
吉州窯,宋時八大民窯之一。宋代吉州窯市場價值 宋代吉州窯特點特徵。是江南地區一座舉世聞名的綜合性瓷窯,它具有濃厚的地方風格與民族藝術特色。 吉州窯是是漢族傳統制瓷工藝中的珍品,作為江南地區(江西吉安)一座舉世聞名的綜合性瓷窯,它具有濃厚的地方風格與漢民族藝術特色。吉州窯的豐富燒瓷,經驗和名工巧匠對江西地區瓷業的發展提高,曾起過相當重要的促進作用。吉州窯產品精美豐富,尤以黑釉瓷(亦稱天目釉瓷)產品著稱,其“木葉天目”和“剪紙貼花天目”飲譽中外。吉州窯陶瓷在中國宋元時期是重要的商品之一,它為促進中國和世界各國的貿易往來和文化交流作出了重大貢獻。世界各地的很多博物館和收藏家都藏有吉州窯的名貴產品。

Jizhou kiln is one of the eight folk kilns in Song Dynasty. Market value of Jizhou kiln in Song Dynasty characteristics of Jizhou kiln in Song Dynasty. It is a world-famous comprehensive porcelain kiln in the south of the Yangtze River. It has a strong local style and national artistic characteristics. Jizhou kiln is a treasure in the traditional porcelain making process of the Han nationality. As a world-famous comprehensive kiln in the south of the Yangtze River (Ji'an, Jiangxi), it has a strong local style and artistic characteristics of the Han nationality. Jizhou kiln's rich porcelain firing experience and famous craftsmen have played an important role in promoting the development of porcelain industry in Jiangxi. The products of Jizhou kiln are exquisite and rich, especially the black glazed porcelain (also known as Tianmu glazed porcelain) products. Its "Tianmu wood leaf" and "Tianmu paper cut and decal" are well known at home and abroad. Jizhou kiln ceramics was one of the most important commodities in the song and Yuan Dynasties of China. It made great contributions to the trade and cultural exchanges between China and other countries in the world. Many museums and collectors all over the world have rare products of Jizhou kiln.



Jizhou kiln in Jiangxi Province, Cizhou kiln in the north and Jianyao kiln in the north of Fujian Province in the same period of Song Dynasty are both ancient kilns with local characteristics, which have great influence. Among them, black glazed porcelain is the "representative work" of Jizhou Kiln Ceramics. The original black glaze products of Jizhou kiln in Song Dynasty, which are called "Tianmu" by Japanese, are various and changeable, including Tianmu of wood leaf, Tianmu of tortoiseshell, Tianmu of rabbit hair, Tianmu of oil drop, Tianmu of tiger skin, color painting of black glaze, color spraying of black glaze and Tianmu of plain glaze, etc. But the most artistic charm is the wood leaf Tianmu. If there is no wood leaf, the single Jizhou black glazed porcelain is about the same as the Ding porcelain in the north of the same period, but it is this random leaf. The black glazed wooden leaf calices became the unique category in Song Dynasty and even in Chinese tea ware.



It is often said that every leaf in the world is different. Looking at the leaves in Jizhou kiln's Wooden leaves, it just confirms this sentence. That shape is really varied. Some of them are laid flat on the bottom of the cup, some of them are folded, some of them lie on the belly of the cup, and some of them lead the mouth of the cup in different ways. And the size is different, no one is the same, you can see that the kiln workers take it by hand, there is no intention, there is a natural interest to carve. One leaf is common in the leaves, but there are also many pieces of wood leaves. It is said that there are at most one and five pieces in the leaves. Very few of them have one piece at the bottom of the heart, which is quite interesting. What's more, the leaves embedded in the lamp seem to stand out, but the touch is as flat as the bottom of the lamp. The leaves of calices are mainly brown and yellow, but also gray and purple, which are in contrast with black pottery. In the flickering dark, the silky stems and veins of wood leaves are so clear and vivid. Through the gap between the stems and veins, in the dark glaze of the wall, the beige leaves are like dancing spirits of life.



Jizhou kiln is one of the famous porcelain kilns in the south of the Yangtze River in the Song Dynasty. There are many kinds of porcelains with distinctive characteristics. One kind of porcelains decorated with wood leaf pattern has its own characteristics. According to the Qing Dynasty Lanpu Jingdezhen pottery record, "Jizhou kiln, Yonghe City kiln in the Song Dynasty, is now Luling County, Ji'an Prefecture." The location of the kilns in Jizhou is very clear in history. After the liberation, the local cultural relic department also made many investigations and excavations on the kilns. The appearance of the kilns in Jizhou is quite clear. Jizhou kiln was founded in the Five Dynasties, mainly firing sauce glaze and white glaze porcelain. In the Northern Song Dynasty, it was firing green white glaze, white glaze, black glaze and green glaze porcelain, but the output was not large. The Southern Song Dynasty is the most prosperous period of Jizhou kiln. The main varieties are black glaze, sauce glaze, blue glaze, white glaze, white brown glaze, green glaze, etc., of which the largest and most characteristic is black glaze porcelain.



As we all know, the black glazed porcelain wares built in Fujian during the Northern Song Dynasty are well-known all over the world. At the same time, many kilns in Henan Province in the north also made black glazed wares. A large number of black glazed lanterns appeared in Song Dynasty. The reason is the popularity of tea fighting at that time. Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, once said in his treatise on Daguan tea that "the color of the lamp is precious, the color of the lamp is green and the color of the lamp is black Cai Xiang, a famous calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty, also said in his tea Book tea record: "the color of tea is white, so it's better to use black lanterns. Jian'an's products are cyanotic and black, with a pattern like a rabbit's hair. Its body is slightly thick, and it's hot for a long time, but hard to cool. It's most important to use. " The black glazed wares of Jizhou kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty inherited the characteristics of those built in the Northern Song Dynasty. For example, the shape of the lanterns was generally in the shape of a bamboo hat. In addition, Jizhou kiln black glaze porcelain not only has a large output, but also has a variety of decorative techniques, such as paper-cut decals, wood leaf patterns, tortoiseshell glaze, glaze removal and filling. The following focuses on "wood leaf pattern".



The method of wood leaf pattern decoration is: after the objects are shaped, a leaf is pasted on the surface of the objects, and then the glaze is applied to the kiln for firing. After the kiln fire and high temperature, the leaves are basically burned, but the texture of the leaves will be clearly displayed in the glaze, forming elegant and realistic wood leaf patterns. Jizhou kiln wood leaf pattern decoration, generally seen in the inner wall of the tea cup, decorates a piece of yellow leaves in late autumn on the light black glaze ground, full of distant artistic conception. So someone said, "this is a leaf floating in the eating utensils of the song people, and it is also the wisdom floating in the history.". This is the state beauty of the combination of mind and nature in the work and life of potters. It is a simple and simple artistic beauty. " According to the excavation of known porcelain kiln sites, only Jizhou kiln adopts wood leaf pattern decoration, which can be said to be unique in the history of Chinese ceramics.



Experts recommend: This Jizhou kiln wood leaf calices open, cut abdomen, small circle foot, like a bamboo hat. The whole body is applied with black glaze. The glaze is lustrous, crystal clear and bright. The bottom is exposed with beige tire. The inside and outside of the cup are covered with black glaze. The bottom of the bowl has wood leaf patterns. The veins of the wood leaves are clear, and the hair color is brown and red. Its wood leaf pattern is simple and elegant, naturally formed, which is the most characteristic product of Jizhou kiln. The glaze is divided into fine pieces, which are in the form of a mesh split and a combination of large and small pieces of glaze. It is uniform and clear, the whole product is in good condition, the enamel is pure and thick, and contains precious light. It's really a rare product.

