看美剧学口语:revel in sb's misery 幸灾乐祸

[Lynette's House, bathroom]

(Gabrielle hurriedly brushes her teeth. A little later, she uses a washcloth to give herself a quick sponge bath on her arms and neck. After making herself look presentable, she takes the washcloth she was using and tosses it to the side. )

Mary Alice Voiceover:"With no indoor plumbing, Gabrielle was now forced to improvise when it came to her personal hygiene wherever and whenever she had the opportunity."


improvisev. 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时准备

(A few minutes later, she enters Lynette's kitchen and sits down at the table, where she picks up her cards and reaches for some food in the center of the table.)

Gabrielle: "Ahem. Sorry."

Edie: "That's okay. I was just about to give a Maisy Gibbons update."


Lynette: "Guys, we should

be ashamed of ourselves for reveling in that woman's misery. That being said, Edie, please continue."


be ashamed of对 ... 感到羞耻

revel v.陶醉;狂欢作乐;扬扬得 意 revel in: 深爱;酷爱;着迷 misery 痛苦; 悲惨

reveling in that woman's misery.字面意思是,我们以这个女人的悲惨痛苦来作乐,可以译成:幸灾乐祸

Edie: "Well, I hear from a very reliable source that Maisy's gonna cut a deal with the prosecution. Apparently, she has some high-profile johns, and the D.A.

's looking for a second term."


high-profile johns高级客户


1.John ①厕所;因为最早的马桶是一个名叫Dr. John Harington的人设计的


2. John Hancock n.亲笔签名

John Hancock是美国独立战争期间马萨诸塞州的一个政客后来成为美国第三任总统,他在《独立宣言》上的签名潇洒有力,引人注目,由于这个原因,英文中“John Hancock”就成为签名的代名词。

地区检察官(District Attorney) D.A.、州检察官(State Attorney)S.A.

Lynette: "I don't get it. I don't get who would pay Maisy for sex."


Gabrielle: "Obviously, someone who's not getting it at home."


Edie: "So, the upshot is Maisy is going to turn over her little black book with all of her clients' names."


upshot n. 结果,结局;要点

Lynette: "Really?."真的?

Edie: "Yep. I mean, can you imagine the fallout when this goes public? Ooh, blood on the walls."

真的。想想这份名单公之于众将会怎么样? 势必掀起血雨腥风

fallout n. 原子尘的降下;辐射尘;余波;附带结果

public adj. 公众的;公共的;公开的

go public (go 连系动词)把(秘密、消息等)公开;公开宣布使公司上市; 挂牌

Gabrielle: "I'm all in."我全押上

Lynette: "I'll call. Bree?“


Bree: "Uh, what just happened?"刚刚怎啦?

Lynette: "The stakes were raised."赌注提高了。

Bree: "Yes, yes, they were. I fold."没错。我不跟

I fold. 我不玩了

