自貢融創觀溪樾· 生活示範區

公園裡「漫」生活 | 自貢融創觀溪樾· 生活示範區

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公園裡「漫」生活 | 自貢融創觀溪樾· 生活示範區



Zigong with a long history is famous as "Millennium Salt Capital", "Hometown of Dinosaurs", "Southern Lamp City" and the shadow of lights blend.

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Guanxiyue is based on the ecological park and pass the collision between history and modernity

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“Autumn sunshine is mellow and soft , glittering at the top of the building . Rivers, woods,soft grass, clouds drift slowly form above.”As the picture deoicted in Haryki Murakami, let us draw with the wheels of time Guanxiyue, let us get into "slow" life of "romantic".

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第一幕 | 時間脈動,盛啟龍行

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The site is a long strip of space with a short depth. In order to make it more layered, we maximize the length of the municipal extension. The use of the length of the display surface to define a linear space structure - such as the dragon to vacate, presenting a magnificent atmosphere of welcome, accompanied by water to the first scene of the city imprint.

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The entrance gates and pedestrian integration are combined with the park entrance while reducing the fragmentation of the municipal interface. The large-sized shaped porch is modern and magnificent, and the Hermès gray stone inward-looking curved wall is smooth. Setting up the art sculpture on the green island in the middle is the first time to make people's eyes condense and attract people.

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▼藝術裝置 | 星空闕宇

Art installation | star missing



Starlight is like a dream. This should be the first sense of the art installation "Starry Sky".

The universe abstraction expresses the magnified form of the salt crystals, which are superimposed by art techniques to form an asymmetrical inverted triangle block, which is like a sly planet in the vast universe, guiding us to explore. The peripheral black steel wire ropes are transparent, and the separate car lines and pedestrian entrances that are separated and unbounded, not only divide the specific space attributes, but also make the space experience rich.

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第二幕 | 歲月流轉,潤澤鹽都


Interpreting the time flow with long lens method——spring water jumps, light and shadows flow, stacked waterfall waterscape, internal and external landscapes infiltrate, blend, move, and create dynamic scenes to provide visitors with a richer landscape experience.

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The hotel-style driving courtyard is simple and clean. The curved wall of Hermès grey stone veneer is lifted up to the space scale, and the plastic volcano is like a waiter to welcome the vehicle. And the time walks separated by a wall, people enter the porch with the tropical flower environment + jumping spring, allowing visitors to relax in the space full of detail.

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The sturdy rain and rain corridor is the only way for pedestrians, and the stainless steel copper-plated grid is full of sequence. Combining the elements of the arched walls, grille, and lamp strips on both sides to guide the line of sight, and eliminating the unfavorable conditions such as the model house and the building angle.

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The Lai Mei Shi Jing wall combines the waterfall water surface to solve the height difference of the site, partially matched with the spiral waterscape, and the water surface planting pool selects the solitary feather maple to enrich the visual level.

第三幕 | 水之綠洲,一半青林一半城

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Use the height difference of the site to create a pure forest space on the water. Forming terraced-like layers of waterfalls and water features, combined with lush plants, calm and moving, creating a peaceful and far-reaching mood. The building is surrounded by greenery and symbiotic with the natural ecological environment, paying tribute to the mountainous city style of Zicheng “half-city Qingshan half-city building”.

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With the rhythm of the wind and rain corridor, I came to the "Flower Water Garden". A circle of waterscape diverges outward like a water surface under the shade of light. The light and shadow are scattered, the shade is mottled, and it is intertwined with the water curtain that hangs down on the corridor. It seems as if the air is suddenly quiet. If it weren't for the sound of the water, it seems that time is still.

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Layered water, such as a crescent moon, is also a romantic expression of geological changes.

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(by 劉揚)

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Step by step, half of the pool and half forest. The lush green spots and misty water come into view, accompanied by flowing water, and the ethereal environment is pleasing to the heart.

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The trails seem to lead the bridge across the starry sky and enter the experience hall.

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公園裡「漫」生活 | 自貢融創觀溪樾· 生活示範區

(by 穆中亞)


The unique shape of the sand in the oasis of the water echoes the Buddha's grass, breaking the single sense of the stone wall and creating a simple and pure modern Zen space.

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第四幕 | 公園裡,詩意居

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公園裡「漫」生活 | 自貢融創觀溪樾· 生活示範區

灰空間植入藝術書吧、親水吧檯等功能設施,營造舒適、趣味的人居交融生活場所,帶來舒適而有溫度的“臻 · 生活“體驗。

The gray space is equipped with functional facilities such as an art book and a hydrophilic bar to create a comfortable and fun place to blend living places, bringing a comfortable and warm “elegant life” experience.

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▼親水吧檯 | 山丘流雲

Water bar | hill cloud


In front of the hydrophilic bar, a curved pool seems to be quiet, and the pool is covered with grass and grass, and the light and shadow are interlaced, which hides the living environment that people are yearning for.

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(by 穆中亞)

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The terrazzo trails, the zinnias, the grass flowers and the reed lights make your journey home full of temperature. Move with your heart, follow the line, return home.

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The project is located at the junction of two major sections of Zigong (Sichuan Well Old Town and Huidong Plate) in Sichuan Province. The area is convenient for transportation and surrounded by two parks (Yantianwo Park and Yandu Botanical Garden) and has excellent natural resources. And “there are pearls in front, a gate in the back, phoenix in the left, and a nest in the right", which is the place where our project. the long-running folk songs officially belong to.

So, the position of "hidden time, natural beauty, and the creation of a park-like living" was born.

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In the early stage of design, through the interpretation of the site conditions, and sorting out the unfavorable factors of the project display and the non-removable public facilities, the preliminary landscape design strategy is determined. The three majors will conduct research and judgment on the scope of the demonstration area, the opening of the sales department, the introduction of the municipal interface, and how the demonstration area will contact the entrance of the park.

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植入「時光漣漪」 的景觀主題——用現代的手法詮釋自貢這座城市歷史長河上的寶藏。經過多輪的草圖、模型溝通,確定最終的景觀平面與空間形態。

The theme of the landscape of “Times of Time” is implanted – a modern interpretation of the treasures of Zigong’s historical river. After several rounds of sketches and model communication, the final landscape plane and spatial form are determined.

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公園裡「漫」生活 | 自貢融創觀溪樾· 生活示範區




Let the city talk about art, let art talk and live, and feel the joy of life in the landscape art.

SUNAC Zigong Yangtianwo Park is to be continued...


項目名稱 :自貢融創觀溪樾 · 生活示範區

項目地址 :四川省自貢市自流井區

開發公司 :自貢融創瑞新置業有限公司

項目團隊 :融創四川地產景觀管理部

設計單位 :重慶藍調城市景觀規劃設計有限公司

主創團隊 :任剛 曾敏 彭川 張宏宇 張露

韓孝虎 秦貞 劉維維 匡輝文

陳輝(水電) 唐琴(植物)

施工單位 :四川興立園林環境工程有限公司


軟裝單位 :深圳市普瑞得景觀設計有限公司

雕塑單位 :成都海藝雕塑工程有限公司

花鏡單位 :四川陌上花開花境園藝有限公司

景觀面積 :11000㎡

竣工時間 :2019年10月

景觀攝影 :Holi河狸景觀攝影(除特殊備註)

