



2019年10月30日,2020年歐洲盃官方票務款待計劃發佈會 暨 大中華區票務發售啟動儀式,在北京寶格麗酒店正式召開。

On October 30, 2019, the official launch of the EURO 2020 Official Hospitality Program and the the Greater China Ticketing Service was held at the Bulgari Hotel in Beijing.


來自歐足聯官方款待計劃的總監Philippe Margraff先生、英國駐華大使館公使銜參贊Tom Duke先生、北京盛開國際文化發展有限公司CEO馮濤先生、COO金航先生、2020歐洲盃大中華區官方獨家票務合作伙伴北京盛開體育旅遊CEO鄭來先生、各駐華大使館官員及體育局領導共同出席了本次活動。

Attending the event were Mr. Philippe Margraff, Head of Revenue Operations for UEFA, Mr. Tom Duke, Minister Counselor of the British Embassy in China, Mr. Feng Tao, CEO of Shankai Sports, Mr. Jin Hang,COO of Shankai Sports, Mr. Zheng Lai, CEO of Shankai Sports Travel, the exclusive partner in Greater China of the EURO 2020 Official Hospitality Programme, as well as officials of various embassies in China and leaders of the General Administration of Sport.


The conference announced UEFA’s official and exclusive channel in Greater China for Chinese fans to purchase EURO 2020 hospitality tickets.


As teams qualify for the EURO 2020, the official draw will be held in Bucharest on November 30th (Beijing time). In preparation for the upcoming rise in ticket purchases, the purpose of this press conference was also to provide detailed information to Chinese fans about the European Cup ticketing rules, the content of hospitality tickets, the tournament venues and the official sales channels.


Philippe Margraff先生

首先,來自歐足聯官方款待計劃的總監Philippe Margraff先生在進行發言時說道:“2020年將是大型體育賽事眾多的一年,歐洲盃也將迎來其成立60週年的重要時刻。我們也為此專門設計了前所未有的獨特賽制,並甄選了歐洲最先進的十二座球場舉辦本屆賽事。從羅馬到倫敦,讓整個歐羅巴成為球迷們狂歡的海洋!迄今為止,我們已經收到了來自以歐洲為主的213個國家,超過1900萬張比賽入場券的需求,這令人大喜過望。

Mr. Philippe Margraff, Director of the UEFA Official Hospitality Program, said in his speech: " Next year will truly be a great year for sport. UEFA EURO will be celebrating its 60th anniversary. With this anniversary comes a unique tournament format, where we’ll host matches across 12 state of the art venues in Europe. Bringing football to the fans, from Rome to London covering the best of the European continent! To date, we’ve already witnessed incredible demand with over 19 million tickets requested from 213 countries notably in Europe.


The format of Euro 2020 with the 12 host countries was very well received by the fans with the highest number of tickets requested ever also in China where the demand largely exceeded the one of Euro 2016 in France. The cooperation was very successful in 2016 and UEFA decided to continue to develop their relationship with Shankai to benefit from all their experience in Chinese guest management and to have the best possible representation for the Official Hospitality Program in Greater China. "


英國駐華大使館公使銜參贊Tom Duke

隨後,來自本屆歐洲盃主辦國中承辦賽事最多的國家——英國駐華大使館公使銜參贊Tom Duke代表主辦國發表講話:“英國有幸成為2020歐洲盃主辦國之一,我們有兩座城市,倫敦和格拉斯哥,將舉辦六場小組賽、兩場八分之一決賽、兩場半決賽和一場決賽,共計十一場比賽。

Subsequently, Tom Duke, Minister Counsellor of the British Embassy in China, hosted by the host of the European Cup, spoke on behalf of the host countries: “The UK is fortunate to be one of the host countries of the EURO 2020. It’s a great honor to have two cities, London and Glasgow, to host six group matches, two eighths, two semi-finals and one final, for a total of eleven matches.


We warmly welcome fans from all over the world, especially China, to come to watch the games and visit the cities. We will do our utmost to show the world the beauty of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and let everyone feel the passion of this country. We wish that the EURO 2020 may be a resounding success!"





Mr. Jin Hang, COO of Shankai Sports, gave an overview of the development of sports in the field of hospitality and sports travel in the past ten years: "With the strong development of China's economy, and a ten year commitment by Shankai Sports to develop the sports travel industry, we are delighted to see that more and more Chinese fans are chosing to travel to Europe to watch the EURO and enjoy on-site hospitality services. The number of visitors has increased year by year, and the more and more visitors combine their trip with other travel.


We firmly believe that the EURO 2020, which provides fans with more destination choices than ever before, will once again prove enormously popular in the Chinese market, set a new sales record in Greater China, and ignite an unprecedented interest in on-site hospitality. Shankai Sports will make best efforts to contribute to the development of China's sports industry and provide services to even more Chinese sports fans."




Mr. Zheng Lai, CEO of Shankai Sports Travel, introduced the EURO 2020 products currently available to Chinese fans: “At present, the EURO 2020 hospitality tickets and travel products are already available on the official Shankai Sports website and various online platforms. Fans can easily choose the matches they want to watch and purchase tickets. In line with EURO 2020’s uniqueness and memorable anniversary, we wanted to make our Official Hospitality programme a very special experience. Our desire was to present 3 product levels to suit the needs and demands of all our potential clients:

1.獨家頂級的私人包廂Private Suite

2.充滿社交氛圍、時尚而充滿活力的Prestige Lounge

3.具有專業體育酒吧風格的2020 Club

1. The ultimate exclusive experience in a private suite;

2. A sociable and stylish setting in a vibrant Prestige lounge;

3. Or the buzzing sports bar atmosphere of the 2020 Club.


Please visit the official website of Shankai Sports (http://www.skstravel.cn) for details and prices of EURO 2020 Official Hospitality packages.


We will also launch more travel products in line with the needs of Chinese fans, enriching everyone's travel choices. At the EURO 2020 Chinese fans will be able to enjoy the best hospitality, visit iconic European locations, and create unforgettable memories during this unique event.



在發佈會的最後,歐足聯官方款待計劃總監Philippe Margraff先生和盛開體育CEO馮濤先生共同切開了印有“歐洲盃六十週年華誕”字樣的生日蛋糕,這也宣告了2020歐洲盃大中華區款待類球票銷售的正式啟動

At the end of the press conference, Mr. Philippe Margraff, Director of UEFA Official Hospitality Program, and Mr. Feng Tao, CEO of Shankai Sports, jointly cut the birthday cake with the words “The 60th Anniversary of the European Cup”.










