

1, be likely to do 很可能去做某事

He is likely to help you 他有可能會幫助你

2, make a good living 過著優越的生活

You can make a good living,if you try 如果你努力,你 就能過上優越的生活

3, take a load off sb’s mind 卸下心中的包袱

You must take a load off your mind 你必須卸下你的包袱

4, look after 照顧

You must look after yourself 你必須照顧你自己

5, look ahead 向前看

You must look ahead ,everything will be fine 你必須向前看,一切都會好的

6, look for 尋找

He is looking for a dog 他正在尋找一條狗

7, look down upon 看不起

You can’t look down upon others 你不能看不起其他人

8, look out 留神,當心

Look out !There comes a bus 當心,那裡來了一輛巴士

9, look forward to doing 期待做某事

I look forward to seeing you 我期待能看見你

10, look up 查找

You can look the new word up in the dictionary 你可以在字典裡查新單詞

11, look through 瀏覽

You can look through the website to get more information 你可以瀏覽網站去得到更多的信息

12, at a loss 不知所措

He came back at a loss 他不知所措的回來了

13, lyric poetry 抒情詩

You can read his lyric poetries 你可以閱讀他的抒情詩

14, drive sb mad 使某人發瘋

The naughty boy drives him mad 這個調皮的男孩讓他發瘋

15, managed to do =succeed in doing sth =be able to do 過去成果地做成了某事

He managed to finish the work 他成功地完成了這個工作。


