


We came here wanting to hate on you chicks hard.我們本來是想來砸場子的

But that horse you got out back is mad cool.可是你們後院的馬真的酷到爆啊

You bested US, party beast你們大獲全勝啊 派對之王

And to that, I doff my cap.就這一點我脫帽致敬

I doff my cap. 我脫帽致敬



So, when you were laying around on your trust fund, 所以說你躺在你的信託基金上

having other people scrub your toilet, 甚至讓別人幫你刷廁所

doing nothing every day, 整天屁事不幹

you could hold your head up high? 你才敢抬頭挺胸

trust fund 信託基金 , scrub 擦洗

doing nothing every day 一天天的,啥事都不做

hold your head up high 抬起頭來


But now that you support yourself by earning your own money, that's somehow shameful? 可是現在你自食其力, 卻反而覺得抬不起頭嗎?

Who cares what he thinks? 誰管他是怎麼想的

He's the loser, not you. 他才是笨蛋不是你

support yourself 自食其力



I guess I didn't need to go over there and make some big, dramatic speech,telling him that even though I'm a waitress,我想我不需要走過去,給他一番振振有詞的大演說來告訴他即使我現在是個女服務員

I'm better than him. 也比他強

dramatic speech 戲劇性的演講


And when I see him one day in the future. 如果有天真的在遇到他

I'll be happy to tell him that. 我會樂意告訴他的


