10.22 《陳情令》火到了國外,歪果仁追劇也這麼上頭究竟是為什麼?

今年夏天,不少人都紛紛入了網劇《陳情令》(The Untamed) 的坑,被主演肖戰和王一博圈粉了。
















Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji are two completely different people from two different worlds.


Lan Wang Ji was born in the prominent Sect of the Gusu Lan. Due to his great achievements and reputation, he gained the title Hanguang-Jun, which means the light holder. He was seen as a hero, the role model of everyone in the cultivation world and is known to appear wherever chaos is.



While Wei Wu Xian, the Yiling Patriarch, was a name that was feared by everyone. He has done many heroic things in his life, but also really cruel ones, such as killing thousands of people and even causing the death of those who saw him as family.



In the end, Wei Wu Xian was "killed", after he became too evil for the world to exist, by his best friend and only survivor of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Jiang Cheng, who was once like a brother to him. At least that is what the legend says.


Sixteen years after his so-called “death”, Wei Wu Xian suddenly reappeared again at the Mo Village. Between the boundary of good and evil, was Wei Wu Xian really as evil as the legend says and was Lan Wang Ji really that righteous as people claim him to be? And how much of the legend is actually true?





A strong plot, well-rounded characters, and elaborate clothing, makeup and stage production have led The Untamed to attract a global audience. The heroic story with modern values strikes a chord globally, making The Untamed increasingly popular.








The answer is simple: excellent character relationships and development. Each character is a world in themselves, with a complex backstory of their own and the relationships to match. More than that, each of them changes so much. You can truly feel the difference, the long way they came from the first to the last episode, and how their ties to the people around them shifted in response to that evolution.




One example would be the way hatred affects different people in the story. One of the characters stews in it for over 13 years, another manages to forgive if not forget, and another takes his time to plan a meticulous, terrible revenge. Shades of emotions, shades of gray. People.



Well, it’s my honor and privilege to say that not only is it gorgeous, there are so many variations on it featuring different instruments (from the emblematic guqin and flute to the piano and cello) that you’ll get plenty of time to savor it.



Some other tracks will make you choke on emotions, while others will make you cry just listening to them and remembering the scenes during which you heard them.






網友njyhjtj :


"Overall the actors, writers and directors did a phenomenal job at taking us on a very emotional ride filled with beautiful and touching relationships, friendships, mysteries, stories, good, evil and more. I laughed and cried my heart out. I’m really sad that it has ended, I get emotional and tears fall when I watch clips, especially the ending. I can’t move on from it and I will forever rewatch CQL. I’m obsessed."




"This was an exceptional series with a truly wonderful cast of characters played by a fantastic group of up-and-coming young actors. The storyline was strong (bows to the author), with no filler episodes or repetitive plot points, etc. - all the pieces wove together eventually into a tight, satisfying, and well-paced ending that felt neither rushed nor incomplete. A true feat for any drama, let alone a c-drama - so more bows to the directors, writers, and producers."

“這是一部超讚的電視劇,劇中角色由一群出色的新生代演員出演,選角堪稱完美。劇情線也很不錯(向作者致敬),沒有出現加戲或者重複情節的情況 - 所有的劇情都編織成了一個情節緊湊、節奏適當的令人滿意的大結局,不會讓人感到倉促或者不完整。不論是在中國電視劇或者任何電視劇中都絕對屬於精品,嚮導演、編劇還有製片人鞠躬致意。”










First, let’s get surname out of the way as it would remain unchanged throughout a person’s life.

The Chinese character for it is “姓“.



In China, as well as many other East Asian countries, surnames come first, for these people, the first Chinese characters in their names are their surnames.








名 is your first name given to you by your parents when you’re born. Your senior blood relatives, such as your parents or grandparents can always call you by that name throughout your life. The King/Emperor of your time and your teacher can also always call you by your 名, although they may not choose to do so. 名 is for people who are closest to you in life or people who have absolute seniority over you, once you become an adult, your 名 is seldom used by people other than the ones mentioned above, if a general acquaintance call you by your 名, it will be considered as rude and impolite.



This leads us to talk about the usage and purpose of 字. 字 is a name given to you when you become an adult. This applies to both male and female (male around age 20, female 15), although not everyone gets a 字, for well educated people with high social status, it is expected that you will get one. 字 is most commonly made up with two characters, and it often works as a further articulation of the meaning of your 名. Once you become an adult, most people will call you by your surname + your 字 to show you respect. Even your parents may often address you in this way, and when they suddenly switch to calling you by your 名, it could mean that you’re in trouble.



號 is also called 別字, meaning the other 字, as the name suggests, it’s like a second 字 that is used to show respect, but for a different purpose. 號 has no limit of characters used, it can often refer to where you’re from, what you do or what you aspire to. You can decide what your 號 is, and you can even have multiple ones. When people call you by your 號, it adds another layer of respect but also some distance.








綜合來源:環球時報、Reuters、WeTV、Viki、Soompi、AvenueX Blog

