07.11 泰國巖洞救援成功 12少年及教練獲救

Thai cave rescue ends with all 12 boys and coach freed

泰國巖洞救援成功 12少年及教練獲救

泰國巖洞救援成功 12少年及教練獲救

A Thai-led international rescue team has freed the remaining five people who were trapped inside a flooded cave in northern Thailand, concluding a dangerous three-day mission that captivated people around the world.


The final four members of the “Wild Boar” boys’ football team and their 25-year-old coach were last night taken to a hospital in Chiang Rai in northern Thailand, after being trapped inside the Tham Luang cave system for 17 days.

“野豬”少年足球隊的最後四名成員以及他們的25歲教練,昨晚被送往泰國北部清萊(Chiang Rai)的一家醫院,此前他們被困在“睡美人”(Tham Luang)洞穴系統內部深處17天。

Three members of Thailand’s elite Navy Seals force and a doctor exited the cave safely yesterday. The 12 boys and their coach were trapped by a flood on June 23 and were found alive on a muddy ledge inside the cave on July 2.

泰國精銳部隊——海軍海豹突擊隊(Navy Seals)的三名成員和一名醫生昨日安全離開洞穴。12名男孩和他們的教練在6月23日被一股洪水困在洞內,他們於7月2日被發現困在洞穴深處一個泥濘高處。

“Twelve boars and the coach have left the cave, and everyone is safe,” the Thai Navy Seals said on their Facebook page shortly before 7pm local time. “Hoo-yah.”


Narongsak Osottanakorn, head of the rescue mission, thanked the divers and others involved in the operation, saying that Thailand had accomplished “mission impossible” in getting all of the footballers out safely. “We achieved something that nobody believed we would be able to do,” he told a press conference. “It was a world first.”

救援任務負責人納隆薩克•奧索塔納康(Narongsak Osottanakorn)對參與此次行動的潛水員和其他人表示感謝,稱泰國安全救出所有足球運動員,完成了“不可能的任務”。“我們做到了沒有人認為我們做得到的事情,”他在記者會上表示,“這是世界上頭一次。”

The operation to free the group began on Sunday, with rescuers assessing rainfall, water levels in the cave, the boys’ health and divers’ readiness.


The exit of the final group was testament to a meticulously planned and technically gruelling mission that tested the skills of some of the world’s foremost cave rescue experts. Getting the children out required climbing, walking or diving through dark and muddy waters over 3km, and in places squeezing through narrow passages. The children were taken out in pairs, each guided by two divers.


It was initially feared that the rescue could take months. The group’s ordeal drew comparisons with the 33 trapped Chilean miners who were rescued in 2010 after 69 days underground.


Thailand’s military led the rescue, which involved a team dominated by international diving experts. Two British divers found the boys deep inside the cave last week, and volunteers from the US, China, Australia and other countries took part. One diver, Samarn Kunan, a former Thai Navy Seal, collapsed and died inside the cave on Friday.

泰國軍方領導了此次救援行動,而救援團隊以國際潛水專家為主。兩名英國潛水員上週在洞穴深處發現了這些少年,來自美國、中國、澳大利亞和其他國家的志願者參加了此次行動。其中一名潛水員、泰國海軍原海豹突擊隊成員沙曼(Samarn Kunan)上週五因氧氣耗盡在洞內罹難。

