06.30 時間會讓你看清每一張臉,久伴會讓你知道每一顆心


1 乾了這杯酒,我們隻字不提愛情。

Having done this wine, we made no mention of love.

2 想剪短髮想紋身,想要忘記一個人。

Want to cut short hair, want a tattoo, want to forget a person.


3 感情就像一杯烈酒,當被第一個人打翻後,你只能摻些水再給第二個人。

Feeling is like a glass of wine, when the first person overturned, you can only mix some water to the second person.

4 我想不出半句話,可以精確概述我們兩人之間的關係。

I can't think of a word that can accurately outline the relationship between the two of us.


5 只要看見他就會紅了眼圈丟了魂,心裡百般不是滋味。

As long as he sees him , he ' ll go red and lose his soul . It ' s not a taste of heart .

6 敬你一杯酒,敬你漫不經心闖入了我的人生,又不動聲色地毀了我的生活。

To you a glass of wine, to you carelessly into my life, and quietly ruined my life.


7 每個人的記憶都是一座沙城,時間腐蝕著一切建築,你步步回頭,可是卻只能往前走。

Everyone's memory is a sand city, time corrodes all the buildings, you step back, but can only go forward.

8 時間會讓你看清每一張臉,久伴會讓你知道每一顆心。

Time will let you see each face, long company will let you know every heart.


9 其實你知道的,任何一份需要你花心思去討好的感情都不會撐得太久。

In fact, you know, any need for you to take care of the feelings will not last too long.

10 希望你不後悔認識我,也是真的快樂過,就算終有一別。

I hope you do not regret knowing me, is really happy, even if there will be a farewell.

