

Shoushan stone is one of the four traditional seal stones in China. Tianhuangshi is a gem of Shoushan stone system, known as "king of ten thousand stones". There are records about Shoushan stone in the long history of mankind, which can be traced back to the Southern Dynasty about 1500 years ago, such as the stone figurines unearthed in the tombs. Shoushan Stone began to be mined in large quantities in Song Dynasty and engraved at the end of Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, the production of Shoushan Stone Button printing art was not recorded until the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, when it was regarded as a royal treasure. Tianhuang stone is warm and lovely in color and fine in texture. It has been regarded as the "king of stone printing" by the Indians since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. For hundreds of years, Tianhuang stone has been loved by collectors. As the saying goes, "gold is easy to get, but Tianhuang is hard to get.".



As early as more than 1000 years ago, people began to collect tianhuangshi in China. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tianhuangshi was even more famous in the world. Because of its "golden, moistening and condensing like fat", it was highly sought after by the royal family, dignitaries and scholars. It is said that in the early Qing Dynasty, tianhuangshi was presented to the imperial palace as a tribute in exchange for the emperor's appreciation. In particular, it is said that the emperor of Qianlong offered a sacrifice to heaven on New Year's day every year, and there is no lack of tianhuangshi on the God case to symbolize the auspicious meaning of "Fu (Fujian), Shou (Shoushan) and Huang (Tianhuang)" in the coming year. Therefore, tianhuangshi has always been famous and doubled in value. At that time, the powerful and powerful families vied for tianhuangshi, which was listed as a treasure and treasure. As soon as it showed its prestige, tianhuangshi ascended the throne of "stone emperor". There is a popular saying that "one or two Tian Huang and one or two gold" or "one or two Tian Huang and three or two gold".



According to history, the governor of Fujian in Qing Dynasty carved "three chain seals" with a whole piece of superior Tianhuang. Emperor Qianlong was the most precious treasure, which was handed down from generation to generation in the Qing Dynasty; Emperor Xianfeng, on his deathbed, gave Cixi a Tianhuang imperial seal; after the collapse of the last dynasty, Puyi did not want to be a treasure, but sewed the "three chain seal" into a cotton padded garment. As for folk legend, Tian Huangshi is the jewel left in the world when the Nu Wa is making up the sky. There are also legend that Tian Huangshi is the bird egg produced by the Phoenix bird, which is transformed from the essence of the sun and the moon. There is also a legend that Tian Huangshi can go to disaster and ward off evil spirits, and the collection of Huangshi can prolong life. These legends give Tianhuang stone a layer of mysterious color, and add a hazy beauty to it, which makes people love it.



The King of Stones, Tianhuangshi, is produced in Tiankeng, Shoushan Village, the northern suburb of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. It is a treasure of Shoushan Stone. It has the meanings of "Fujian", "Shoushan", "Tian" (wealth), "Huang" (special color for the emperor), so it is called "Emperor Stone". The legend about the origin of Tianhuangshi is that it is a gemstone left in the world when Nuwa mended the sky; it is the change of Phoenix eggs... It is said that there are also historical records: when Emperor Xianfeng died, he gave Cixi a Tianhuang jade seal, and the last dynasty collapsed. Puyi didn't want all the treasures, but sewed a "three linked seal" in the cotton padded clothes. These official and folk legends undoubtedly add a lot of mystery to Tian Huangshiping.


In the history of Qing Dynasty, Emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Xuantong regarded Tianhuang as an arch wall and used it to carve seals. Emperor Qianlong, in particular, had the elegance of collecting Tianhuang. Once in his dream, he was given the yellow stone stamp of "Fu, Shou, Tian" by the Jade Emperor's Royal pen. Since then, when offering sacrifices to the heavens on New Year's Day, he must place a piece of Datianhuang with good quality in the center of the confession case for good luck. Emperor Qianlong had the largest number of Tianhuang Baoxi seals in his life, such as "Qianlong Imperial Pen", "Believing in the Master of Heaven", "Sanxitang" and so on. Not only the court, but also the people have the saying of "one or two fields and twelve gold". The quality of Tianhuang is often "several times as easy as gold". For Tian Huang's evaluation, Mr. Shichao put forward the six virtues of "warmth, moistening, fineness, coagulation and greasiness" in his book "Yinshi Bian". This Huayi International Spring Festival Photo will introduce the Tianhuang Seal selected by the Five Parties. It has excellent texture and craftsmanship and can be regarded as the top choice in the collection of literary works.



Tianhuangshi, one of the "three treasures of impression stone", shows yellow, white, red and black colors. With Pearl gloss, glass gloss, grease gloss, transparent to translucent, a few transparent. Density is 2.50-2.80 g/cm. It is known as "no grain, no field", "no skin, no field", "no field without qualifications". It is true that its stone quality is still prized by purity.


Tianhuangshi has been separated from the mother ore and buried in the field for millions of years. Under the special environment and special conditions, tianhuangshi has gradually changed its original shape, color and texture, showing its unique appearance characteristics. It can be concluded that there are six aspects of stone shape, stone quality, stone color, stone skin, radish grain, red tendon and so on.



Stone shape: the appearance of Tianhuang stone is mostly pebble shape, smooth and smooth, without obvious edges and corners. This is due to the fact that the ore block is scoured and grinded by the stream during the process of migration and rolling.


Stone quality: the texture of Tian Huangshi is moist and lovely. It is slightly transparent or translucent. It looks like clam meat and loquat. If carefully observed, it will glow with a charming luster that other stone varieties do not have.



there are varieties of Tianhuang, Baitian, Hongtian, Heitian, silver wrapped gold, gold wrapped silver and so on according to the hue, no matter what the color of Tianhuang stone is, it takes yellow as its keynote, only partial white, partial red or partial black. For example, the color of "Hongtian stone" is close to orange yellow, such as orange peel, and it is impossible to have the color of peach red, vermilion and blood red; "Heitian stone" is black with ochre; even the "Baitian" Tianhuang stone is not pure white like snow, but white with light yellow or egg white.



Stone skin: most of the surface of Tianhuang stone is covered with yellow or black cortex, thick or thin, or full, or sparse hanging skin, and its shape is changeable. Although some of them are removed as soon as they are carved and polished because of their extremely thin skin, the color of Tianhuang stone is not the same on the surface, but it is usually gradually reduced from the epidermis to the inner layer, or even whitened. The change rule of this kind of color is especially obvious for the large tianhuangshi.


Radish pattern: the texture of tianhuangshi, which has strong transparency, can be seen in a thin and dense texture under strong light. Its shape is like the white radish fiber just unearthed, so it is called "radish pattern".




Red tendon: Red tendon refers to the red tendon occasionally appearing on the surface of Tian Huangshi, which is red as blood and thin as silk, commonly known as "red tendon" or "blood silk". It is a kind of grid pattern formed by the fine crack produced during the migration of tianhuangshi and the infiltration of iron oxide in the soil.

The identification of the authenticity of tianhuangshi mainly depends on the naked eye, and can be basically distinguished according to the above appearance characteristics.


Another reason why Tianhuangshi is rare is that on earth, only the sandy layer beneath the paddy field, which is several miles long and narrow on both sides of a stream in Shoushan Village, Fujian Province, exists. And after hundreds of years of continuous excavation and mining, Shoushan village paddy fields have been excavated countless times, and now have been exploited, excellent Tianhuang has long been priceless. In ancient times, there was the saying of "one or two fields, three or two gold", but now it should be "two" to "jin", so the price of Tianhuang has risen rapidly.


專家推薦:田黃石是壽山石系中的瑰寶,素有“萬石中之王”尊號。其色澤溫潤可愛,肌理細密,自明清以來就被印人視為“印石之王”。數百年來田黃石極受 藏家至愛,正如俗語所說:“黃金易得,田黃難求”。早在一千多年前,我國已有人開始採集,到了明清兩代田黃石更是盛名於世。許多達官顯貴, 文人雅士競相刻意收集田黃石。相傳清初時期皇帝祭天,神案上都少不了一方上品田黃石。因此,田黃石一直盛名不衰,身價倍增,曾有古話“一兩 田黃一兩金”。從圖片來看蘿蔔絲紋體現的比較明顯,而且有一定的年代特徵。質地緻密、細膩、溫潤、光潔。尤為引人注目的是其肌裡隱約可見蘿 卜紋狀細紋,具有油脂光澤。此擺件石質溫潤,色彩明豔,六德兼備,造型方正、稜角分明,佈局妥貼、運刀技 法爐火純青,精微處纖毫必爽,圓潤處 似行雲流水,刀法、刀味皆有古韻,不同凡響,田石肌理清晰,石質潤透凝膩,蘿蔔紋清晰密集,顏色瀅黃, 凝脂似玉,盈潤剔透。刀筆清俊,印體 大氣,印文雅健流利,遒勁精美,品相完整,實為難得一見之田黃珍品,此擺件保存完好,材質珍貴,雕刻工藝 精細,實屬難得,值得收藏。

Expert recommendation: tianhuangshi is a gem in Shoushan stone series, known as "king of ten thousand stones". Its color is warm and lovely, and its texture is fine. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has been regarded as the "king of stone". For hundreds of years, Tianhuang stone has been loved by collectors. As the saying goes, "gold is easy to get, but Tianhuang is hard to get.". As early as more than a thousand years ago, people began to collect in China. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Tian Huangshi was even more famous. Many dignitaries and scholars competed to collect tianhuangshi. It is said that in the early Qing Dynasty, when the emperor offered sacrifices to the heaven, there was no lack of top grade Tian Huangshi. Therefore, Tianhuang stone has always been famous and has double value. There was an old saying "one or two Tianhuang and one or two gold". From the picture, it can be seen that the radish silk pattern is obvious and has certain age characteristics. The texture is dense, delicate, warm and smooth. What is particularly striking is that there are some radish like fine lines in its muscles, which have grease luster. This ornament is of warm stone, bright color, six virtues, square shape, clear edges and corners, proper layout, perfect knife handling technique, delicate place, smooth place like running clouds and flowing water, knife technique and knife taste are of ancient charm, extraordinary, clear texture of field stone, moist and thick stone, clear and dense radish grain, bright yellow color, condensed fat like jade, moist and clear. It is a rare treasure of Tianhuang, which is well preserved, precious in material and fine in carving process. It is worth collecting.

