An opportunity has presented itself. 好機會來了

1."Hi, um, I don’t know if I have the right address. Does John Rowland live here?"

嗨, 嗯...我不知道我找對地方了沒有,John Rowland住這兒嗎?

address: 地址

2. "I’m really glad you came by. I was gonna call you again tomorrow."


3."Uh, yeah, I’m, I'm sorry I haven’t returned any of your calls."

嗯, 我 --我很抱歉一個電話也沒你。

4. "It’s okay. I’m just happy to see you. I heard about Mr. Solis. It sucks you had to take a job."

沒事, 很高興見到你!我聽說Solis先生的事了,你還必須去工作, 這真是太糟了

suck: [俚語] 糟糕,太爛了

5. "Yeah, well, you know me, I’ll


是啊, 你知道我的 --我生命力頑強。

survive: 倖存;從…中堅持過來

6. "Come here."


7."Oh, no. John. I, uh, I didn’t come here for that."

哦, 不, John。.我不是為那個而來。

8. "What’s wrong?"


9. "Well, I heard that you’re going full time with your gardening business. What happened to college?"


gardening: 園藝 college: 大學

10."I decided not to go."

decide: 決定


11. "Why?"


12. "Well, an opportunity has presented itself, and for me to take advantage of it, I need to start making money."


opportunity: 機會,機遇 present: 呈現

An opportunity has presented itself.好機會來了。(天上掉餡餅)

13. "John, what opportunity is more important than college?"

John, 有什麼餡餅比大學更誘人?

14. "For the longest time, the only thing I had to offer you was my heart.Mr. Solis gave you security, and I couldn’t compete. But now, he can’t even offer you that.



security: 保障 compete: 競爭

15.And I can. My business is taking off. I can take care of you. We can finally be together."

而我能,我的事業開始騰飛了, 我能照顧你,我們終於能在一起了。

business: 事業,生意

