02.28 發現有些朋友都借了網貸,怎麼才能讓借了網貸的人上岸?


網貸這種事情沒有自制力的話,只會越借越上癮,如果沒有還款能力,最後只能是拆東牆補西牆,落得一發不可收拾。我也有朋友借網貸還不上的,催收的能把電話給打爆了,甚至還有罵人的。要想上岸,肯定得對自己的債務有個規劃,有些高利貸是違法的,實在還不上就先不還,不過欠債還錢也是天經地義的,最好是還上本金。還有寫 網貸是合法的,可以協商分期還款,千萬不要不接電話搞失蹤。不論怎麼還款,前提都是你得先讓自己有穩定收入了,才能慢慢上岸。上岸以後再也不要去碰網貸。還有一些人接觸網貸是因為賭,慢慢把自己陷進去了,這種首先是要戒賭,不戒賭即使上了岸,終有一天還是會被拖下水!



Since you want to go ashore, you should firm your determination and believe that you can successfully go ashore if you do the following!


1. Be sure to confess with your family


Parents are one of the few people in the world who care about themselves. No matter whether their families are able to help or not, they should talk to their families as early as possible, the sooner the better.


Although the family emptied their wallets to help you get on the shore, their money didn't fall from the sky. It may take them more than ten years' savings to help you once, or even sell their property. They can help you twice, but they can't help you any more.


If you don't repent, you will only let your close relatives down, miserable, even divorced.


2. Control your consumption


You have to stay away from expenses that don't match your income. If you don't mind spending, you'll have to cut back on your food and clothing for the rest of your life, or be turned away by creditors.


No matter you are gambling or spending money, you must get rid of your bad habits and eliminate unnecessary consumption from the root. Less smoking, less drinking, less going to restaurants, don't buy clothes, and being stingy can save at least a thousand yuan a month. If you stop gambling, you can even reduce your spending by millions.


The most important thing is to give up the loan so that you can never get on the bank.


3. Don't give up your job


Congratulations to those who have jobs. As long as your income is constant, it's only 1 or 2 years to go ashore. If there is an opportunity, try to change a job with a higher salary. Try to do sales, the income is not poor, but also can accumulate contacts, monthly income of 12000 is not a thing. If you don't have a better choice, you should also find more part-time jobs. As long as you earn money faster than the repayment speed, it's not far from success.


Don't be upset if you don't have a job. It is better to find a job within the scope of ability, even if the salary is not high. It is more practical and joyful to shut up the collection with the money you earn than to fill the debt hole with the borrowed money.


It is recommended that you take up a career that may be hard work but has a good income. For example: take away delivery, driving, and sales. On the one hand, hard work can bring you a good income. On the other hand, I feel that money is hard won.


4. Pay back money according to ability


Don't think about avoiding debt. Even without credit investigation, small loan companies have ways to torture you for several years with the information in their hands. The best way is to call them to negotiate repayment, but the money is only enough for the extra interest money of the principal. In the early stage, they will definitely tell you that it's not good. If you don't agree with me, I won't pay it back. They definitely agree. They're not stupid. It's better than nothing!


If the platform agrees to give you interest relief, do not transfer the principal repayment to the collection in private at this time. It is easy to be cheated. It is better to record first, then call the platform customer service for confirmation, and finally make repayment on the app.


5. There is hope in life


Finally, I want to say don't do stupid things, don't do stupid things, don't do stupid things. Life is still a long time, we have done these things silly enough, don't be silly again.


Compared with life and death, it's not a big deal that online loans are overdue. Although the cost of dishonesty is very high, you can find another job if you lose your job, pay a friend if you don't have one, and save if you can't borrow money. But if you lose your life, there is no way to save it.


As long as you are alive, there will be infinite possibilities in the future. If you can't do something, you will die.


Don't think about dying. Your life is worth more than that. You can start again as long as you live within a few years. I hope that all my friends who have seen it will come ashore soon!



