arXiv 每日論文集 53 篇 02.25 更新

今日 arXiv 論文集

「今日 arXiv 論文集」是 AI 研習社論文板塊推出的全新欄目,每日為你自動抓取arXiv上更新的論文並且按照不同領域分類打包成集,方便社區用戶以最快的速度,最便捷的方式一件打包下載學術成果,獲取知識養分。

今日更新 arXiv論文集:5個


Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 18篇


Artificial Intelligence 16篇


Multiagent Systems 1篇


Machine Learning 10篇


Computer Science and Game Theory 8篇


Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 18篇


Fine-Grained Instance-Level Sketch-Based Video Retrieval

SummaryNet: A Multi-Stage Deep Learning Model for Automatic Video Summarisation

Human Action Recognition using Local Two-Stream Convolution Neural Network Features and Support Vector Machines

The Automated Inspection of Opaque Liquid Vaccines

3D U-Net for Segmentation of Plant Root MRI Images in Super-Resolution

Deep Multi-Facial Patches Aggregation Network For Facial Expression Recognition

Learning to Inpaint by Progressively Growing the Mask Regions

Stochastic Latent Residual Video Prediction

Unsupervised Enhancement of Soft-biometric Privacy with Negative Face Recognition

Robust Iris Presentation Attack Detection Fusing 2D and 3D Information

Affective Expression Analysis in-the-wild using Multi-Task Temporal Statistical Deep Learning Model

Face Phylogeny Tree Using Basis Functions

Adapted Center and Scale Prediction: More Stable and More Accurate

Unsupervised Pre-trained, Texture Aware And Lightweight Model for Deep Learning-Based Iris Recognition Under Limited Annotated Data

Artificial Intelligence 16篇


Clustering as an Evaluation Protocol for Knowledge Embedding Representation of Categorised Multi-relational Data in the Clinical Domain

On The Reasons Behind Decisions

Language as a Cognitive Tool to Imagine Goals in Curiosity-Driven Exploration

A Road Map to Strong Intelligence

A Model-Based, Decision-Theoretic Perspective on Automated Cyber Response

Graph4Code: A Machine Interpretable Knowledge Graph for Code

A Hybrid Algorithm Based Robust Big Data Clustering for Solving Unhealthy Initialization, Dynamic Centroid Selection and Empty clustering Problems with Analysis

Is Aligning Embedding Spaces a Challenging Task? An Analysis of the Existing Methods

Anonymizing Data for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning

Accelerating Reinforcement Learning with a Directional-Gaussian-Smoothing Evolution Strategy

Designing Fair AI for Managing Employees in Organizations: A Review, Critique, and Design Agenda

How to Evaluate Solutions in Pareto-based Search-Based Software Engineering? A Critical Review and Methodological Guidance

A Novel Framework for Selection of GANs for an Application

Precise neural network computation with imprecise analog devices

Multiagent Systems 1篇


Distributed No-Regret Learning in Multi-Agent Systems

Machine Learning 10篇


Clustering as an Evaluation Protocol for Knowledge Embedding Representation of Categorised Multi-relational Data in the Clinical Domain

A Road Map to Strong Intelligence

Learning Fairness-aware Relational Structures

A Hybrid Algorithm Based Robust Big Data Clustering for Solving Unhealthy Initialization, Dynamic Centroid Selection and Empty clustering Problems with Analysis

Is Aligning Embedding Spaces a Challenging Task? An Analysis of the Existing Methods

Anonymizing Data for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning

Accelerating Reinforcement Learning with a Directional-Gaussian-Smoothing Evolution Strategy

Designing Fair AI for Managing Employees in Organizations: A Review, Critique, and Design Agenda

A Novel Framework for Selection of GANs for an Application

Precise neural network computation with imprecise analog devices

Computer Science and Game Theory 8篇


Ranking an Assortment of Products via Sequential Submodular Optimization

The Complexity of Determining the Necessary and Possible Top-k Winners in Partial Voting Profiles

Green Security Game with Community Engagement

Common knowledge equilibrium of separable securities in distributed information market

Distributed No-Regret Learning in Multi-Agent Systems

Heavy Tails Make Happy Buyers

GANs May Have No Nash Equilibria

Optimizing Vulnerability-Driven Honey Traffic Using Game Theory

arXiv 每日论文集 53 篇 02.25 更新


