arXiv 每日論文集 121 篇 03.06 更新

今日 arXiv 論文集

「今日 arXiv 論文集」是 AI 研習社論文板塊推出的全新欄目,每日為你自動抓取arXiv上更新的論文並且按照不同領域分類打包成集,方便社區用戶以最快的速度,最便捷的方式一件打包下載學術成果,獲取知識養分。

今日更新 arXiv論文集:11個


Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 25篇


Machine Learning 38篇


Computation and Language 15篇


Robotics 19篇


Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computingian 5篇


Artificial Intelligence 8篇


Symbolic Computation 2篇


Neural and Evolutionary Computing 2篇


Multimedia 1篇


Multiagent Systems 3篇


Information Retrieval 3篇


Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 25篇

arXiv 每日論文集 121 篇 03.06 更新


Spatiotemporal-Aware Augmented Reality: Redefining HCI in Image-Guided Therapy

Robust Perceptual Night Vision in Thermal Colorization


VESR-Net: The Winning Solution to Youku Video Enhancement and Super-Resolution Challenge

Unity Style Transfer for Person Re-Identification

Mixup Regularization for Region Proposal based Object Detectors

Vehicle-Human Interactive Behaviors in Emergency: Data Extraction from Traffic Accident Videos

Learning to Transfer Texture from Clothing Images to 3D Humans

Annotation-free Learning of Deep Representations for Word Spotting using Synthetic Data and Self Labeling

Occlusion Aware Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow From Video

Automatic Signboard Detection from Natural Scene Image in Context of Bangladesh Google Street View

Reveal of Domain Effect: How Visual Restoration Contributes to Object Detection in Aquatic Scenes

Double Backpropagation for Training Autoencoders against Adversarial Attack

GarmentGAN: Photo-realistic Adversarial Fashion Transfer

MoVi: A Large Multipurpose Motion and Video Dataset

A Deep Learning Method for Complex Human Activity Recognition Using Virtual Wearable Sensors

Type I Attack for Generative Models

Region adaptive graph fourier transform for 3d point clouds

Watch your Up-Convolution: CNN Based Generative Deep Neural Networks are Failing to Reproduce Spectral Distributions

Implicitly Defined Layers in Neural Networks

RODNet: Object Detection under Severe Conditions Using Vision-Radio Cross-Modal Supervision

TimeConvNets: A Deep Time Windowed Convolution Neural Network Design for Real-time Video Facial Expression Recognition

A Robust Imbalanced SAR Image Change Detection Approach Based on Deep Difference Image and PCANet

Blind Image Restoration without Prior Knowledge

Image-based OoD-Detector Principles on Graph-based Input Data in Human Action Recognition

Machine Learning 38篇


On Emergent Communication in Competitive Multi-Agent Teams

Scaling MAP-Elites to Deep Neuroevolution

Neural Kernels Without Tangents

Contrastive estimation reveals topic posterior information to linear models

PushNet: Efficient and Adaptive Neural Message Passing

Maximal Causes for Exponential Family Observables

Exploration-Exploitation in Constrained MDPs

Colored Noise Injection for Training Adversarially Robust Neural Networks

Deterministic Decoding for Discrete Data in Variational Autoencoders

Rethinking Parameter Counting in Deep Models: Effective Dimensionality Revisited

StochasticRank: Global Optimization of Scale-Free Discrete Functions

On Hyper-parameter Tuning for Stochastic Optimization Algorithms

Simple and Scalable Epistemic Uncertainty Estimation Using a Single Deep Deterministic Neural Network

Neural Enhanced Belief Propagation on Factor Graphs

Metrics and methods for robustness evaluation of neural networks with generative models

Variational Auto-Encoder: not all failures are equal

Gaussianization Flows

DefogGAN: Predicting Hidden Information in the StarCraft Fog of War with Generative Adversarial Nets

Taking a hint: How to leverage loss predictors in contextual bandits?

Black-box Smoothing: A Provable Defense for Pretrained Classifiers

Odds-Ratio Thompson Sampling to Control for Time-Varying Effect

Optimal Regularization Can Mitigate Double Descent

Ising-based Consensus Clustering on Specialized Hardware

Privacy-preserving Learning via Deep Net Pruning

q-VAE for Disentangled Representation Learning and Latent Dynamical Systems

Generalized Gumbel-Softmax Gradient Estimator for Various Discrete Random Variables

MOTS: Minimax Optimal Thompson Sampling

The large learning rate phase of deep learning: the catapult mechanism

Probabilistic Performance-Pattern Decomposition (PPPD): analysis framework and applications to stochastic mechanical systems

Adaptive exponential power distribution with moving estimator for nonstationary time series

Unbiased variable importance for random forests

Corruption-Tolerant Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization

Transformation Importance with Applications to Cosmology

Meta Cyclical Annealing Schedule: A Simple Approach to Avoiding Meta-Amortization Error

Error bounds in estimating the out-of-sample prediction error using leave-one-out cross validation in high-dimensions

Risk-Aware Energy Scheduling for Edge Computing with Microgrid: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

Threats to Federated Learning: A Survey

PDGM: a Neural Network Approach to Solve Path-Dependent Partial Differential Equations

Computation and Language 15篇


jiant: A Software Toolkit for Research on General-Purpose Text Understanding Models

Data Augmentation using Pre-trained Transformer Models

Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification

Evaluating Low-Resource Machine Translation between Chinese and Vietnamese with Back-Translation

Sequential Neural Networks for Noetic End-to-End Response Selection

Posterior-GAN: Towards Informative and Coherent Response Generation with Posterior Generative Adversarial Network

Restoration of Fragmentary Babylonian Texts Using Recurrent Neural Networks

SeMemNN: A Semantic Matrix-Based Memory Neural Network for Text Classification

HyperEmbed: Tradeoffs Between Resources and Performance in NLP Tasks with Hyperdimensional Computing enabled Embedding of n-gram Statistics

AlignTTS: Efficient Feed-Forward Text-to-Speech System without Explicit Alignment

GraphTTS: graph-to-sequence modelling in neural text-to-speech

Discover Your Social Identity from What You Tweet: a Content Based Approach

Untangling in Invariant Speech Recognition

Phonetic Feedback for Speech Enhancement With and Without Parallel Speech Data

Towards Real-time Mispronunciation Detection in Kids' Speech

Robotics 19篇


A Distributed Pipeline for Scalable, Deconflicted Formation Flying

Voxel Map for Visual SLAM

Contact Surface Estimation via Haptic Perception

Annotated-skeleton Biased Motion Planning for Faster Relevant Region Discovery

Robotic Cane as a Soft SuperLimb for Elderly Sit-to-Stand Assistance

Redesigning SLAM for Arbitrary Multi-Camera Systems

The iCub multisensor datasets for robot and computer vision applications

Relative Visual Localization for Unmanned Aerial Systems

ETRI-Activity3D: A Large-Scale RGB-D Dataset for Robots to Recognize Daily Activities of the Elderly

Optimal Deep Learning for Robot Touch

Localising Faster: Efficient and precise lidar-based robot localisation in large-scale environments

Semantic sensor fusion: from camera to sparse lidar information

Learning Rope Manipulation Policies Using Dense Object Descriptors Trained on Synthetic Depth Data

Multi-Sparse Gaussian Process: Learning based Semi-Parametric Control

Towards Mobile Multi-Task Manipulation in a Confined and Integrated Environment with Irregular Objects

Directional Compliance in Obstacle-Aided Navigation for Snake Robots

Shared lateral control with on-line adaptation of the automation degree for driver steering assist system: A weighting design approach

Safe, Optimal, Real-time Trajectory Planning with a Parallel Constrained Bernstein Algorithm

LAMP: Large-Scale Autonomous Mapping and Positioning for Exploration of Perceptually-Degraded Subterranean Environments

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computingian 5篇


Distributed Pattern Formation With Faulty Robots

A GPU-Accelerated Barycentric Lagrange Treecode

Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves Accelerated (MASWAccelerated): Software for Efficient Surface Wave Inversion Using MPI and GPUs

Array relocation approach for radial scanning algorithms on multi-GPU systems: total viewshed problem as a case study

IsoRAN: Isolation and Scaling for 5G RANvia User-Level Data Plane Virtualization

Artificial Intelligence 8篇


On Emergent Communication in Competitive Multi-Agent Teams

Interactive Robot Training for Non-Markov Tasks

A Snooze-less User-Aware Notification System for Proactive Conversational Agents

AI-Mediated Exchange Theory

Semantic Web Environments for Multi-Agent Systems: Enabling agents to use Web of Things via semantic web

Active Preference Elicitation via Adjustable Robust Optimization

Efficient statistical validation with edge cases to evaluate Highly Automated Vehicles

Scaling MAP-Elites to Deep Neuroevolution

Symbolic Computation 2篇


The Absent-Minded Passengers Problem: A Motivating Challenge Solved by Computer Algebra

Enhancing simultaneous rational function recovery: adaptive error correction capability and new bounds for applications

Neural and Evolutionary Computing 2篇


On Hyper-parameter Tuning for Stochastic Optimization Algorithms

RMP-SNNs: Residual Membrane Potential Neuron for Enabling Deeper High-Accuracy and Low-Latency Spiking Neural Networks

Multimedia 1篇


ASMD: an automatic framework for compiling multimodal datasets

Multiagent Systems 3篇


Adaptive Online Distributed Optimal Control of Very-Large-Scale Robotic Systems

Adaptation in Online Social Learning

A Distributed Pipeline for Scalable, Deconflicted Formation Flying

Information Retrieval 3篇


Learning to Hash with Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems

Fast Adaptively Weighted Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Implicit Feedback

When deep denoising meets iterative phase retrieval

