03.04 抗疫﹒他與中教在一起——國際部宅在家裡的外教主播


On February 25th, Brendan shared some details about his daily life at home during the emergency period.Brendan comes from England, and he teaches English in the international department of Hebei Lianbang International School. He loves China and his Chinese students in the school.

Since the outbreak of the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus in China, people stay at home in order to prevent and control the virus. “Life for me has been very easy compared to the majority of people that live in China during this epidemic situation. I am lucky enough to live on campus in my school (Hebei Lianbang International School, Shijiazhuang). ” Brendan said when talking about his daily life.


Brendan is doing some sunbathing in the school football field


Enjoy school life

“At the start of the epidemic, I would spend time building snowmen in the school using the snow/ice left over from the big snowfall in January. I spend a lot of my free time watching TV and movies and skim reading books for useful stuff that I can use in my teaching or develop my own learning. I am teaching classes online with my students but I can use the classroom and so have access to the blackboard which is really useful for explaining things to them. ” said Brendan. He likes baking and lives a healthy lifestyle.


Brendan built a snowman on campus


Brendan usually bakes at home

“I have been sharing teaching resources with my colleagues for over a year now, but I wanted to expand it. I thought the best thing to do would be to create a Wechat group with all English teachers in the school with the primary objective of sharing resources so that everyone could benefit. I will try to share things relevant to everyone. I think that this virus outbreak has given the students a huge opportunity to further their studies in ways that could only have been dreamt about before. For the first time they have access to the internet, a computed dictionary, thesaurus and a billion or more web pages at their disposal. From a teachers perspective this is the perfect opportunity to set them research projects, and for this, they will need resources.


Resources Group


Teaching in class

As a foreigner lives in Shijiazhuang, Brendan is concerned about the people in Wuhan and he said: “The outbreak of course is a difficult situation but I do believe that the Chinese government have handled it well. Take my city for example, there have been relatively few cases with no deaths. I feel sorry for China, as I have made it my home. However, I do believe China will bounce back stronger than ever. We are fighting against the virus together!”


Campus of Hebei Lianbang International School







