


▓ 導讀



英文文本難度:★ ★


這本英文書的名字叫 The Infinite Game,中文意思是 “無限遊戲”。

本書作者叫Simon Sinek,他是一位人種學者和暢銷書作家,專注於啟發領導力。他之前寫的兩本書,Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action 和 Leaders Eat Last 都被《紐約時報》評選為暢銷書。同時,他也是一位TED演講者,他的演講視頻熱度在TED所有視頻中位列前五,擁有超過5千萬的點擊量。

▓ 本節,你將瞭解

1. 什麼是有限遊戲和無限遊戲?

2. 讓遊戲繼續下去的關鍵:“正義的初心”。

3. 如何辨別“正義的初心”?

▓ 重要觀點解讀

1. 有限遊戲和無限遊戲


As human beings we are naturally inclined to seek out immediate solutions to uncomfortable problems and prioritize quick wins to advance our ambitions.

  • 面對困難和問題,我們人類很自然地會尋求即時的解決方法,喜歡用快速的勝利來推動自己的志向。

我們知道2019年的熱詞之一就是996,而Simon用了“cutthroat”這個詞,cutthroat working environment。

就像《權力的遊戲》裡的那句名言:In the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. 不是贏,就是死路一條,沒有中間地帶。

1986年,紐約大學宗教歷史系教授James P. Carse發表了一篇論文叫 Finite and Infinite Games,中文譯名是《有限與無限的遊戲》,第一次用“有限”和“無限”兩個概念來描述生活中的事件。

Simon Sinek在這本書裡就是借用了這兩個概念來闡述領導力。說到 game,我們可能第一想到的是遊戲或者比賽,它們有非常明確的規則,有規定時長,也就是說有 a beginning,a middle 和 an end,而這樣的遊戲,就叫做 finite games,有限遊戲。


Infinite games, in contrast, are played by known and unknown players. There are no exact or agreed-upon rules. Though there may be conventions or laws that govern how the players conduct themselves, within those broad boundaries, the players can operate however they want. And if they choose to break with convention, they can. And they can change how they play the game at any time, for any reason.

  • 無限的遊戲,正相反,是由已知和未知的玩家構成的。沒有明確的或者大家一致認同的規則。儘管玩家可能會遵守一些習俗或者規律,但在這些很模糊的邊界之內,玩家可以任意發揮。如果他們想破壞習俗就可以破壞習俗,而且可以隨時、為了任何理由改變自己的玩法。

Infinite games have infinite time horizons. And because there is no finish line, no practical end to the game, there is no such thing as ‘winning’ an infinite game.

  • 無限遊戲有無限的時間廣度。因為遊戲根本沒有終線,沒有真正的結束,所以在無限遊戲裡也就沒有所謂的“勝利”。

In an infinite game, the primary objective is to keep playing, to perpetuate the game.

  • 在無限遊戲裡,最重要的任務就是玩下去,讓遊戲繼續下去。

2. 讓遊戲繼續下去的關鍵:“正義的初心”

保持infinite mindset並非易事。因為我們時不時就會回到一種看輸贏的心態,這是人之天性。


  • Advance a Just Cause (推進一項正義的事業)
  • Build Trusting Teams (建立彼此信任的團隊)
  • Study your Worthy Rivals (研究有價值的對手)
  • Prepare for the Existential Flexibility (為生存的變通做準備)
  • Demonstrate the Courage to Lead (展現領導的勇氣)

什麼是a just cause?

cause這個詞在這裡不是原因、理由的意思,而是翻譯成“事業”。用英文解釋,A cause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for. 也就是說,它指的不是我們做的具體事情,而是一個共同的目標或者原則。

A Just Cause is a specific vision of a future state that does not yet exist; a future state so appealing that people are willing to make sacrifices in order to help advance toward that vision.

  • 一個“正義的事業”或者“正義的初心”是對於一種還不存在的未來狀態的具體願景。這種未來的狀態是如此有吸引力,能夠讓人們甘願為了達到這個願景,而做出犧牲。

A Just Cause is what inspires us to want to keep playing.

  • 正義的初心就是能夠讓我們堅持把遊戲玩下去的源動力。

《獨立宣言》中寫道,All men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 人人生而平等,人人都有追求生命、自由和幸福的權利。


They are egocentric—about the company; they look inward and are not about the future state to which the products or services are contributing.

  • 它們以公司為中心;它們是向內看的,而不是關於這些產品或服務能為將未來的狀態做出什麼貢獻。

3. 如何辨別“正義的初心”

Moonshots are not a Just Cause.

  • 看起來不可能的計劃不是正義的初心。

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people.

  • 我們航行至這片新海域,是因為這裡有新知識可以獲取,有新權利可以贏得,而我們必須為了所有人的發展贏得和使用這些權利。

所以,moonshots 是非常有激勵作用的有限目標,它可能在一個無限遊戲的框架之內,但不是無限遊戲本身。

Being the best is not a Just Cause.

  • 成為最好並不是正義的初心。

Leaders with a finite mindset often confuse having a successful product with having a strong company.

  • 有限思維的領導者常常把做出成功的產品和建立強大的公司搞混。

Infinite leaders understand that 'best' is not a permanent state. Instead, they strive to be 'better'.

  • 無限思維的領導者明白,“最好”不是永恆的狀態。反之,他們追求的是“更好”。

Growth is not a Just Cause.

  • 增長也不是正義的初心。


Money is the fuel to advance a Cause. The reason to grow is so that we have more fuel to advance the Cause.

  • 財富是推動事業的燃料。我們需要增長的原因,是因為我們必須得用更多的燃料來推動那個“事業”。

▓ 結語



▓ 金句

1. As human beings we are naturally inclined to seek out immediate solutions to uncomfortable problems and prioritize quick wins to advance our ambitions.

2. Infinite games, are played by known and unknown players. There are no exact or agreed-upon rules.

3. Infinite games have infinite time horizons.

4. In an infinite game, the primary objective is to keep playing, to perpetuate the game.


