
Ten years of hard working, full of passion is ample for people of average ability to establish themself in metropolis.(在都市立足

l had laboured with my colleagues shoulder to shoulder, taking mountain pressure until our small fortunes were made. Now I am trying to go into a new industry as a second job, but following by an onslaught (狂轟濫炸)of high tech internet skills, it's beyond my reach , too many things to learn. Shaking off panic(擺脫緊張困擾),quite a few times l asked for help from my colleagues and WeiChat users, unfortunately no one knows this knowledge eigther..... Oh,my, what a life ! difference in occupation makes one feel lacking, I have to make my own way instead of putting hope on other people.

I always make rushed dicisions in my life without thinking sometimes, l find it hard for myself to adapt to the changing world, well, this is my life.





