七年級下期第一次月考英語試題專輯02 鄭州楓楊外國語




(注:E塗AB, F塗AC. G塗AD)



聽下面5段對話。每段對話後有一個小題,從題中所給的A, B, C三個選項中選出最佳答案。每段對話讀兩遍。

1. How was the weather last weekend?

A. It was hot. B. It was warm. C. It was wet.

2. What time will Sally and Kevin meet this Sunday?

A. At six. B. At seven. C. At eight.

3. Who has a toothache?

A. Jim. B. Michael. C. Michael’s mother.

4. What will Lily do?

A. Go fishing. B. Go for a picnic. C. Eating.

5. What does the man mean?

A. It’s time to go to bed. B. He doesn’t want to have a rest. C. It’s too early to go to bed.


聽下面幾段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白後有幾個小題,從題中所給的A, B, C三個選項中選出最佳答案。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。


6. Where will they plant trees?

A. On the hill. B. By the river. C. In the park.

7. What will they take tomorrow?

A. A kite. B. Some water. C. Old clothes.

8. How many people will plant trees tomorrow?

A. 2. B. 3 C. 4


9. What is the relationship between Tommy and Juliane?

A. Neighbors. B. Classmates. C. Friends.

10. How was the weather?

A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.

11. Who took the umbrella?

A. Tommy. B. Juliane. C. Tommy’s mother.


12. The environment is becoming ________.

A. better B. worse C. the same

13. When students have lunch, they can ______.

A. eat up all the food. B. throw it away. C. leave some food on the plate.

14. On No Car Day, how can students go to school?

A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus.

15. How can students save water?

A. Use less water. B. Don’t wash hands. C. Don’t use water.



七年級下期第一次月考英語試題專輯02 鄭州楓楊外國語

16._________ 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. _______


21. We will work at ______ elephant conservation center the week after ______ next.

A. a, the B. an, the C. an, / D. the, the

22. --Do you mind me opening the window?-- _______.

A. no way B. Never mind C. Yes, please. D. No, please go ahead

23. The light is coming in ______ the window and the room seems very bright.

A. across B. through C. over D. past

24. If everyone starts to do _______, the world will be saved.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

25. From the news on TV and the Internet, the environment is becoming ____________ because the trees are getting ________.

A. better and better, fewer and fewer B. better and better, less and less

C. worse and worse, fewer and fewer D. worse and worse, less and less

26. Mary didn’t catch the first bus this morning. I didn’t catch it, _____.

A. too B. also C. as well D. either

27. He ______ to you as soon as he _______ there.

A. will write, will arrive B. will write, arrives C. writes, will arrive D. writes, arrives

28. She likes reading books and she _____ to become a writer. However, her father _____ her to become a businesswoman.

A. feels like, expects B. hopes, expects C. feels like, hopes D. expects, hopes

29. She ________ to an engineer for 15 years.

A. married B. got married C. has been married D. has got married

30. You can’t eat _______ ice-cream, or you will be _______ fat.

A. too much, too much B. too much, much too

C. too many, too much D. too many, much too

31. ______ there _____ air pollution in the future?

A. Is, going to be B. Is, going to have C. Will, have D. Are, going to be

32. --Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now.

--Yeah. He was once an excellent skater but had to ______ skating because of an accident.

A. keep on B. break down C. give up D. go on

33.--How is Tom now?

--The company____ him a good job, but he refused it.

A. provided B. offered C. passed D. introduced

33. There is no ______ that the technology is changing the way we work.

A. way B. doubt C. chance D. possibility

34. --Can you tell me _________?

--You can keep a diary in English as often as possible.

A. when I can improve my written English B. how can I improve my English

C. if I can improve my written English D. how I can improve my written English


A lion woke up one evening and felt hungry. He went to look 36.________ food in the forest. He wanted to 37.________ something to eat.

Suddenly, he saw a 38.___________ running about. The lion ran after the rabbit. 39.__________, he caught the little rabbit. As he was going to eat the rabbit, he 40.________ a deer. He decided he would chase the deer instead because the deer was 41.________ than the rabbit. So he left the rabbit and 42.________ to the deer. The deer ran fast and finally escaped (逃脫), as the lion was too 43._________ and tired to run.

The lion stopped running. He said to himself, “I should go back to eat the rabbit.” He hurried back to the rabbit. But when he came back, the rabbit was gone. The lion felt foolish. Now he had 44.________ to eat.

As the old 45.__________ goes, quit while you’re ahead. If you already have everything you need, you shouldn’t let yourself become too greedy (貪婪的).

( )36. A. for B. after C. up D. out

( )37. A. take B. ask C. catch D. find

( )38. A. deer B. lion C. chicken D. rabbit

( )39. A. Soon B. Suddenly C. Totally D. unluckily

( )40. A. saw B. caught C. taught D. attacked

( )41. A. happier B. smaller C. bigger D. heavier

( )42. A. turned B. talked C. walked D. stopped

( )43. A. sad B. hungry C. excited D. surprised

( )44. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

( )45. A. word B. saying C. sentences D. blog



A sudden call came into Jimmy Gilleece’s cafe this past March. A newly married woman who had spent the afternoon at the dive beach cafe couldn’t find her wallet. She didn’t care about her ID card, credit cards, or $150 in cash---but her wedding ring was placed exactly inside.

Gilleece, 42, didn’t like the idea that someone lost things at his place, so he set out to find the wallet. He spent hours looking at footage(錄像) from 16 different surveillance cameras(監控攝像機), watching the woman’s every move in the cafe until she went to sit on a chair outside and left when her ride arrived. Within minutes, a young man in a black jacket came close and put something in his pocket, and walked off. Gilleece posted the video on the cafe’s Facebook page.

Within hours, Gilleece got a text from 17-year-old River Prather. Prather said he took the wallet because he hadn’t eaten in two days. He also told that he just took the money but threw the wallet with the ring off into the sea. Then he bought himself a sandwich. Gilleece doubted if Prather told the truth, so they met at the sea. Prather was just a teen running away from his family after a big fight with his parents, and he had been staying around for a week. But the woman had started a case against the thief because of the missing ring, and he would probably be put in prison. Gilleece decided to help the boy by finding two local divers to help. The two divers tried hard but both came up with empty hands. Gilleece grew worried, each passing minute means more chances for the police to take the boy away. And finally, a diver popped up with the wallet in hand. Everybody cheered in delight. When Gilleece called the owner, she burst into tears and dropped the case against Prather for stealing.

“Most people would have given the footage to police, and he chose to help me,” Prather said. “I say thank you to him every day.”

( )46. What did the woman care most in the wallet?

A. Her cash. B. Her ring. C. Her ID card. D. Her credit card.

( )47. Where did the woman lost her wallet?

A. In the cafe. B. At the beach. C. Outside the cafe. D. In the sea.

( )48. Why did Prather steal the wallet?

A. Because he was too hungry. B. Because he wanted to dive.

C. Because he ran away from home. D. Because he needed help.

( )49. How did Gilleece get the wallet back?

A. He called the police for help. B. He asked others to dive for it.

C. He watched the footage and found Prather. D. He started a law case against stealing.

( )50. What is the best title for the story?

A. The lost ring B. Diving to help C. No more stealing D. Kindness for a thief.


“Books will soon be obsolete(廢棄的,淘汰的) in schools,” Thomas Edison said in 1913: they would, he believed, soon be replaced by silent films. Each new invention has brought the similar predictions. And each time, the old technologies of books, classrooms and teachers have stayed.

Like teachers, educational technology comes in many forms, from wonderful to terrible. But, used properly, it now is important in schools, especially in pour areas.

The UN’s goals included that by 2015 all the world’s children would finish primary school. The goal has been achieved: nine out of ten children are now at school. However, the figure is not as brilliant as it sounds. Even most of the children go to school, a lot of them learn pretty much nothing there. A recent World Bank study shows, half of nine-year-old children in an African country can not read a simple word and a three-fourths can not read a simple sentence. The reason is terrible teaching. Only 7% of the teachers had the necessary knowledge and half the time the teacher was not in the classroom.

Paying teachers more, in hope of better ones, is not the answer. Many methods are tried and things don’t change much.

Several studies suggest ed-tech can help. It seems to have an effect. But it does not mean putting computers on schools in the hope that children will understand how to use them. If they do so, plenty of money is wasted. Instead, it means offering schools with software that children can use with a little help from an adult. In this way, we can get things right more often and many things can be in control.

Technology can not be everything. Good traditional teachers are not obsolete, but ed-tech can help greatly--both students and teachers in their own way.

( )51. With the new inventions, books, classrooms and teachers ________

A. become more important B. survive all along

C. are cleared out D. become silent films

( )52. What was UN’s goal for primary schools?

A. All the kids complete primary school. B. 90% of kid go to school.

C. Half children can read simple words. D. Three-fourths of kids can read sentences.

( )53. Why did kids learn poorly at school according to the passage?

A. They didn’t work hard enough. B. There were no teachers in the classroom.

C. The teachers didn’t have any knowledge. D. The teachers teach terribly.

( )54. What does the underline word ed-tech mean?

A. 網絡科技 B. 軟件技術 C. 教育科技 D. 教學技能

( )55. What does the author think of ed-tech?

A. The author thinks it is useful. B. The author doubts it is useful.

C. The author thinks teachers will be obsolete. D. The author doesn’t like it at all.


Are you looking for a different kind of camp this summer? If you are between 13 and 16 and love exciting roller coasters(過山車), Thrill Coaster Tour Center in New Jersey will be the perfect choice for you. It will offer the following three exciting tours.

Tour 1: Tour to the west

You will spend ten days( from July 10 to July 19) visiting roller coasters in eight different parks in America, including Six Flags Great America. The tour starts at Knoebels Amusement(娛樂) Park, which has one of the best wooden roller coasters in America. After that, we will take you to the roller coaster capital of the world-Cedar Point. I'm sure you will have two exciting days there. Then comes the next park-Six Flags Great America. The tour ends at Kennywood.

Tour 2. Beach Tour

You will spend six days (from July 17 to July 22)in four different parks on the beach. Virginia Beach is the number one beach in America. Kin Dominion, a park on Virginia Beach, has a new kind of roller caster. It is more than 300 feet high.

Tour 3: North Border Tour

You will spend eight days from July 22 to July 29 visiting the amusement park and roller coasters in Canada. You can try many other activities like parachuting and indoor rock climbing.

( )56. Thrill Coaster Tour Center offers the above three exciting tours to _______.

A. kids from 8 to 12 B. teens between 13 and 8

C. teens between 13 and 16 D. people of all ages

( )57. Which tour will Mary probably choose if she is free from July 20 to July 30?

A. Tour 1 B. Tour 2 C. Tour 3 D. Both Tour 1 and Tour 3

( )58. What's the correct order of Tour 1 according to the passage?

a. Kennywood b. Six Flags Great America

c. Knoebels Amusement Park d. Cedar Point

A. c→d→b→a B.d→a→c→b C.c→b→d→a D.b→d→c→a

( )59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The best roller coaster in America is in Knoebels Amusement Park.

B. Tour 1 lasts longer than the other two.

C. You can try parachuting if you choose Tour 2.

D. Kings Dominion is a famous beach in America.

( )60. The passage mainly tells us ______.

A. Three places of interest in America B. Some famous roller coasters in Canada.

C. Three famous amusement parks D. Three exciting tours in summer


It was around noon when the shark struck. Arthur Medici, a 26-year-old from Brazil, was attacked on Sept. 16 just off Cape Cod’s Newcomb Hollow beach. Although a friend pulled him from the water, he soon died because he was terribly hurt. 61.______________________. After just weeks, a 61-year-old was sent to hospital for the same reason a few miles up the beach. The whole area was in fear.

The first accident happened in 1916, when a great white attacked several times and killed four in two weeks. 62.___________________________. And the deaths were big news. Since that, the attacks happened two or three times per year for decades. From the 1950, the number rose with the human population growth and more people preferred to be in the water, but even that, you are far less likely to be killed by a shark than by lightning. Thanks to beach safety and hospital service, only five of last year’s attacks caused death in the whole world.

63.____________________________. “If sharks were mean to hurt people, we’d see far more accidents.” Instead, great whites are usually looking for seals, which helps explain the situation. The effects of the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act(海洋哺乳動物保護法) make the numbers of seals climbing fast. 64.______________________.

In fact, sharks have far more to fear from us than we do from them---fishery collects 100 million ton of sharks each year, and climate change and other human activity make a big difference to their habitats, sending their population to drop quickly. 65._________________.

A. At that time, people knew little about the beast from the deep sea.

B. It was the first death in Massachusetts since 1936.

C. However that doesn’t make it any less painful when they bite back.

D. As the seals take the adventure to be closer to beaches, so do the sharks.

E. We now know that the attacks were probably not on purpose.


A: What are you going to do for vacation?

B: Oh, I’m going to London.

A: It’s a long trip then. When will you start off?

B: Next week.

A: _______66______________

B: No, I’m going with my mom. She is going to have a meeting there.

A: What will you do there?

B: We are going to meet a close friend there and visit a lot of places such as the Big Ben.[來源:Z#xx#k.Com]

A: Sounds great. __________67___________

B: In three weeks. ___________68__________

A: Yes, I am going to take part in the summer camp in Shanghai.

B: ________69_____________

A: I hope you will enjoy your vacation.

B: _________70____________

A: Do you have any plans for your holiday?

B: Who are you going with?

C: You, too.

D: Sounds interesting.

E: How soon will you come back?

F:How long will you stay there?

G: Are you going alone?


71. Giuseppe是語言學習上的一個傳奇。

Giuseppe is a ____________ ____________ for us all.

72. 及時訂錯是學好英語的一個關鍵。

___________ ___________ in time is the key to learn English well.

73. 這個活動將把學習和娛樂相結合。

The activity held last year _____________ learning _______ pleasure.

74. Tom如此值得信賴,我們都樂意和他交朋友。

Tom is _________ __________ __________ we all like to make friends with him.

75. 我們是否要去露營取決於天氣情況。

Whether we will go camping ______________ _______ the weather.

76. 他決定參加游泳比賽。

He was determined to take part in ________ ___________ _____________.

77. 她沒有察覺自己對周圍人的影響。

She is _____________ _________ her effect on the people around her.

78. 這個城市汙染嚴重,河底都有很多垃圾。

The city is polluted badly. There is much rubbish even _____ ______ ________ ____ the river.

79. 白金漢宮是英國的重要的旅遊勝地之一。

Buckingham Palace is one of major ___________ ____________ in Britain.

80. 記錄片通常能就某一個話題提供大量的信息。

______ _______ ______ can usually provide plenty of information about a certain subject.


81. Although she just started to learn English, she can speak it with __________. (fluent)

82. He tried very hard and finally got his _____________ right. (pronounce)

83. I had an ___________ experience when I went on a tour of the city. (forget)

84. The _________ often studies animals and plants and knows a lot about them. (biology)

85. We all are looking forward to _________ the space in the near future. (explore)


假如你叫李華,你們學校的校刊正在進行how to be a good English learner的徵文活動。請結合你自己或同學朋友的語言學習經驗,寫一篇短文,和大家分享一下好的語言學習的經驗。要求:

1. 行文流暢,內容實用;

2. 語句通順,意思連貫,書寫工整;

3. 不少於70詞。(文章開頭已給出,不計入總字數。)


