02.28 看美劇學口語:Susan, if I can't have you, no one else can.

[Susan's House]

(At Susan's kitchen table, there are illustrated drawings knights and dragons.)


Mary Alice Voiceover:"We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for their daring, sometimes for their goodness, but mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another we all dream of being rescued."我們因為不同的緣由崇拜英雄,有時因為他們的勇敢,有時因為他們的魄力,有時因為他們的善良,但總的來說,我們崇拜英雄多多少少是因為我們都有被拯救的夢想。daring 勇敢;勇氣

(Susan goes to the coffeemaker by the sink and pours herself a cup. She looks through the kitchen window and sees Mike walking up to the door.蘇珊走到水槽邊的咖啡機倒了一杯咖啡,從廚房的窗戶往外看,看到麥克正朝著她家走來)

(He knocks on the door.)

Mike: "Susan, I know you're in there. We have to talk."


Mike: "This is crazy."這太瘋狂了。

Susan: "I know."我知道

(Mike grabs Susan and they kiss.)

(Cut to Susan standing at the kitchen window again, daydreaming.)


(Susan again opens the door and faces Mike.蘇珊再次打開門,和麥克面對面)

Mike: "Everything the cop said to you is true. I did kill someone. But there's one thing they didn't tell you. I killed for you, Susan."


(Susan grabs Mike and kisses him.蘇珊一把抱住麥克吻起來)

(Cut to Susan standing at the kitchen window again, daydreaming.鏡頭再次切換到蘇珊站在廚房窗戶邊,想入非非起來)

(Susan opens the door and faces Mike. He pulls out a gun and aims at her.蘇珊打開門,麥克拿出一把槍對著她)

Mike: "Susan, if I can't have you, no one else can."


(Susan knocks the gun out of Mike's hand.蘇珊把麥克手裡的槍打掉)

Susan: "Shut up."住口。

(Susan grabs Mike and kisses him. The coffee cup she is holding falls and breaks.蘇珊一把抱住麥克吻起來,手裡咖啡杯掉到地上碎了)

(Cut to Susan standing at the kitchen window again, daydreaming. She looks down at the unbroken cup in her hand. She sees Mike walking toward the door, and then he knocks.鏡頭再次切換到蘇珊戰在廚房的窗戶邊,想入非非起來,她低下頭看著手裡完好的杯子,看到麥克朝自己家門走來,然後敲門。)

(Susan drops to the floor and crawls to the door.蘇珊蹲下去慢慢挪到門邊。)

Mike: "Susan, are you home? Susan, your car is here. I know you're in there. I was hoping we could talk for a minute."


(Susan whimpers and leans against the door. Mike slides a letter under the door. Susan pulls it in.)


Mike: "Susan, maybe you should have waited until I left to do that. All right, look, I know you don't want to see me right now, but I owe you an explanation and it's all in there, all of it. Everything you ever wanted to know about my past, about my reasons for doing what I did. It's all there."


(Susan stands up and looks out the door in time to watch Mike walk away.蘇珊站起來往門外望,目送著麥克走去)

