头脑的信息(there may actually be more information in that image that you actually capable of perceiving with the physical mind that is coming from the higher-mind) ,

当你观想一个你希望发生的画面时(that when you get that picture and you visualize something that you perfer ot desire),不要执着于现实中发生的必须与这个画面完全一致(that you're not insist that it must come to truth the way you have exactly seen it),

因为你观想到的画面仅仅是物质头脑能看到的那部分(because you may only as a physical mind be seeing have the picture),高级头脑实际可以以不同的形式带给你一个好的多得多的现实。

虽然物质头脑不能构想它,但是当它在物质现实中发生和显化时,你能经验到他(you may not be capable as a physical mind of conceiving of but can experience in physical reality when it brought to you, when you manifested) ,

因为你只能经验到显化在物质现实中的事物(because you can only experience it through the manifestation in physical reality),

你无法经验到那个影像所代表的全部,他是来自于高级头脑的一堆未经加工的数据 (you cannot experience the totality of what that image represents when it's simply a rough data coming from the higher-mind ),

因此,你需要对那个想法放松,不要执着于你观想到的画面必须完全显化出来,(so that's what you need to relax the idea and relax your insistence that what you picture must come true literally specifically as you have picture it) ,

这样,当你放松这个想法,不再坚持时(thus when you relax that insistence),

她就有可能,甚至是很有可能发生,即你头脑中看到的画面会准确的发生在现实中,这是有可能的(While it may be possible and maybe even a higher probable that exactly what you saw is exactly what will happen maybe ),

如果你对期望发生的事限定在你观想的画面上,就有可能会阻止它以超过你的物质头脑所能想象到的更高的方式显化 (If you actually limit it to that picture,you could actually be preventing it from manifesting in a way that is even greater than you imagined with your physical mind),

你为什么想要把它限定在你的物质头脑能想到或感知到的范围呢(why would you want to limit it to simply what your physical mind is capable of thinking of or proceiving)?

允许你的高级头脑以更恰当的方式带给你 (allow the higher mind to bring it to you in the way),

以真正的最大的喜乐,真正的最多的爱,真正的最令人振奋的,真正的最有创造性的方式(that is truly most joyful,truly most loving,truly most exciting, truly most creative )。

同时,你只要简单的使用你的物质头脑所具有的观想能力,进入画面所代表的适当的状态(while at the same time simply using the visualization capabilities of your physical mind to get into the proper states represented by the picture) ,

这种恰当的状态是你能够充分的敞开来接收由你的高级头脑送给你的全部的显化(the proper state that will allow you the capability of being open enough to receive the actual fullness of the manifestation that you higher-mind is sending you)。


