The Travelers and the Hatchet旅行者和斧頭

Two men were traveling along the same road when one of them picked up a hatchet and cried, "Look what I've found!"

"Don't say I," responded the other, "but look what we have found.""

Some time later the man who had lost the hatchet appeared and claimed that the man who found it had stolen it.

"Alas, "the accused said to his companion, "we are done for."

"Don't say we,"the other replied, "but I am done for. Remember, whoever doesn't let his friend share the prize cannot expect him to share the danger."

  • one of…之一
  • hatchet短柄小斧
  • cried哭; 哭泣; 喊叫; 呼喊; 呼叫; 發出刺耳的叫聲; 嗥叫; 吠; cry的過去分詞和過去式
  • 've(=value engineering)價值工程學; 同“have”
  • responded回答,回應; 作出反應; 響應; 反應靈敏; 作出正確反應; respond的過去分詞和過去式
  • Some time早晚; 一段時間
  • Alas哎呀,唉
  • companion旅伴; 伴侶; 陪伴; 夥伴,同伴; 同甘共苦的夥伴
  • whoever…的那個人; …的任何人; 無論誰; 不管什麼人; 究竟是誰,到底是誰
  • 兩個人沿著同一條路一起走著,其中一個人拿起斧頭喊道:“看我找到了什麼!”





    The Travelers and the Hatchet旅行者和斧頭

    The Travelers and the Hatchet旅行者和斧頭

