03.04 改變時尚攝影的經典照片:Fred with Tires

這是著名時尚攝影師Herb Ritts在1984年拍攝的照片:一個粗狂強健的年輕人,牛仔服系在腰線以下,漂亮的軀幹線條,身上的油汙,超寬的皮帶以及令人回味的環境,它是改變時尚的經典照片之一。事實上,這是拍攝的最後一張照片,精疲力竭的學生模特Fred剛剛停下來歇一會兒,同時問攝影師:“我還要繼續這樣做嗎,累死我了…”,於是經典誕生了。

Fred with Tires I,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires II,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires III,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires IV,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires V,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires VI,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires VII,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

Fred with Tires VIII,Herb Ritts 攝影,1984

