看美劇學口語:Let’s toast. 乾杯

1. Hi, honey! Welcome home!

嗨, 親愛的,歡迎回家。

2.Thanks, guys. Take it easy.


3.Come on, honey, let’s celebrate! Sorry it’s the cheap stuff. I had to economize.

親愛的, 讓我們慶祝一下。不好意思那是便宜貨, 我得節約開支。

stuff: 物品 economize: 節約,節省

Now that you're back, we can restock the wine cellar. Let’s toast.


Toast 是敬酒的意思,一般是一個人致詞祝福。

now that: 既然 restock: 重新貯藏 wine: 紅酒 cellar: 地窖 toast:: 乾杯

4.Very good to be back。 回家真好。

6.What’s that?


7.It transmits to this. My electronic monitoring device. Didn't the lawyer tell you?

它發送信號到這兒 -- 我的電子監控系統。律師沒告訴你嗎?

transmit: 傳輸,傳送 electronic: 電子的 monitor: 監管,監控 device: 裝置

8.Tell me what?告訴我什麼?

9.I'm on house arrest. It's a condition of my bail.

我在被軟禁, 這是保釋的條件之一。

arrest: 拘捕 house arrest: 軟禁 condition: 條件 bail: 保釋

10.Uh, no! No, he neglected to tell me that.

哦, 不, 不, 他沒有告訴我

neglect: 忽略

11.Yeah, if I move more than a hundred feet from that telephone, an alarm sounds.If I keep going, it transmits a signal to the FBI, and I'm back in jail.

如果我離開那個信號接收器100英尺遠,警報器就會響。如果我繼續走, 它會通知到聯邦調查局, 那麼我又進去了

feet: 英尺 alarm: 警報transmit: 傳送 signal: 信號FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation 聯邦調查局 jail: 監獄

12.But, how are you gonna work?


13.I can't. I can't do anything.

我不能上班. 我什麼都不能做。

14.Uh, no! No, no! That’s unreasonable. What do they expect us to do for money?

哦, 不, 這怎麼行。這麼一來,讓我們怎麼賺錢啊?

unreasonable: 不合理expect: 希望,期望

15.The lawyer's working on unfreezing the accounts. In the meantime, I mean, haven't you been working modeling jobs?

律師正在努力解凍賬戶。另外, 這段時間不是有你在做模特工作嗎?

work on: 致力於 unfreeze: 解凍 account: 賬戶n the meantime: 同時 model: 模特

16.Carlos, this is not like New York where I made thousands of dollars a day modeling haute

Carlos, 這兒不比紐約,我做高級女裝做模特時一天能賺幾千美元那樣。

haute: 時髦又昂貴的,高級的 couture: 服裝

I'm doing boat shows.I spend eight hours a day doing this!


17.I'd buy two boats from you. Come on.


Where’s my toast?


18.Welcome home.歡迎回家。

20.Hello. Hi Bree. What?

喂,嗨, Bree,什麼?

