Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計


All climates like exceptions. Warmer when it is cold. Cooler in the tropics. People do not resist thermal shock well. Nor do works of art. Such elementary observations have influenced the Louvre Abu Dhabi. It wishes to create a welcoming world serenely combining light and shadow, reflection and calm. It wishes to belong to a country, to its history, to its geography without becoming a flat translation, the pleonasm that results in boredom and convention. It also aims at emphasizing the fascination generated by rare encounters. – Jean Nouvel

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計


Pritzker-prize winning architect Jean Nouvel sought inspiration for the concept of Louvre Abu Dhabi in traditional Arabic architectural culture. Taking a contextual approach to the site, Nouvel designed Louvre Abu Dhabi as a ‘museum city’ in the sea. Its contrasting series of white buildings take inspiration from the medina and low-lying Arab settlements. In total, 55 individual buildings, including 23 galleries, make up this museum city. The façades of the buildings are made up of 3,900 panels of ultra-high performance fibre concrete (UHPC).

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

直徑達180米的巨大圓形穹頂覆蓋了博物館之城的主體,從海洋、附近區域乃至阿布扎比都可以清楚地看到它的存在。這座穹頂由來自奧地利的專業鋼結構公司Waagner Biro建造,包含8層結構:4個不鏽鋼外層,以及4個鋁製內層,並由5米高的鋼架進行劃分。鋼架由10000個結構部件構成,預先裝配在85個超大尺寸的結構當中,每個結構重量可達50噸。

A vast dome, 180 metres in diameter, covers the majority of the museum city and is visible from the sea, the surrounding areas and Abu Dhabi city. This dome was constructed by the Austrian company Waagner Biro who specialize in steel structures. The dome consists of eight different layers: four outer layers clad in stainless steel and four inner layers clad in aluminium separated by a steel frame five metres high. The frame is made of 10,000 structural components pre-assembled into 85 super-sized elements, each weighing up to 50 tonnes.

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

穹頂的複雜紋理以極其深入的幾何學研究為基礎,在製作期間,讓·努維爾工作室的建築設計團隊與BuroHappold Engineering的結構工程師們進行了密切的合作。穹頂上的圖案在八個重疊的層面上以多種尺寸和角度重複排布,使射入的每一束光線都必先經過八個層次的過濾,然後逐漸淡出。隨著日照路徑的變化,穹頂最終呈現出一種夢幻的效果。夜裡,穹頂的圖案將形成7850顆星星,將室內與室外同時點亮。以“光之雨”為名,這一現象在建造過程中被運用到眾多模型和原型之中,同時也成為了設計概念中最典型的特徵之一。

The dome’s complex pattern is the result of a highly studied geometric design. It involved close collaboration between the architectural design team at Ateliers Jean Nouvel and the structural engineers at BuroHappold Engineering. The pattern is repeated at various sizes and angles in the eight superimposed layers. Each ray of light must penetrate the eight layers before appearing then disappearing. The result is a cinematic effect as the sun’s path progresses throughout the day. At night, it forms 7,850 stars visible from both inside and out. Named the ‘rain of light’, this effect has been the subject of many models and mock-ups over the years and is one of the defining features of the concept.

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計


The dome is supported by only four permanent piers, each 110 metres apart. These are hidden within the museum buildings to give the impression that the dome is floating. The interior dome elevation is 29 metres from the ground floor to the underside of the cladding. The highest point of the dome is 40 metres above sea level and 36 metres above ground floor level. The museum design is a collaboration between traditional design and modern construction techniques. The tranquil environment encourages visitors to enjoy the ever-changing relationship between the sun and the dome and between sea, buildings and land. The complex engineering concept made Louvre Abu Dhabi one of the most innovative and challenging museum projects to be built in recent times.

室內展覽空間 | Interior exhibition spaces


The interior exhibition spaces, comprising museum galleries, temporary exhibition spaces and Children’s Museum, make up 8,600 square metres. The museum galleries incorporate approximately 6,400 square metres and showcase approximately 600 artworks. The two-stories-Children’s Museum completes the ensemble with approximately 200 square metres specially laid out for Louvre Abu Dhabi’s youngest visitors.

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

博物館畫廊 | Museum galleries


Specially designed by Ateliers Jean Nouvel, the floors, walls and ceiling surfaces of the museum galleries re-enforce the palatial dimensions of Louvre Abu Dhabi. The floor paving is made of stone modules framed in bronze: throughout the galleries, the choice of stone responds to the period of the artworks on show. The walls provide hanging flexibility: all subsidiary equipment may be concealed within special wall slots.

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計


Filtered natural light can be present in all the galleries, either from lateral windows with views onto the surrounding environment or through zenithal lighting. This involves the use of glass mirrors to capture sunlight and direct it into the gallery spaces while also scattering rays to avoid glare. There are 17 glass ceilings within the museum galleries. Each is made up of 18 different types of glass panels. In total, there are over 25,000 individual pieces of glass. These glass ceilings incorporate both natural and artificial lighting to provide an optimal lighting system for the artworks on display.

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計


To meet stringent environmental control requirements within the museum galleries, the design team developed a system which cannot deviate by more than one degree from 21 degrees centigrade or 5% humidity range. This guarantees exceptionally stable environmental conditions for artworks and visitors. Fire detection and suppression systems within the galleries require special measures in order to avoid damage to the artwork.

環境 | Environmental features


Passive design techniques use the natural form of buildings and inherent properties of materials to improve climatic conditions. Together, these techniques achieve the following benefits: 42% reduction in solar gain; 27.2% reduction in energy use; 27% reduction in water use; Louvre Abu Dhabi’s design is targeting a LEED Silver rating and has achieved a 3 pearl Estidama Design Rating. At the beginning of the construction process, the museum was built within a dry dock. Construction of the dry dock began with the installation of a rock embankment, technically known as a revetment. This created a new, temporary coastline on the south-west corner of Saadiyat Island, which was then backfilled using sand pumped from the sea bed. Louvre Abu Dhabi is protected from the open sea by approximately 280 marine piles as well as concrete breakwaters, tidal pools and a specially designed ‘wearing wall’ system.

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

佈局圖和立面圖 plans and sections:

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

結構圖 structures:

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

Jean Nouvel: 阿布扎比盧浮宮設計

建築師:Ateliers Jean Nouvel

地址:薩迪亞特文化區, 阿布扎比,阿拉伯聯合酋長國

首席建築師:Ateliers Jean Nouvel

建築師合夥人:Hala Warde

建築面積:97000.0 平方米


攝影師:Roland Halbe, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, Fatima Al Shamsi, Mohamed Somji

藝術委員會:Jenny Holzer Giuseppe Penone

項目負責人:Jean-François Bourdet, Anna Ugolini (rchitecture / Interior Design / Museography); Sabrina Letourneur, Frédéric Imbert (Design); Damien Faraut, Athina Faraut (Construction)

高級建築師:Rolando Rodriguez-Leal, Mireia Sala Font, Anne Traband, Michal Treder, Natalia Wrzask

設計團隊:Raphael Renard, Reda Slaoui, Youssef Tohme, Qiang Zou, Stefan Zopp, Kris Geldolf, Roula Akiki, Alessandro Balducci, Jessica Caldi, Camille Dauty, Mark Davis, Stacy Eisenberg, Marion Foucault, Steven Fuhrman, Virginie Heckle, Stéphanie Menem, Abel Patacho, Miguel Reyes, Kathryn Stutts, Jordi Vinyals, Sébastien Yeou, Mariam Abuebeid, Sara Al Sawi, Kelly Anastassiou, Donna Ashraf, Jessica Caldi, Daniella De Almeida, Fay El Mutwalli, Maryam Hosny, Zaina Khayyat, Youmna Najjar

室內設計:Eric Nespoulous / JND

效果圖:Artefactory (Eric Anton), Jugulta Le Clerre, Clément Oudin, Raphael Renard

平面設計:Rafaelle Ishkinazi, Marie Maillard, Léo Grunstein, Clovis Vallois

工程師:ARUP (Concept Design); BuroHappold, Transsolar (Schematic Design); Andrew Snalune (Façades); BuroHappold (Construction)

博物館技術學:Renaud Pierard

標識:Philippe Apeloig, Kristian Sarkis


透視法、多媒體:dUCKS scéno

景觀設計:Michel Desvigne, Jean-Claude Hardy

音響效果:Studio DAP

成本顧問:MDA Consulting


模型製作:Jean-Louis Courtois

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