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雙語 - 希臘傳說 - 奧奇其斯大洪水 THE DELUGE OF OGYGES


雙語 - 希臘傳說 - 奧奇其斯大洪水 THE DELUGE OF OGYGES

【專有名詞】deluge ['deljuːdʒ] n. 大洪水;暴雨;氾濫 v. 氾濫;大量湧入
【專有名詞】Ogyges 奧奇其斯,傳說中古希臘的一位國王
The first Egyptian who thus settled in Greece was a prince called Inachus.
【單詞】settled 原型:settle 動詞過去式 ['setl] v. 解決;定居;安頓;平靜;結算 n. 背長椅,座位;定居,安頓
【單詞】prince 名詞 [prɪns] n. 王子;親王;諸侯
【單詞】called 原型:call 動詞過去分詞 [kɔːl] vt. 呼叫;打電話;把 ...稱為 n. 打電話;訪問;召喚;呼叫;把 ... 看作 vi. 呼叫;(短暫的)拜訪
【專有名詞】Egyptian [i'dʒɪpʃn] adj. 埃及的;埃及人的 n. 埃及人
【專有名詞】Greece 地名 [ɡriːs] n. 希臘
【專有名詞】Inachus (人名)伊納庫斯、伊那科斯
Landing in that country, which has a most delightful climate, he taught the Pelasgians how to make fire and how to cook their meat.
【語法】sth., which ...,是定語從句,which後面的從句用來修飾前面的事物;
【單詞】delightful 形容詞 [dɪ'laɪtfl] adj. 令人愉快的;可喜的
【單詞】climate 名詞 ['klaɪmət] n. 氣候;風氣

【單詞】taught 原型:teach 動詞過去式 [tiːtʃ] vt. 教;教導;教授;教訓 vi. 給予指導
【專有名詞】Pelasgians 佩拉斯吉人、巴拉斯人,是古代希臘人對西元前12世紀前住在希臘的前希臘民族的稱呼
He also showed them how to build comfortable homes by piling up stones one on top of another, much in the same way as the farmer makes the stone walls around his fields.
【單詞】comfortable 形容詞 ['kʌmftəbl] adj. 舒適的;充裕的
【單詞】piling 原型:pile 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [paɪl] n. 堆;大量;絨面;樁;大筆錢財 高大的舊建築 v. 堆積;積累;擁入;誇張
The Pelasgians were intelligent, although so uncivilized; and they soon learned to build these walls higher, in order to keep the wild beasts away from their homes.
【用法】in order to 意為“為了……”,表示目的;在用法和意義上相當於so as to結構,但是in order to結構可以用於句首、句中,而so as to多用於句中。其否定式分別為:in order not to 和so as not to。in order to在句中表示目的時,常可以轉化成in order that。如:We should work hard in order to pass the exam.=We should work hard in order that we can pass the exam.
【單詞】intelligent 形容詞 [ɪn'telɪdʒənt] adj. 聰明的;智能的
【單詞】uncivilized 動詞過去式 [ʌn'sɪvəlaɪzd] adj. 未開化的;不文明的 =uncivilised(英). 動詞uncivilize的過去式和過去分詞.
Then, when they had learned the use of bronze and iron tools, they cut the stones into huge blocks of regular shape.

【單詞】bronze 形容詞 [brɒnz] n. 青銅;青銅色;青銅製品;銅牌 adj. 青銅製的;青銅色的 vt. 使成青銅色
【單詞】iron 名詞 ['aɪən] n. 熨斗;鐵;剛強 v. 熨;燙 adj. 鐵的;剛強的
These stone blocks were piled one upon another so cleverly that some of the walls are still standing, although no mortar was used to hold the stones together.
【短語】used to ... 過去一向,過去時常,過去曾(而現在不再)做某事; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女們以前要上儀態課的。
【單詞】blocks 原型:block 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數) [blɒk] n. 街區;木塊;石塊;大樓;一組;阻塞(物);障礙(物) v. 阻塞
【單詞】piled 原型:pile 動詞過去分詞 [paɪl] n. 堆;大量;絨面;樁;大筆錢財 高大的舊建築 v. 堆積;積累;擁入;誇張
【單詞】cleverly 副詞 ['klevəli] adv. 聰明地
【單詞】standing 原型:stand 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [stænd] v. 站立;忍受;位於;停滯 n. 站立;貨攤;停頓;看臺
【單詞】mortar 名詞 ['mɔːtə] n. 臼;研缽;[軍]迫擊炮 n. 灰泥;灰漿 v. 用灰泥塗抹;用灰泥結合
【單詞】hold 動詞原形 [həʊld] v. 拿著;控制;容納;握住;持有;保持;掌握;認為;舉行 n. 握住;控制;把握;立足點;延誤;影響

Such was the strength of the Pelasgians, that they raised huge blocks to great heights, and made walls which their descendants declared must have been built by giants.
【單詞】strength 名詞 [streŋθ] n. 力氣;強度;力量;長處
【單詞】raised 原型:raise 動詞過去式 [reɪz] n. 上升;增高;高地 vt. 升起;舉起;飼養;提出;引起;籌集,募集
【單詞】descendants 原型:descendant 名詞複數形式 [dɪ'sendənt] n. 後裔;子孫;後代
【單詞】declared 原型:declare 動詞過去式 [dɪ'kleə] v. 宣佈(聲明);申報;聲明
【單詞】built 原型:build 動詞過去分詞 [bɪld] v. 建造;開發;創建;逐漸增強 n. 體格;身材
【單詞】giants 原型:giant 名詞複數形式 ['dʒaɪənt] n. 巨人;巨物;大公司 adj. 巨大的
As the Greeks called their giants Cyclops, which means "round-eyed," they soon called these walls Cyclopean; and, in pointing them out to their children, they told strange tales of the great giants who had built them, and always added that these huge builders had but one eye, which was in the middle of the forehead.
【單詞】round-eyed 形容詞 adj. (因驚訝感嘆等)睜大眼睛的
【單詞】strange 形容詞 [streɪndʒ] adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;生疏或不自在的

【單詞】tales 原型:tale 名詞複數形式 [teɪl] n. 故事;敘述;傳說 v. 談論,講述,搬弄是非;
【單詞】builders 原型:builder 名詞複數形式 ['bɪldə] n. 建設者;建築工人;促進劑;增潔劑
【單詞】forehead 名詞 ['fɔːhed] n. 前額;前部
【專有名詞】Greeks 希臘人
【專有名詞】Cyclops ['saɪklɒps] n. [希神]獨眼巨人 Cyclopes
【專有名詞】Cyclopean [saɪkləʊ'piən] adj. 巨大的;獨眼巨人的
Some time after Inachus the Egyptian had thus taught the Pelasgians the art of building, and had founded a city called Argos, there came a terrible earthquake.
【單詞】taught 原型:teach 動詞過去分詞 [tiːtʃ] vt. 教;教導;教授;教訓 vi. 給予指導
【單詞】art 名詞 [ɑːt] n. 藝術;美術;技巧;藝術品;人文學科;陰謀 adj. 藝術(品)的;美術(品)的
【單詞】building 原型:build 動名詞 [bɪld] v. 建造;開發;創建;逐漸增強 n. 體格;身材
【單詞】terrible 形容詞 ['terəbl] adj. 可怕的;極度的;糟糕的
【單詞】earthquake 名詞 ['ɜːθkweɪk] n. 地震
【專有名詞】Argos 阿爾戈斯,城市名
The ground under the people's feet heaved and cracked, the mountains shook, the waters flooded the dry land, and the people fled in terror to the hills.

【單詞】ground 名詞 [ɡraʊnd] n. 地面;地方;根據;主題;立場;水平;背景 v. 使停飛;困在家中;放在地上;使 ... 擱淺;打基礎;動詞grind的過去式和過去分詞形式
【單詞】heaved 原型:heave 動詞過去式 [hiːv] v. 用力舉起;拋出;扔;噁心;(費力地)發出(嘆息等) n. 舉;拋;起伏
【單詞】cracked 原型:crack 過去分詞做形容詞 [kræk] v. 破裂;砸開;發出爆裂聲;撞擊;破解;變嘶啞;崩潰;制裁;開玩笑 n. 裂縫;裂痕;爆裂聲;猛擊;嘗試;俏皮話 adj. 訓練有素的
【單詞】shook 原型:shake 動詞過去式 [ʃeɪk] v. 搖動;震動;握手 n. 片刻;搖晃;奶昔
【單詞】flooded 原型:flood 動詞過去式 [flʌd] v. 淹沒;充滿 n. 洪水
【單詞】fled 原型:flee 動詞過去式 [fliː] vi. 逃走;消失;逃避;(時間)飛逝 vt. 逃離
【單詞】terror 名詞 ['terə] n. 恐怖;驚駭;令人懼怕或討厭的人或事物
In spite of the speed with which they ran, the waters soon overtook them.
【短語】in spite of 表示“不顧;雖然,儘管”,後接名詞、代詞、從句。如:In spite of our repeated warnings, he still went his own way.
【短語】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算讓你來接管。
【單詞】spite 動詞一般現在時(除第三人稱單數) [spaɪt] n. 惡意;怨恨 v. 刁難;惹怒;冒犯

【單詞】overtook 原型:overtake 動詞過去式 [ˌəʊvə'teɪk] v. 趕上;突然來襲;壓倒
Many of the Pelasgians were thus drowned, while their terrified companions ran faster and faster up the mountain, nor stopped to rest until they were quite safe.
【單詞】drowned 原型:drown 過去分詞做形容詞 [draʊn] vi. 淹死 vt. 淹死;淹沒
【單詞】terrified 原型:terrify 動詞過去式 ['terɪfaɪ] v. 使害怕;使恐怖;威脅
【單詞】companions 原型:companion 名詞複數形式 [kəm'pæniən] n. 同伴;志趣相投的人;成對物品之一;參考書 v. 陪伴
【單詞】rest 動詞原形 [rest] n. 剩餘的部分;休息;支撐物;休止符 v. 休息;(使)倚靠;使(視線)停留在;擱在;依賴;基於;擱置;埋葬
Looking down upon the plains where they had once lived, they saw them all covered with water.
【單詞】plains 原型:plain 名詞複數形式 [pleɪn] adj. 清楚的;簡單的;坦白的;平常的;樸素的;純的 n. 平原;廣闊的區域 adv. 完全地;純粹地
【單詞】covered 原型:cover 動詞過去式 ['kʌvə] n. 封面;蓋子;套子;表面 v. 覆蓋;涉及;包含;掩護;給…保險
They were now forced to build new homes; but when the waters little by little sank into the ground, or flowed back into the sea, they were very glad to find that some of their thickest walls had resisted the earthquake and flood, and were still standing firm.

【單詞】forced 原型:force 過去分詞做形容詞 [fɔːs] n. 武力;暴力;力量;影響力;力量大的人或(事物);權力;(為某目的組織起來的)一群人;軍隊;部隊;武裝力量;警察部門;力;風力 v. 迫使;強迫;強制;使發生;強裝(歡笑);人工催長
【單詞】sank 原型:sink 動詞過去式 [sɪŋk] v. 下沉;沉沒;滲透;低落;變低;衰弱;(太陽)落下 n. 水槽;溝渠;散熱器;接收端 sinkable sank /
【單詞】flowed 原型:flow 動詞過去式 [fləʊ] n. 流動;漲潮;流;流量 vi. 流動;湧出;飄動;流暢 vt. 淹沒
【單詞】thickest 原型:thick 形容詞最高級 [θɪk] adj. 厚的;濃密的;粗的;愚笨的
【單詞】resisted 原型:resist 動詞過去分詞 [rɪ'zɪst] v. 抵制;抵抗;反抗;忍住 n. 防蝕塗層
【單詞】flood 名詞 [flʌd] v. 淹沒;充滿 n. 洪水
【單詞】firm 名詞 [fɜːm] n. 公司;商行 adj. 堅定的;結實的;堅固的;嚴格的 v. (使)變得堅實;確定 adv. 穩固地;堅定地
The memory of the earthquake and flood was very clear, however.
【單詞】memory 名詞 ['meməri] n. 記憶力;回憶;記憶;[計]存儲
The poor Pelasgians could not forget their terror and the sudden death of so many friends, and they often talked about that horrible time.

【短語】make friends 表示“交朋友”,後常與with搭配,表示“與……交朋友”。如:We need to encourage our children to make friends with people who will pull them up instead of drag them down.
【單詞】horrible 形容詞 ['hɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;令人討厭的
As this flood occurred in the days when Ogyges was king, it has generally been linked to his name, and called the Deluge (or flood) of Ogyges.
【單詞】occurred 原型:occur 動詞過去式 [ə'kɜː] vi. 發生;存在;出現;想到
【單詞】king 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [kɪŋ] n. 國王;(紙牌)老K adj. 王的;重要的;基本的 v. 成為國王 King. n. 金(姓氏)
【單詞】generally 副詞 ['dʒenrəli] adv. 一般地;通常;普遍地
【單詞】linked 原型:link 動詞過去分詞 [lɪŋk] v. 聯繫;連接 n. 環;聯繫;節

