02.28 Bitwise公司總部,泰國


ASWA search for the balance between the project’s objectives and limitations into the creation of the innovative looking geometry for Bitwise Headquarters, in Samutprakarn, Thailand.

▼總部外觀,exterior view of the headquarters ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

Bitwise公司是一家歷史悠久的空調製造商,擁有豐富的專業經驗,在泰國的空調製造行業中享負盛名。因此設計團隊便以該公司的組織形象和品牌理念為切入點進行設計。然而由於法規的硬性要求,所有的環境設計和功能空間設計都必須在一個26m x 28m的場地內進行,故而建築師決定將建築體量分為兩部分。第一部分由一二層空間構成。該部分被挖去了四分之一的面積以形成一個入口廣場,方便了來訪者的上下車。一層的剩餘部分容納著接待區和一系列會議室,二層的剩餘部分則分佈著一個展覽空間、一個小會議室和一個大型的會議討論區。第二部分由三四層空間構成。這兩層空間被用作公司的辦公空間,在26m x 28m的場地上方完全鋪開,在使用面積上遠大於第一部分。此外,受限於場地紅線的要求,建築體量在四層局部後退,從而形成了最終極具創新性的外觀造型。

▼一二層空間被挖去了四分之一的面積以形成一個入口廣場,the first and second floor are scooped out a one-quarter of the space for the main approach, drop-off, and entrance area ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

Bitwise is a manufacturer of air conditioners whose long track record and experience in the industry in Thailand. Their Headquarters design was realized from the conceptual organization’s image and identity. The concept of rethinking “Innovation” applied to the form of the building. All the context, criteria, and functions needed to fit within the limitation of the buildable area due to regulation, 26×28 m2 space which can be separated into two sections. The first section –the first and second floor- was scooped out a one-quarter of the space for the main approach, drop-off, and entrance area. The remaining space of the first floor is a reception area and meeting rooms then, it has been turned in to an exhibition space, meeting room, and a large conference area on the second floor. The second section – the third and fourth floors – serves as the company’s office space, which takes a whole limitation area of 26×28 m2 and physically bigger than the public space in the first section of the building. The fourth floor also has a limitation of the setback regulation to form the shape of the building.

▼總部外觀,三四層空間在場地上方完全鋪開,exterior view of the headquarters, the third and fourth floors take a whole limitation area of 26×28 m2 ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA


For an architectural structure, the conventional column structure was eliminated to create a form that could correspond not only to the required functionality but also the company’s approach toward image branding for Bitwise Headquarters. For the space of almost a 1,500 m2 capacity on the third and fourth floor to be able to cantilever 14 meters from the main structure and overhang above the drop-off area by using steel truss.

▼建築體量在三四層空間向外懸挑14米,the third and fourth floors are able to cantilever 14 meters from the main structure ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼懸挑部分在鋼桁架的支撐下“懸浮”在首層入口廣場的上方,the cantilever overhangs above the drop-off area by using steel truss ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA


▼總部大樓的立面採用三角形元素和鋁製的百葉窗,the facade with triangulated geometric patterns and aluminum louvers ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

The truss structure also appears within the interior space of the third floor, these triangulated geometric patterns from the structure were selected for the facade cladding pattern of the building’s exterior shell. The double-layered exterior shell for the south and west facade is the solution for such requirements with aluminum louvers whose forms are similar to those of ventilation fins of an air conditioner. The louvers welcome in the presence of natural light and outside surroundings.

▼室內局部,partial interior view ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼桁架結構也出現在三層室內空間中,the truss structure also appears within the interior space of the third floor ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼辦公空間局部,外表皮上的三角形洞口滿足採光要求,partial view of the office space, the triangulated geometric patterns of the facade promote the natural light ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼外表皮與樓板形成露臺空間,the terrace formed by facade and slab ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼陽光透過百葉窗形成光影效果,the louvers welcome in the presence of natural light ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA


Bitwise Headquarters is an innovative experiment where architecture, engineering, and construction become parts of the conceptualization and development process in which a building’s physicality and functionality are conceived, not only to represent but also innately from the owner’s true identity.

▼鋁製百葉,the louvers ©Phuttipan Aswakool

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼一層平面圖,1F plan ©ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼二層平面圖,2F plan ©ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼屋頂平面圖,roof plan ©ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼立面圖,elevations ©ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼剖面圖1,section 1 ©ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

▼剖面圖2,section 2 ©ASWA

Bitwise公司總部,泰國 / ASWA

