“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”


I know the truth, but | will follow you as soon as you reach out

“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”

2.想你潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性.

It's natural to think that your subconscious preference is daily selfishness

“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”

3.月亮不會奔你而來 星星也不會 但我會.

The moon won't run to you and the stars won't, but I will

“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”


It's a romantic and practical word to say and do

“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”

5.我這個人超好的 你可以放心喜歡一-下.

You can rest assured that you like me very much

“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”

6.關於你的好壞我都已聽說 願意淪陷的人是我.

I've heard that I'm the one willing to fall

“想你是潛意識 偏愛是日常 自私是本性”

