02.25 SIIA天天練29(劃重點:1句子結構分析 2標題歸納與主旨概括)

SIIA天天練29 (劃重點:1. 句子結構分析 2. 標題歸納與主旨概括)


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SIIA天天練29(劃重點:1句子結構分析 2標題歸納與主旨概括)

Practice Daily



1. He is well known _______being tolerant and generous towards others.

2. The Iraqi Air Force has already taken over _______used to be a large American base, which is now known as the Imam Ali Airfield.

3. From there they turned their horses around to make it seem _______though they were returning from Romagna.

4. Her stories often tell about the beauty and power of wilderness, and the young people _______(try) to survive in it.

5. According to China’s Criminal Law, the death sentence _______(give) to him is legal and it has nothing to do with human rights concerns.

6. If _______(discover) early, breast cancer can cost 10,000 to 20,000 yuan to treat.

7. The study work of _______ (safe) science and technology is one of the important chains in the great system engineering.


§ If only people would put as much effort into stopping the destruction of the Earth as they’ve put into ruining it, this would be a better world.

8. According to the writer, _______ (one word) is to blame for putting the Earth in trouble.

§ Recently, the issue of the supposition about future life with robots is of great interest among many people. As a big fan of high-tech devices and science fiction, here is my imagination about the future-robot-life.

9. The best title of the passage would be______________. (4 words)

§ Maloof hopes the advances will encourage more students to study science, technology, engineering and math, preparing them to play a role in future innovations.

10. The underlined word “innovations” means______________.



1. for。Be known for意為“因……而出名”而be known as則是“作為……而有名”。

2. what。考查賓語從句。從句中缺主語,既不“指人”也不“指哪一個”,所以用what。

3. as. 考查seem後面的賓語從句,as if/as though,意為“好像”。

4. trying。考查句子的並列成分。此處trying與the beauty相併列,做介詞about的賓語。

5. given。過去分詞作定語。

6. discovered。條件狀語從句的省略句。

7. safety。名詞作定語。


8. man。man不加冠詞,也不用複數,指“人類”,相當於mankind, humans, human beings。

9. Future Life with Robots

10. creations (創新)常識理解

