11.08 世紀收藏網:咸豐重寶當十賞析


Xianfeng heavy treasure is a commonly used annual coin for ancient copper coins. Year money is a coin named after the emperor's year number. Year money is the largest category of square hole money in the history of Chinese currency, including two-word year money, year number plus baht money, year number plus treasure money, year number plus country number money, year number plus different year money ( also known as combined number money ), year number plus palindrome money.


Xianfeng Chongbao's casting materials are mainly brass, and there have also been coins made of other materials such as iron and money. In addition, there is a palace coin made of gold, silver, hawksbill, white copper and other materials, which has a larger shape and a thicker body. It is the royal festival money. This coin has less quantity and good quality, and the price is far beyond that of brass and iron. The official version is made of 75 % copper, 20 % zinc, 3 % tin and other materials, and the mother money has a higher purity of copper. Xianfeng heavy treasure has various shapes and coins of different sizes. From an early age, it can be divided into Xiaoping, Fold Two, Fold Three, Fold Five and Fold Ten.


Xianfeng Qian's categories are multifarious, with 917 kinds collected by the Chinese History Museum. The casting bureau at that time included: Quan, Yuan, Zhi, Ji, Fu, Shan, Chang, He, De, Jin, Yun, Dong, Wu, Gui, Zhe, Ji, Tai, Su, Gong, Chuan, Qian, Nan, Guang, Yili, Dihua, Yeerqiang, Kuqa, Aksu, etc. Baoyuan Bureau has many kinds of materials, such as red copper, brass, iron and lead, with various editions.


Xianfeng Heavy Treasure is a kind of copper coin. This kind of copper coin is very exquisite, with clear, deep and handsome handwriting, excellent copper material, light red and yellow color, and exquisite Qian Wen, with no trace of mud and water. It is slightly larger and heavier than the money circulating in the same edition. The back of ancient coins ( except in the Qing Dynasty ) is mostly smooth, and there are also a few special symbols such as star, moon, four - out, auspicious cloud, and rosefinch, as well as words indicating the time of money supervision and casting. This kind of coin is much more expensive than the one with smooth back.


At present, there is such an ancient coin, Xianfeng Chongbao, displayed on the famous domestic art website, Century Collection. Xianfeng heavy treasure was coin of Qing dynasty, round square hole money. The front of the coin is from top to bottom, from the right to Zuo Shu's " Xianfeng Heavy Treasure" four characters, and the back of the coin is vertically written with " Dang Shi" two characters. This coin is very exquisite, the handwriting is clear, deep and handsome. Qian Wen has a well-written style, strong strokes, vertical and horizontal lines, free lifting, coordinated glyph structure, regular layout, fine copper material, light yellow color, and a clear sense of maturity and old copper color. The cast body is square and round, with clean wearing wheels, and the money is in good condition, and the quality is very good.


