05.31 Wild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou

"Wild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou

A wild giant panda was spotted by an infrared camera in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve in Pengzhou, southwest China's Sichuan Province, the nature reserve said Tuesday.

Wild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou

It was the first time a wild panda has been captured by camera in the nature reserve since 2012.

The video shot on Feb. 16 showed a giant panda walking slowly towards the camera and started to chew it out of curiosity. Staff at the reserve found the video and pictures on May 14 during a routine collection of infrared cameras in the reserve.

Wild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou

The 65 cameras set in the reserve have captured images of several Class-I, II protected animals, including wild pandas, golden monkeys and gnu.

Wild giant panda spotted in PengzhouWild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou

Giant pandas are endangered and live mainly in the mountains of northern Sichuan Province as well as southern Gansu and Shaanxi provinces.

Wild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou

Originally published on

chinadaily.com.cn in May,2018

Wild giant panda spotted in Pengzhou


